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In the rapidly evolving landscape of artificial intelligence, open-source large language models (LLMs) are emerging as pivotal tools for democratizing AI technology and fostering innovation.

These models offer unparalleled accessibility, allowing researchers, developers, and organizations to train, fine-tune, and deploy sophisticated AI systems without the constraints imposed by proprietary solutions.

Open-source LLMs are not just about code transparency; they represent a collaborative effort to push the boundaries of what AI can achieve, ensuring that advancements are shared and built upon by the global community.

Llama 3.1, the latest release from Meta Platforms Inc., epitomizes the potential and promise of open-source LLMs. With a staggering 405 billion parameters, Llama 3.1 is designed to compete with the best-closed models from tech giants like OpenAI and Anthropic PBC.


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In this blog, we will explore all the information you need to know about Llama 3.1 and its impact on the world of LLMs.

What is Llama 3.1?

Llama 3.1 is Meta Platforms Inc.’s latest and most advanced open-source artificial intelligence model. Released in July 2024, the LLM is designed to compete with some of the most powerful closed models on the market, such as those from OpenAI and Anthropic PBC.

The release of Llama 3.1 marks a significant milestone in the large language model (LLM) world by democratizing access to advanced AI technology. It is available in three versions—405B, 70B, and 8B parameters—each catering to different computational needs and use cases.

The model’s open-source nature not only promotes transparency and collaboration within the AI community but also provides an affordable and efficient alternative to proprietary models.


Here’s a comparison between open-source and closed-source LLMs


Meta has taken steps to ensure the model’s safety and usability by integrating rigorous safety systems and making it accessible through various cloud providers. This release is expected to shift the industry towards more open-source AI development, fostering innovation and potentially leading to breakthroughs that benefit society as a whole.

Benchmark Tests

    • GSM8K: Llama 3.1 beats models like Claude 3.5 and GPT-4o in GSM8K, which tests math word problems.
    • Nexus: The model also outperforms these competitors in Nexus benchmarks.
    • HumanEval: Llama 3.1 remains competitive in HumanEval, which assesses the model’s ability to generate correct code solutions.
    • MMLU: It performs well on the Massive Multitask Language Understanding (MMLU) benchmark, which evaluates a model’s ability to handle a wide range of topics and tasks.


Llama 3.1 - human evaluation benchmark
Results of Llama 3.1 405B model with human evaluation benchmark – Source: Meta


Architecture of Llama 3.1

The architecture of Llama 3.1 is built upon a standard decoder-only transformer model, which has been adapted with some minor changes to enhance its performance and usability. Some key aspects of the architecture include:

  1. Decoder-Only Transformer Model:
    • Llama 3.1 utilizes a decoder-only transformer model architecture, which is a common framework for language models. This architecture is designed to generate text by predicting the next token in a sequence based on the preceding tokens.
  2. Parameter Size:
    • The model has 405 billion parameters, making it one of the largest open-source AI models available. This extensive parameter size allows it to handle complex tasks and generate high-quality outputs.
  3. Training Data and Tokens:
    • Llama 3.1 was trained on more than 15 trillion tokens. This extensive training dataset helps the model to learn and generalize from a vast amount of information, improving its performance across various tasks.
  4. Quantization and Efficiency:
    • For users interested in model efficiency, Llama 3.1 supports fp8 quantization, which requires the fbgemm-gpu package and torch >= 2.4.0. This feature helps to reduce the model’s computational and memory requirements while maintaining performance.


Llama 3.1 - outlook of the model architecture
Outlook of the Llama 3.1 model architecture – Source: Meta


These architectural choices make Llama 3.1 a robust and versatile AI model capable of performing a wide range of tasks with high efficiency and safety.


Revisit and read about Llama 3 and Meta AI


Three Main Models in the Llama 3.1 Family

Llama 3.1 includes three different models, each with varying parameter sizes to cater to different needs and use cases. These models are the 405B, 70B, and 8B versions.

405B Model

This model is the largest in the Llama 3.1 lineup, boasting 405 billion parameters. The model is designed for highly complex tasks that require extensive processing power. It is suitable for applications such as multilingual conversational agents, long-form text summarization, and other advanced AI tasks.

The LLM model excels in general knowledge, math, tool use, and multilingual translation. Despite its large size, Meta has made this model open-source and accessible through various platforms, including Hugging Face, GitHub, and several cloud providers like AWS, Nvidia, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud.


Llama 3.1 - Benchmark comparison of 405B model
Benchmark comparison of 405B model – Source: Meta


70B Model

The 70B model has 70 billion parameters, making it significantly smaller than the 405B model but still highly capable. It is suitable for tasks that require a balance between performance and computational efficiency. It can handle advanced reasoning, long-form summarization, multilingual conversation, and coding capabilities.

Like the 405B model, the 70B version is also open-source and available for download and use on various platforms. However, it requires substantial hardware resources, typically around 8 GPUs, to run effectively.

8B Model

With 8 billion parameters, the 8B model is the smallest in the Llama 3.1 family. This smaller size makes it more accessible for users with limited computational resources.

This model is ideal for tasks that require less computational power but still need a robust AI capability. It is suitable for on-device tasks, classification tasks, and other applications that need smaller, more efficient models.

It can be run on a single GPU, making it the most accessible option for users with limited hardware resources. It is also open-source and available through the same platforms as the larger models.


Llama 3.1 - Benchmark comparison of 70B and 8B models
Benchmark comparison of 70B and 8B models – Source: Meta


Key Features of Llama 3.1

Meta has packed its latest LLM with several key features that make it a powerful and versatile tool in the realm of AI Below are the primary features of Llama 3.1:

Multilingual Support

The model supports eight new languages, including French, German, Hindi, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish, among others. This expands its usability across different linguistic and cultural contexts.

Extended Context Window

It has a 128,000-token context window, which allows it to process long sequences of text efficiently. This feature is particularly beneficial for applications such as long-form summarization and multilingual conversation.


Learn more about the LLM context window paradox


State-of-the-Art Capabilities

Llama 3.1 excels in tasks such as general knowledge, mathematics, tool use, and multilingual translation. It is competitive with leading closed models like GPT-4 and Claude 3.5 Sonnet.

Safety Measures

Meta has implemented rigorous safety testing and introduced tools like Llama Guard to moderate the output and manage the risks of misuse. This includes prompt injection filters and other safety systems to ensure responsible usage.

Availability on Multiple Platforms

Llama 3.1 can be downloaded from Hugging Face, GitHub, or directly from Meta. It is also accessible through several cloud providers, including AWS, Nvidia, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud, making it versatile and easy to deploy.

Efficiency and Cost-Effectiveness

Developers can run inference on Llama 3.1 405B on their own infrastructure at roughly 50% of the cost of using closed models like GPT-4o, making it an efficient and affordable option.



These features collectively make Llama 3.1 a robust, accessible, and highly capable AI model, suitable for a wide range of applications from research to practical deployment in various industries.

What Safety Measures are Included in the LLM?

Llama 3.1 incorporates several safety measures to ensure that the model’s outputs are secure and responsible. Here are the key safety features included:

  1. Risk Assessments and Safety Evaluations: Before releasing Llama 3.1, Meta conducted multiple risk assessments and safety evaluations. This included extensive red-teaming with both internal and external experts to stress-test the model.
  2. Multilingual Capabilities Evaluation: Meta scaled its evaluations across the model’s multilingual capabilities to ensure that outputs are safe and sensible beyond English.
  3. Prompt Injection Filter: A new prompt injection filter has been added to mitigate risks associated with harmful inputs. Meta claims that this filter does not impact the quality of responses.
  4. Llama Guard: This built-in safety system filters both input and output. It helps shift safety evaluation from the model level to the overall system level, allowing the underlying model to remain broadly steerable and adaptable for various use cases.
  5. Moderation Tools: Meta has released tools to help developers keep Llama models safe by moderating their output and blocking attempts to break restrictions.
  6. Case-by-Case Model Release Decisions: Meta plans to decide on the release of future models on a case-by-case basis, ensuring that each model meets safety standards before being made publicly available.

These measures collectively aim to make Llama 3.1 a safer and more reliable model for a wide range of applications.

How Does Llama 3.1 Address Environmental Sustainability Concerns?

Meta has placed environmental sustainability at the center of the LLM’s development by focusing on model efficiency rather than merely increasing model size.

Some key areas to ensure the models remained environment-friendly include:

Efficiency Innovations

Victor Botev, co-founder and CTO of, emphasizes that innovations in model efficiency might benefit the AI community more than simply scaling up to larger sizes. Efficient models can achieve similar or superior results while reducing costs and environmental impact.

Open Source Nature

It allows for broader scrutiny and optimization by the community, leading to more efficient and environmentally friendly implementations. By enabling researchers and developers worldwide to explore and innovate, the model fosters an environment where efficiency improvements can be rapidly shared and adopted.


Read more about the rise of open-source language models



Access to Advanced Models

Meta’s approach of making Llama 3.1 open source and available through various cloud providers, including AWS, Nvidia, Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud, ensures that the model can be run on optimized infrastructure that may be more energy-efficient compared to on-premises solutions.

Synthetic Data Generation and Model Distillation

The Llama 3.1 model supports new workflows like synthetic data generation and model distillation, which can help in creating smaller, more efficient models that maintain high performance while being less resource-intensive.

By focusing on efficiency and leveraging the collaborative power of the open-source community, Llama 3.1 aims to mitigate the environmental impact often associated with large AI models.

Future Prospects and Community Impact

The future prospects of Llama 3.1 are promising, with Meta envisioning a significant impact on the global AI community. Meta aims to democratize AI technology, allowing researchers, developers, and organizations worldwide to harness its power without the constraints of proprietary systems.

Meta is actively working to grow a robust ecosystem around Llama 3.1 by partnering with leading technology companies like Amazon, Databricks, and NVIDIA. These collaborations are crucial in providing the necessary infrastructure and support for developers to fine-tune and distill their own models using Llama 3.1.

For instance, Amazon, Databricks, and NVIDIA are launching comprehensive suites of services to aid developers in customizing the models to fit their specific needs.


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This ecosystem approach not only enhances the model’s utility but also promotes a diverse range of applications, from low-latency, cost-effective inference serving to specialized enterprise solutions offered by companies like Scale.AI, Dell, and Deloitte.

By fostering such a vibrant ecosystem, Meta aims to make Llama 3.1 the industry standard, driving widespread adoption and innovation.

Ultimately, Meta envisions a future where open-source AI drives economic growth, enhances productivity, and improves quality of life globally, much like how Linux transformed cloud computing and mobile operating systems.

July 24, 2024

Will machines ever think, learn, and innovate like humans?

This bold question lies at the heart of Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), a concept that has fascinated scientists and technologists for decades.

Unlike the narrow AI systems we interact with today—like voice assistants or recommendation engines—AGI aims to replicate human cognitive abilities, enabling machines to understand, reason, and adapt across a multitude of tasks.

Current AI models, such as GPT-4, are gaining significant popularity due to their ability to generate outputs for various use cases without special prompting.

While they do exhibit early forms of what could be considered AGI, they are still far from achieving true AGI. Read more

But what is Artificial General Intelligence exactly, and how far are we from achieving it?


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This article dives into the nuances of AGI, exploring its potential, current challenges, and the groundbreaking research propelling us toward this ambitious goal.

What is Artificial General Intelligence

Artificial General Intelligence is a theoretical form of artificial intelligence that aspires to replicate the full range of human cognitive abilities. AGI systems would not be limited to specific tasks or domains but would possess the capability to perform any intellectual task that a human can do. This includes understanding, reasoning, learning from experience, and adapting to new tasks without human intervention.

Qualifying AI as AGI

To qualify as AGI, an AI system must demonstrate several key characteristics that distinguish it from narrow AI applications:

what is artificial general intelligence | Key Features
What is Artificial General Intelligence
  • Generalization Ability: AGI can transfer knowledge and skills learned in one domain to another, enabling it to adapt to new and unseen situations effectively.
  • Common Sense Knowledge: Artificial General Intelligence possesses a vast repository of knowledge about the world, including facts, relationships, and social norms, allowing it to reason and make decisions based on this understanding.
  • Abstract Thinking: The ability to think abstractly and infer deeper meanings from given data or situations.
  • Causation Understanding: A thorough grasp of cause-and-effect relationships to predict outcomes and make informed decisions.
  • Sensory Perception: Artificial General Intelligence systems would need to handle sensory inputs like humans, including recognizing colors, depth, and other sensory information.
  • Creativity: The ability to create new ideas and solutions, not just mimic existing ones. For instance, instead of generating a Renaissance painting of a cat, AGI would conceptualize and paint several cats wearing the clothing styles of each ethnic group in China to represent diversity.

Current Research and Developments in Artificial General Intelligence

  1. Large Language Models (LLMs):
    • GPT-4 is a notable example of recent advancements in AI. It exhibits more general intelligence than previous models and is capable of solving tasks in various domains such as mathematics, coding, medicine, and law without special prompting. Its performance is often close to a human level and surpasses prior models like ChatGPT.

Why GPT-4 Exhibits Higher General Intelligence

    • GPT-4’s capabilities are a significant step towards AGI, demonstrating its potential to handle a broad swath of tasks with human-like performance. However, it still has limitations, such as planning and real-time adaptability, which are essential for true AGI.
  1. Symbolic and Connectionist Approaches:
    • Researchers are exploring various theoretical approaches to develop AGI, including symbolic AI, which uses logic networks to represent human thoughts, and connectionist AI, which replicates the human brain’s neural network architecture.
    • The connectionist approach, often seen in large language models, aims to understand natural languages and demonstrate low-level cognitive capabilities.
  2. Hybrid Approaches:
    • The hybrid approach combines symbolic and sub-symbolic methods to achieve results beyond a single approach. This involves integrating different principles and methods to develop AGI.
  3. Robotics and Embodied Cognition:
    • Advanced robotics integrated with AI is pivotal for AGI development. Researchers are working on robots that can emulate human actions and movements using large behavior models (LBMs).
    • Robotic systems are also crucial for introducing sensory perception and physical manipulation capabilities required for AGI systems 2.
  4. Computing Advancements:
    • Significant advancements in computing infrastructure, such as Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) and quantum computing, are essential for AGI development. These technologies enable the processing of massive datasets and complex neural networks.

Pioneers in the Field of AGI

The field of AGI has been significantly shaped by both early visionaries and modern influencers.

Their combined efforts in theoretical research, practical applications, and ethical considerations continue to drive the field forward.

Understanding their contributions provides valuable insights into the ongoing quest to create machines with human-like cognitive abilities.

Early Visionaries

  1. John McCarthy, Marvin Minsky, Nat Rochester, and Claude Shannon:
  • Contributions: These early pioneers organized the Dartmouth Conference in 1956, which is considered the birth of AI as a field. They conjectured that every aspect of learning and intelligence could, in principle, be so precisely described that a machine could be made to simulate it.
  • Impact: Their work laid the groundwork for the conceptual framework of AI, including the ambitious goal of creating machines with human-like reasoning abilities.

2. Nils John Nilsson:

  • Contributions: Nils John Nilsson was a co-founder of AI as a research field and proposed a test for human-level AI focused on employment capabilities, such as functioning as an accountant or a construction worker.
  • Impact: His work emphasized the practical application of AI in varied domains, moving beyond theoretical constructs.

Modern Influencers

  1. Shane Legg and Demis Hassabis:
  • Contributions: Co-founders of DeepMind have been instrumental in advancing the concept of AGI. DeepMind’s mission to “solve intelligence” reflects its commitment to creating machines with human-like cognitive abilities.
  • Impact: Their work has resulted in significant milestones, such as the development of AlphaZero, which demonstrates advanced general-purpose learning capabilities.

2. Ben Goertzel:

  • Contributions: Goertzel is known for coining the term “Artificial General Intelligence” and for his work on the OpenCog project, an open-source platform aimed at integrating various AI components to achieve AGI.
  • Impact: He has been a vocal advocate for AGI and has contributed significantly to both the theoretical and practical aspects of the field.

3. Andrew Ng:

  • contributions: While often critical of the hype surrounding AGI, Ng has organized workshops and contributed to discussions about human-level AI. He emphasizes the importance of solving real-world problems with current AI technologies while keeping an eye on the future of AGI.
  • Impact: His balanced perspective helps manage expectations and directs focus toward practical AI applications.

4. Yoshua Bengio:

  • Contributions: A co-winner of the Turing Award, Bengio has suggested that achieving AGI requires giving computers common sense and causal inference capabilities.
  • Impact: His research has significantly influenced the development of deep learning and its applications in understanding human-like intelligence.

What is Stopping Us from Reaching AGI?

Achieving Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) involves complex challenges across various dimensions of technology, ethics, and resource management. Here’s a more detailed exploration of the obstacles:

  1. The complexity of Human Intelligence:
    • Human cognition is incredibly complex and not entirely understood by neuroscientists or psychologists. AGI requires not only simulating basic cognitive functions but also integrating emotions, social interactions, and abstract reasoning, which are areas where current AI models are notably deficient.
    • The variability and adaptability of human thought processes pose a challenge. Humans can learn from limited data and apply learned concepts in vastly different contexts, a flexibility that current AI lacks.
  2. Computational Resources:
    • The computational power required to achieve general intelligence is immense. Training sophisticated AI models involves processing vast amounts of data, which can be prohibitive in terms of energy consumption and financial cost.
    • The scalability of hardware and the efficiency of algorithms need significant advancements, especially for models that would need to operate continuously and process information from a myriad of sources in real time.
  3. Safety and Ethics:
    • The development of such a technology raises profound ethical concerns, including the potential for misuse, privacy violations, and the displacement of jobs. Establishing effective regulations to mitigate these risks without stifling innovation is a complex balance to achieve.
    • There are also safety concerns, such as ensuring that systems possessing such powers do not perform unintended actions with harmful consequences. Designing fail-safe mechanisms that can control highly intelligent systems is an ongoing area of research.
  4. Data Limitations:
    • Artificial General Intelligence requires diverse, high-quality data to avoid biases and ensure generalizability. Most current datasets are narrow in scope and often contain biases that can lead AI systems to develop skewed understandings of the world.
    • The problem of acquiring and processing the amount and type of data necessary for true general intelligence is non-trivial, involving issues of privacy, consent, and representation.
  5. Algorithmic Advances:
    • Current algorithms primarily focus on specific domains (like image recognition or language processing) and are based on statistical learning approaches that may not be capable of achieving the broader understanding required for AGI.
    • Innovations in algorithmic design are required that can integrate multiple types of learning and reasoning, including unsupervised learning, causal reasoning, and more.
  6. Scalability and Generalization:
    • AI models today excel in controlled environments but struggle in unpredictable settings—a key feature of human intelligence. AGI requires a system to adapt new knowledge across various domains without extensive retraining.
    • Developing algorithms that can generalize from few examples across diverse environments is a key research area, drawing from both deep learning and other forms of AI like symbolic AI.
  7. Integration of Multiple AI Systems:
    • AGI would likely need to seamlessly integrate specialized systems such as natural language processors, visual recognizers, and decision-making models. This integration poses significant technical challenges, as these systems must not only function together but also inform and enhance each other’s performance.
    • The orchestration of these complex systems to function as a cohesive unit without human oversight involves challenges in synchronization, data sharing, and decision hierarchies.

Each of these areas not only presents technical challenges but also requires consideration of broader impacts on society and individual lives. The pursuit of AGI thus involves multidisciplinary collaboration beyond the field of computer science, including ethics, philosophy, psychology, and public policy.

What is Artificial General Intelligence Future

The quest to understand if machines can truly think, learn, and innovate like humans continues to push the boundaries of Artificial General Intelligence. This pursuit is not just a technical challenge but a profound journey into the unknown territories of human cognition and machine capability.

Despite considerable advancements in AI, such as the development of increasingly sophisticated large language models like GPT-4, which showcase impressive adaptability and learning capabilities, we are still far from achieving true AGI. These models, while advanced, lack the inherent qualities of human intelligence such as common sense, abstract thinking, and a deep understanding of causality—attributes that are crucial for genuine intellectual equivalence with humans.

Thus, while the potential of AGI to revolutionize our world is immense—offering prospects that range from intelligent automation to deep scientific discoveries—the path to achieving such a technology is complex and uncertain. It requires sustained, interdisciplinary efforts that not only push forward the frontiers of technology but also responsibly address the profound implications such developments would have on society and human life.

July 23, 2024

As businesses continue to generate massive volumes of data, the problem is to store this data and efficiently use it to drive decision-making and innovation. Enterprise data management is critical for ensuring that data is effectively managed, integrated, and utilized throughout the organization.

One of the most recent developments in this field is the integration of Large Language Models (LLMs) with enterprise data lakes and warehouses.

This article will look at how orchestration frameworks help develop applications on enterprise data, with a focus on LLM integration, scalable data pipelines, and critical security and governance considerations. We will also give a case study on TechCorp, a company that has effectively implemented these technologies.


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LLM Integration with Enterprise Data Lakes and Warehouses

Large language models, like OpenAI’s GPT-4, have transformed natural language processing and comprehension. Integrating LLMs with company data lakes and warehouses allows for significant insights and sophisticated analytics capabilities.


Benefits of using orchestration frameworks - enterprise data management
Benefits of using orchestration frameworks


Here’s how orchestration frameworks help with this:

Streamlined Data Integration

Use orchestration frameworks like Apache Airflow and AWS Step Functions to automate ETL processes and efficiently integrate data from several sources into LLMs. This automation decreases the need for manual intervention and hence the possibility of errors.

Improved Data Accessibility

Integrating LLMs with data lakes (e.g., AWS Lake Formation, Azure Data Lake) and warehouses (e.g., Snowflake, Google BigQuery) allows enterprises to access a centralized repository for structured and unstructured data. This architecture allows LLMs to access a variety of datasets, enhancing their training and inference capabilities.

Real-time Analytics

Orchestration frameworks enable real-time data processing. Event-driven systems can activate LLM-based analytics as soon as new data arrives, enabling organizations to make quick decisions based on the latest information.


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Scalable Data Pipelines for LLM Training and Inference

Creating and maintaining scalable data pipelines is essential for training and deploying LLMs in an enterprise setting.


enterprise data management - LLM Ops with orchestration frameworks
An example of integrating LLM Ops with orchestration frameworks – Source: LinkedIn


Here’s how orchestration frameworks work: 

Automated Workflows

Orchestration technologies help automate complex operations for LLM training and inference. Tools like Kubeflow Pipelines and Apache NiFi, for example, can handle the entire lifecycle, from data import to model deployment, ensuring that each step is completed correctly and at scale.

Resource Management

Effectively managing computing resources is crucial for processing vast amounts of data and complex computations in LLM procedures. Kubernetes, for example, can be combined with orchestration frameworks to dynamically assign resources based on workload, resulting in optimal performance and cost-effectiveness.

Monitoring and logging

Tracking data pipelines and model performance is essential for ensuring reliability. Orchestration frameworks include built-in monitoring and logging tools, allowing teams to identify and handle issues quickly. This guarantees that the LLMs produce accurate and consistent findings. 

Security and Governance Considerations for Enterprise LLM Deployments

Deploying LLMs in an enterprise context necessitates strict security and governance procedures to secure sensitive data and meet regulatory standards.


enterprise data management - policy-based orchestration framework
An example of a policy-based orchestration framework – Source: ResearchGate


Orchestration frameworks can meet these needs in a variety of ways:

  • Data Privacy and Compliance: Orchestration technologies automate data masking, encryption, and access control processes to implement privacy and compliance requirements, such as GDPR and CCPA. This guarantees that only authorized workers have access to sensitive information.
  • Audit Trails: Keeping accurate audit trails is crucial for tracking data history and changes. Orchestration frameworks can provide detailed audit trails, ensuring transparency and accountability in all data-related actions.
  • Access Control and Identity Management: Orchestration frameworks integrate with IAM systems to guarantee only authorized users have access to LLMs and data. This integration helps to prevent unauthorized access and potential data breaches.
  • Strong Security Protocols: Encryption at rest and in transport is essential for ensuring data integrity. Orchestration frameworks can automate the implementation of these security procedures, maintaining consistency across all data pipelines and operations.


How generative AI and LLMs work


Case Study: Implementing Orchestration Frameworks for Enterprise Data Management at TechCorp

TechCorp is a worldwide technology business focused on software solutions and cloud services. TechCorp generates and handles vast amounts of data every day for its global customer base. The corporation aimed to use its data to make better decisions, improve consumer experiences, and drive innovation.

To do this, TechCorp decided to connect Large Language Models (LLMs) with its enterprise data lakes and warehouses, leveraging orchestration frameworks to improve data management and analytics.  


TechCorp faced a number of issues in enterprise data management:  

  • Data Integration: Difficulty in creating a coherent view due to data silos from diverse sources.
  • Scalability: The organization required efficient data handling for LLM training and inference.
  • Security and Governance: Maintaining data privacy and regulatory compliance was crucial.  
  • Resource Management: Efficiently manage computing resources for LLM procedures without overpaying.




To address these difficulties, TechCorp designed an orchestration system built on Apache Airflow and Kubernetes. The solution included the following components:

Data Integration with Apache Airflow

  • ETL Pipelines were automated using Apache Airflow. Data from multiple sources (CRM systems, transactional databases, and log files) was extracted, processed, and fed into an AWS-based centralized data lake.
  • Data Harmonization: Airflow workflows harmonized data, making it acceptable for LLM training.

Scalable Infrastructure with Kubernetes

  • Dynamic Resource Allocation: Kubernetes used dynamic resource allocation to install LLMs and scale resources based on demand. This method ensured that computational resources were used efficiently during peak periods and scaled down when not required.
  • Containerization: LLMs and other services were containerized with Docker, allowing for consistent and stable deployment across several environments.
  • Data Encryption: All data at rest and in transit was encrypted. Airflow controlled the encryption keys and verified that data protection standards were followed.
  • Access Control: The integration with AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) ensured that only authorized users could access sensitive data and LLM models.
  • Audit Logs: Airflow’s logging capabilities were used to create comprehensive audit trails, ensuring transparency and accountability for all data processes.


Read more about simplifying LLM apps with orchestration frameworks


LLM Integration and Deployment

  • Training Pipelines: Data pipelines for LLM training were automated with Airflow. The training data was processed and supplied into the LLM, which was deployed across Kubernetes clusters. 
  • Inference Services: Real-time inference services were established to process incoming data and deliver insights. These services were provided via REST APIs, allowing TechCorp applications to take advantage of the LLM’s capabilities.

Implementation Steps

  • Planning and design
    • Identifying major data sources and defining ETL needs.
    • Developed architecture for data pipelines, LLM integration, and Kubernetes deployments.
    • Implemented security and governance policies.
  • Deployment
    • Set up Apache Airflow to orchestrate data pipelines.
    • Set up Kubernetes clusters for scalability LLM deployment.
    • Implemented security measures like data encryption and IAM policies.
  • Testing and Optimization
    • Conducted thorough testing of ETL pipelines and LLM models.
    • Improved resource allocation and pipeline efficiency.
    • Monitored data governance policies continuously to ensure compliance.
  • Monitoring and maintenance
    • Implemented tools to track data pipeline and LLM performance.
    • Updated models and pipelines often to enhance accuracy with fresh data.
    • Conducted regular security evaluations and kept audit logs updated.




 TechCorp experienced substantial improvements in its data management and analytics capabilities:  

  • Improved Data Integration: A unified data perspective across the organization leads to enhanced decision-making.
  • Scalability: Efficient resource management and scalable infrastructure resulted in lower operational costs.  
  • Improved Security: Implemented strong security and governance mechanisms to maintain data privacy and regulatory compliance.
  • Advanced Analytics: Real-time insights from LLMs improved customer experiences and spurred innovation.


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Orchestration frameworks are critical for developing robust enterprise data management applications, particularly when incorporating sophisticated technologies such as Large Language Models.

These frameworks enable organizations to maximize the value of their data by automating complicated procedures, managing resources efficiently, and guaranteeing strict security and control.

TechCorp’s success demonstrates how leveraging orchestration frameworks may help firms improve their data management capabilities and remain competitive in a data-driven environment.


Written by Muhammad Hamza Naviwala

July 16, 2024

Generative AI applications like ChatGPT and Gemini are becoming indispensable in today’s world.

However, these powerful tools come with significant risks that need careful mitigation. Among these challenges is the potential for models to generate biased responses based on their training data or to produce harmful content, such as instructions on making a bomb.

Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF) has emerged as the industry’s leading technique to address these issues.

What is RLHF?

Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback is a cutting-edge machine learning technique used to enhance the performance and reliability of AI models. By leveraging direct feedback from humans, RLHF aligns AI outputs with human values and expectations, ensuring that the generated content is both socially responsible and ethical.

Here are several reasons why RLHF is essential and its significance in AI development:

1. Enhancing AI Performance

  • Human-Centric Optimization: RLHF incorporates human feedback directly into the training process, allowing the model to perform tasks more aligned with human goals, wants, and needs. This ensures that the AI system is more accurate and relevant in its outputs.
  • Improved Accuracy: By integrating human feedback loops, RLHF significantly enhances model performance beyond its initial state, making the AI more adept at producing natural and contextually appropriate responses.


2. Addressing Subjectivity and Nuance

  • Complex Human Values: Human communication and preferences are subjective and context-dependent. Traditional methods struggle to capture qualities like creativity, helpfulness, and truthfulness. RLHF allows models to align better with these complex human values by leveraging direct human feedback.
  • Subjectivity Handling: Since human feedback can capture nuances and subjective assessments that are challenging to define algorithmically, RLHF is particularly effective for tasks that require a deep understanding of context and user intent.

3. Applications in Generative AI

  • Wide Range of Applications: RLHF is recognized as the industry standard technique for ensuring that large language models (LLMs) produce content that is truthful, harmless, and helpful. Applications include chatbots, image generation, music creation, and voice assistants .
  • User Satisfaction: For example, in natural language processing applications like chatbots, RLHF helps generate responses that are more engaging and satisfying to users by sounding more natural and providing appropriate contextual information.

4. Mitigating Limitations of Traditional Metrics

  • Beyond BLEU and ROUGE: Traditional metrics like BLEU and ROUGE focus on surface-level text similarities and often fail to capture the quality of text in terms of coherence, relevance, and readability. RLHF provides a more nuanced and effective way to evaluate and optimize model outputs based on human preferences.

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The Process of Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback

Fine-tuning a model with Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback involves a multi-step process designed to align the model with human preferences.

Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback Process
Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback Process

Step 1: Creating a Preference Dataset

A preference dataset is a collection of data that captures human preferences regarding the outputs generated by a language model.

This dataset is fundamental in the Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback process, where it aligns the model’s behavior with human expectations and values.

Here’s a detailed explanation of what a preference dataset is and why it is created:

What is a Preference Dataset?

A preference dataset consists of pairs or sets of prompts and the corresponding responses generated by a language model, along with human annotations that rank these responses based on their quality or preferability.

Components of a Preference Dataset:

1. Prompts

Prompts are the initial queries or tasks posed to the language model. They serve as the starting point for generating responses.

These prompts are sampled from a predefined dataset and are designed to cover a wide range of scenarios and topics to ensure comprehensive training of the language model.


A prompt could be a question like “What is the capital of France?” or a more complex instruction such as “Write a short story about a brave knight”.


2. Generated Text Outputs

These are the responses generated by the language model when given a prompt.

The text outputs are the subject of evaluation and ranking by human annotators. They form the basis on which preferences are applied and learned.


For the prompt “What is the capital of France?”, the generated text output might be “The capital of France is Paris”.

3. Human Annotations

Human annotations involve the evaluation and ranking of the generated text outputs by human annotators.

Annotators compare different responses to the same prompt and rank them based on their quality or preferability. This helps in creating a more regularized and reliable dataset as opposed to direct scalar scoring, which can be noisy and uncalibrated.


Given two responses to the prompt “What is the capital of France?”, one saying “Paris” and another saying “Lyon,” annotators would rank “Paris” higher.

4. Preparing the Dataset:

Objective: Format the collected feedback for training the reward model.


  • Organize the feedback into a structured format, typically as pairs of outputs with corresponding preference labels.
  • This dataset will be used to teach the reward model to predict which outputs are more aligned with human preferences.

How generative AI and LLMs work

Step 2 – Training the Reward Model

Training the reward model is a pivotal step in the RLHF process, transforming human feedback into a quantitative signal that guides the learning of an AI system.

Below, we dive deeper into the key steps involved, including an introduction to model architecture selection, the training process, and validation and testing.

training the reward model for RLHF
Source: HuggingFace

1. Model Architecture Selection

Objective: Choose an appropriate neural network architecture for the reward model.


  • Select a Neural Network Architecture: The architecture should be capable of effectively learning from the feedback dataset, capturing the nuances of human preferences.
    • Feedforward Neural Networks: Simple and straightforward, these networks are suitable for basic tasks where the relationships in the data are not highly complex.
    • Transformers: These architectures, which power models like GPT-3, are particularly effective for handling sequential data and capturing long-range dependencies, making them ideal for language-related tasks.
  • Considerations: The choice of architecture depends on the complexity of the data, the computational resources available, and the specific requirements of the task. Transformers are often preferred for language models due to their superior performance in understanding context and generating coherent outputs.

2. Training the Reward Model

Objective: Train the reward model to predict human preferences accurately.


  • Input Preparation:
    • Pairs of Outputs: Use pairs of outputs generated by the language model, along with the preference labels provided by human evaluators.
    • Feature Representation: Convert these pairs into a suitable format that the neural network can process.
  • Supervised Learning:
    • Loss Function: Define a loss function that measures the difference between the predicted rewards and the actual human preferences. Common choices include mean squared error or cross-entropy loss, depending on the nature of the prediction task.
    • Optimization: Use optimization algorithms like stochastic gradient descent (SGD) or Adam to minimize the loss function. This involves adjusting the model’s parameters to improve its predictions.
  • Training Loop:
    • Forward Pass: Input the data into the neural network and compute the predicted rewards.
    • Backward Pass: Calculate the gradients of the loss function with respect to the model’s parameters and update the parameters accordingly.
    • Iteration: Repeat the forward and backward passes over multiple epochs until the model’s performance stabilizes.
  • Evaluation during Training: Monitor metrics such as training loss and accuracy to ensure the model is learning effectively and not overfitting the training data.

3. Validation and Testing

Objective: Ensure the reward model accurately predicts human preferences and generalizes well to new data.


  • Validation Set:
    • Separate Dataset: Use a separate validation set that was not used during training to evaluate the model’s performance.
    • Performance Metrics: Assess the model using metrics like accuracy, precision, recall, F1 score, and AUC-ROC to understand how well it predicts human preferences.
  • Testing:
    • Test Set: After validation, test the model on an unseen dataset to evaluate its generalization ability.
    • Real-world Scenarios: Simulate real-world scenarios to further validate the model’s predictions in practical applications.
  • Model Adjustment:
    • Hyperparameter Tuning: Adjust hyperparameters such as learning rate, batch size, and network architecture to improve performance.
    • Regularization: Apply techniques like dropout, weight decay, or data augmentation to prevent overfitting and enhance generalization.
  • Iterative Refinement:
    • Feedback Loop: Continuously refine the reward model by incorporating new human feedback and retraining the model.
    • Model Updates: Periodically update the reward model and re-evaluate its performance to maintain alignment with evolving human preferences.

By iteratively refining the reward model, AI systems can be better aligned with human values, leading to more desirable and acceptable outcomes in various applications.

Step 3 –  Fine-Tuning with Reinforcement Learning

Fine-tuning with RL is a sophisticated method used to enhance the performance of a pre-trained language model.

This method leverages human feedback and reinforcement learning techniques to optimize the model’s responses, making them more suitable for specific tasks or user interactions. The primary goal is to refine the model’s behavior to meet desired criteria, such as helpfulness, truthfulness, or creativity.

Finetuning with RL
Source: HuggingFace

Process of Fine-Tuning with Reinforcement Learning

  1. Reinforcement Learning Fine-Tuning:
    • Policy Gradient Algorithm: Use a policy-gradient RL algorithm, such as Proximal Policy Optimization (PPO), to fine-tune the language model. PPO is favored for its relative simplicity and effectiveness in handling large-scale models.
    • Policy Update: The language model’s parameters are adjusted to maximize the reward function, which combines the preference model’s output and a constraint on policy shift to prevent drastic changes. This ensures the model improves while maintaining coherence and stability.
      • Constraint on Policy Shift: Implement a penalty term, typically the Kullback–Leibler (KL) divergence, to ensure the updated policy does not deviate too far from the pre-trained model. This helps maintain the model’s original strengths while refining its outputs.
  2. Validation and Iteration:
    • Performance Evaluation: Evaluate the fine-tuned model using a separate validation set to ensure it generalizes well and meets the desired criteria. Metrics like accuracy, precision, and recall are used for assessment.
    • Iterative Updates: Continue iterating the process, using updated human feedback to refine the reward model and further fine-tune the language model. This iterative approach helps in continuously improving the model’s performance

Applications of RLHF

Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF) is essential for aligning AI systems with human values and enhancing their performance in various applications, including chatbots, image generation, music generation, and voice assistants.

1. Improving Chatbot Interactions

RLHF significantly improves chatbot tasks like summarization and question-answering. For summarization, human feedback on the quality of summaries helps train a reward model that guides the chatbot to produce more accurate and coherent outputs. In question-answering, feedback on the relevance and correctness of responses trains a reward model, leading to more precise and satisfactory interactions. Overall, RLHF enhances user satisfaction and trust in chatbots.

2. AI Image Generation

In AI image generation, RLHF enhances the quality and artistic value of generated images. Human feedback on visual appeal and relevance trains a reward model that predicts the desirability of new images. Fine-tuning the image generation model with reinforcement learning leads to more visually appealing and contextually appropriate images, benefiting digital art, marketing, and design.

3. Music Generation

RLHF improves the creativity and appeal of AI-generated music. Human feedback on harmony, melody, and enjoyment trains a reward model that predicts the quality of musical pieces. The music generation model is fine-tuned to produce compositions that resonate more closely with human tastes, enhancing applications in entertainment, therapy, and personalized music experiences.

4. Voice Assistants

Voice assistants benefit from RLHF by improving the naturalness and usefulness of their interactions. Human feedback on response quality and interaction tone trains a reward model that predicts user satisfaction. Fine-tuning the voice assistant ensures more accurate, contextually appropriate, and engaging responses, enhancing user experience in home automation, customer service, and accessibility support.

In Summary

RLHF is a powerful technique that enhances AI performance and user alignment across various applications. By leveraging human feedback to train reward models and using reinforcement learning for fine-tuning, RLHF ensures that AI-generated content is more accurate, relevant, and satisfying. This leads to more effective and enjoyable AI interactions in chatbots, image generation, music creation, and voice assistants.

July 4, 2024

There are predictions that applications of AI in healthcare could significantly reduce annual costs in the US by 2026. Estimates suggest reaching savings of around $150 billion.

This cost reduction is expected to come from a combination of factors, including:

  • Improved efficiency and automation of administrative tasks
  • More accurate diagnoses and treatment plans
  • Reduced hospital readmission rates

Large language models (LLMs) are transforming the landscape of medicine, bringing unprecedented changes to the way healthcare is delivered, managed, and even perceived.

These models, such as ChatGPT and GPT-4, are artificial intelligence (AI) systems trained on vast volumes of text data, enabling them to generate human-like responses and perform a variety of tasks with remarkable accuracy.

The impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the field of medicine has been profound, transforming various aspects of healthcare delivery, management, and research.


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AI technologies, including machine learning, neural networks, and large language models (LLMs), have significantly contributed to improving the efficiency, accuracy, and quality of medical services.

Here’s an in-depth look at how AI is reshaping medicine and helping medical institutes enhance their operations:

Some Common Applications of LLMs in the Medical Profession

LLMs have been applied to numerous medical tasks, enhancing both clinical and administrative processes. Here are detailed examples:

AI in medicine


  • Diagnostic Assistance:

LLMs can analyze patient symptoms and medical history to suggest potential diagnoses. For instance, in a recent study, LLMs demonstrated the ability to answer medical examination questions and even assist in generating differential diagnoses. This capability can significantly reduce the burden on healthcare professionals by providing a second opinion and helping to identify less obvious conditions.

Moreover, AI algorithms can analyze complex medical data to aid in diagnosing diseases and predicting patient outcomes. This capability enhances the accuracy of diagnoses and helps in the early detection of conditions, which is crucial for effective treatment.

Further, AI systems like IBM Watson Health can analyze medical images to detect anomalies such as tumors or fractures with high precision. In some cases, these systems have demonstrated diagnostic accuracy comparable to or even surpassing that of experienced radiologists


Read more about: How AI in Healthcare has improved patient care


  • Clinical Documentation:

AI-powered clinical decision support systems (CDSS) provide healthcare professionals with evidence-based recommendations to optimize patient care. These systems analyze patient data, medical histories, and the latest research to suggest the most effective treatments.

In hospitals, CDSS can integrate with Electronic Health Records (EHR) to provide real-time alerts and treatment recommendations, reducing the likelihood of medical errors and ensuring adherence to clinical guidelines.

Another time-consuming task for physicians is documenting patient encounters. LLMs can automate this process by transcribing and summarizing clinical notes from doctor-patient interactions. This not only saves time but also ensures that records are more accurate and comprehensive.

  • Patient Interaction:

LLM chatbots like ChatGPT are being used to handle patient inquiries, provide health information, and even offer emotional support. These chatbots can operate 24/7, providing immediate responses and reducing the workload on human staff.

To further ease the doctor’s job, AI enables the customization of treatment plans based on individual patient data, including genetic information, lifestyle, and medical history. This personalized approach increases the effectiveness of treatments and reduces adverse effects.

AI algorithms can analyze a patient’s genetic profile to recommend personalized cancer treatment plans, selecting the most suitable drugs and dosages for the individual.

  • Research and Education:

LLMs assist in synthesizing vast amounts of medical literature, helping researchers stay up-to-date with the latest advancements. They can also generate educational content for both medical professionals and patients, ensuring that information dissemination is both quick and accurate.

The real-world implementation of LLMs in healthcare has shown promising results. For example, studies have demonstrated that LLMs can achieve diagnostic accuracy comparable to that of experienced clinicians in certain scenarios. In one study, LLMs improved the accuracy of clinical note classification, showing that these models could effectively handle vast amounts of medical data.


Your One-Stop Guide to Large Language Models and their Applications

Large Language Models Impacting Key Areas in Healthcare

By leveraging LLMs, medical professionals can save time, enhance their knowledge, and ultimately provide better care to their patients. This integration of AI into medical research and education highlights the transformative potential of technology in advancing healthcare.

Summarizing New Studies and Publications

Real-Time Information Processing

LLMs can rapidly process and summarize newly published medical research articles, clinical trial results, and medical guidelines. Given the vast amount of medical literature published every day, it is challenging for healthcare professionals to keep up. LLMs can scan through these documents, extracting key findings, methodologies, and conclusions, and present them in a concise format.

A medical researcher can use an LLM-powered tool to quickly review the latest papers on a specific topic like immunotherapy for cancer. Large language model applications like ChatGPT can provide summaries that highlight the most significant findings and trends, saving the researcher valuable time and ensuring they do not miss critical updates.

Continuous Learning Capability

Educational Content Generation

LLMs can generate educational materials, such as summaries of complex medical concepts, detailed explanations of new treatment protocols, and updates on recent advancements in various medical fields. This educational content can be tailored to different levels of expertise, from medical students to seasoned professionals.

Medical students preparing for exams can use an LLM-based application to generate summaries of textbooks and journal articles. Similarly, physicians looking to expand their knowledge in a new specialty can use the same tool to get up-to-date information and educational content.

Research Summarization and Analysis

A cardiologist wants to stay informed about the latest research on heart failure treatments. By using an LLM, the cardiologist receives daily or weekly summaries of new research articles, clinical trial results, and reviews. The LLM highlights the most relevant studies, allowing the cardiologist to quickly grasp new findings and incorporate them into practice.

Platforms like PubMed, integrated with LLMs, can provide personalized summaries and recommendations based on the cardiologist’s specific interests and past reading history.

How generative AI and LLMs work


Clinical Decision Support

A hospital integrates an LLM into its electronic health record (EHR) system to provide clinicians with real-time updates on best practices and treatment guidelines. When a clinician enters a diagnosis or treatment plan, the LLM cross-references the latest research and guidelines, offering suggestions or alerts if there are more recent or effective alternatives.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, LLMs were used to keep healthcare providers updated on rapidly evolving treatment protocols and research findings, ensuring that the care provided was based on the most current and accurate information available.

Personalized Learning for Healthcare Professionals

An online medical education platform uses LLMs to create personalized learning paths for healthcare professionals. Based on their previous learning history, specialties, and interests, the platform curates the most relevant courses, articles, and case studies, ensuring continuous professional development.

Platforms like Coursera or Udemy can leverage LLMs to recommend personalized courses and materials to doctors looking to earn continuing medical education (CME) credits in their respective fields.

Enhanced Efficiency and Accuracy

LLMs can process and analyze medical data faster than humans, leading to quicker diagnosis and treatment plans. This increased efficiency can lead to better patient outcomes and higher satisfaction rates.

Furthermore, the accuracy of AI in healthcare tasks such as diagnostic assistance and clinical documentation ensures that healthcare providers can trust the recommendations and insights generated by these models.

Cost Reduction

By automating routine tasks, large language models can significantly reduce operational costs for hospitals and medical companies. This allows healthcare providers to allocate resources more effectively, focusing human expertise on more complex cases that require personalized attention.

Improved Patient Engagement

LLM-driven chatbots and virtual assistants can engage with patients more effectively, answering their questions, providing timely information, and offering support. This continuous engagement can lead to better patient adherence to treatment plans and overall improved health outcomes.

Facilitating Research and Continuous Learning

LLMs can help medical professionals stay abreast of the latest research by summarizing new studies and publications. This continuous learning capability ensures that healthcare providers are always informed about the latest advancements and best practices in medicine.



Future of AI in Healthcare

Large language model applications are revolutionizing the medical profession by enhancing efficiency, accuracy, and patient engagement. As these models continue to evolve, their integration into healthcare systems promises to unlock new levels of innovation and improvement in patient care.

The integration of AI into healthcare systems promises to unlock new levels of innovation and efficiency, ultimately leading to better patient outcomes and a more effective healthcare delivery system.


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June 21, 2024

We have all been using the infamous ChatGPT for quite a while. But the thought of our data being used to train models has made most of us quite uneasy.

People are willing to use on-device AI applications as opposed to cloud-based applications for the obvious reasons of privacy.

Deploying an LLM application on edge devices—such as smartphones, IoT devices, and embedded systems—can provide significant benefits, including reduced latency, enhanced privacy, and offline capabilities.

In this blog, we will explore the process of deploying an LLM application on edge devices, covering everything from model optimization to practical implementation steps.

Understanding Edge Devices

Edge devices are hardware devices that perform data processing at the location where data is generated. Examples include smartphones, IoT devices, and embedded systems.

Edge computing offers several advantages over cloud computing, such as reduced latency, enhanced privacy, and the ability to operate offline.

However, deploying applications on edge devices has challenges, including limited computational resources and power constraints.

Preparing for On-Device AI Deployment

Before deploying an on-device AI application, several considerations must be addressed:

  • Application Use Case and Requirements: Understand the specific use case for the LLM application and its performance requirements. This helps in selecting the appropriate model and optimization techniques.
  • Data Privacy and Security: Ensure the deployment complies with data privacy and security regulations, particularly when processing sensitive information on edge devices.
a roadmap to deploy on-device AI
a roadmap to deploy on-device AI

Choosing the Right Language Model

Selecting the right language model for edge deployment involves balancing performance and resource constraints. Here are key factors to consider:

  • Model Size and Complexity:

    Smaller models are generally more suitable for edge devices. These devices have limited computational capacity, so a lighter model ensures smoother operation. Opt for models that strike a balance between size and performance, making them efficient without sacrificing too much accuracy.
  • Performance Requirements:

    Your chosen model must meet the application’s accuracy and responsiveness needs.

    This means it should be capable of delivering precise results quickly.

    While edge devices might not handle the heaviest models, ensure the selected LLM is efficient enough to run effectively on the target device. Prioritize models that are optimized for speed and resource usage without compromising the quality of output.

    In summary, the right language model for on-device AI deployment should be compact yet powerful, and tailored to the specific performance demands of your application. Balancing these factors is key to a successful deployment.

Model Optimization Techniques

Optimizing Large Language Models is crucial for efficient edge deployment. Here are several key techniques to achieve this:

LLM Optimization Techniques for On-Device AI Deployment
LLM Optimization Techniques for On-Device AI Deployment

1. Quantization

Quantization reduces the precision of the model’s weights. By using lower precision (e.g., converting 32-bit floats to 8-bit integers), memory usage and computation requirements decrease significantly. This reduction leads to faster inference and lower power consumption, making quantization a popular technique for deploying LLMs on edge devices.

2. Pruning

Pruning involves removing redundant or less important neurons and connections within the model. By eliminating these parts, the model’s size is reduced, leading to faster inference times and lower resource consumption. Pruning helps maintain model performance while making it more efficient and manageable for edge deployment.


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3. Knowledge Distillation

Knowledge distillation is a technique where a smaller model (the student) is trained to mimic the behavior of a larger, more complex model (the teacher). The student model learns to reproduce the outputs of the teacher model, retaining much of the original accuracy while being more efficient. This approach allows for deploying a compact, high-performing model on edge devices.

4. Low-Rank Adaptation (LoRA) and QLoRA

Low-Rank Adaptation (LoRA) and its variant QLoRA are techniques designed to adapt and compress models while maintaining performance. LoRA involves factorizing the weight matrices of the model into lower-dimensional matrices, reducing the number of parameters without significantly affecting accuracy. QLoRA further quantizes these lower-dimensional matrices, enhancing efficiency. These methods enable the deployment of robust models on resource-constrained edge devices.

5. Hardware and Software Requirements

Deploying on-device AI necessitates specific hardware and software capabilities to ensure smooth and efficient operation. Here’s what you need to consider:

Hardware Requirements

To run on-device AI applications smoothly, you need to ensure the hardware meets certain criteria:

  • Computational Power: The device should have a powerful processor, ideally with multiple cores, to handle the demands of LLM inference. Devices with specialized AI accelerators, such as GPUs or NPUs, are highly beneficial.
  • Memory: Adequate RAM is crucial as LLMs require significant memory for loading and processing data. Devices with limited RAM might struggle to run larger models.
  • Storage: Sufficient storage capacity is needed to store the model and any related data. Flash storage or SSDs are preferable for faster read/write speeds.

Software Tools and Frameworks

The right software tools and frameworks are essential for deploying on-device AI. These tools facilitate model optimization, deployment, and inference. Key tools and frameworks include:

  • TensorFlow Lite: A lightweight version of TensorFlow designed for mobile and edge devices. It optimizes models for size and latency, making them suitable for resource-constrained environments.
  • ONNX Runtime: An open-source runtime that allows models trained in various frameworks to be run efficiently on multiple platforms. It supports a wide range of optimizations to enhance performance on edge devices.
  • PyTorch Mobile: A version of PyTorch tailored for mobile and embedded devices. It provides tools to optimize and deploy models, ensuring they run efficiently on the edge.
  • Edge AI SDKs: Many hardware manufacturers offer specialized SDKs for deploying AI models on their devices. These SDKs are optimized for the hardware and provide additional tools for model deployment and management.

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Deployment Strategies for LLM Application

Deploying Large Language Models on edge devices presents unique challenges and opportunities from an AI engineer’s perspective. Effective deployment strategies are critical to ensure optimal performance, resource management, and user experience.

Here, we delve into three primary strategies: On-Device Inference, Hybrid Inference, and Model Partitioning.

On-Device Inference

On-device inference involves running the entire LLM directly on the edge device. This approach offers several significant advantages, particularly in terms of latency, privacy, and offline capability of the LLM application.


  • Low Latency: On-device inference minimizes response time by eliminating the need to send data to and from a remote server. This is crucial for real-time applications such as voice assistants and interactive user interfaces.
  • Offline Capability: By running the model locally, applications can function without an internet connection. This is vital for use cases in remote areas or where connectivity is unreliable.
  • Enhanced Privacy: Keeping data processing on-device reduces the risk of data exposure during transmission. This is particularly important for sensitive applications, such as healthcare or financial services.


  • Resource Constraints: Edge devices typically have limited computational power, memory, and storage compared to cloud servers. Engineers must optimize models to fit within these constraints without significantly compromising performance.
  • Power Consumption: Intensive computations can drain battery life quickly, especially in portable devices. Balancing performance with energy efficiency is crucial.

Implementation Considerations:

  • Model Optimization: Techniques such as quantization, pruning, and knowledge distillation are essential to reduce the model’s size and computational requirements.
  • Efficient Inference Engines: Utilizing frameworks like TensorFlow Lite or PyTorch Mobile, which are optimized for mobile and embedded devices, can significantly enhance performance.

Hybrid Inference

Hybrid inference leverages both edge and cloud resources to balance performance and resource constraints. This strategy involves running part of the model on the edge device and part on the cloud server.


  • Balanced Load: By offloading resource-intensive computations to the cloud, hybrid inference reduces the burden on the edge device, enabling the deployment of more complex models.
  • Scalability: Cloud resources can be scaled dynamically based on demand, providing flexibility and robustness for varying workloads.
  • Reduced Latency for Critical Tasks: Immediate, latency-sensitive tasks can be processed locally, while more complex processing can be handled by the cloud.


  • Network Dependency: The performance of hybrid inference is contingent on the quality and reliability of the network connection. Network latency or interruptions can impact the user experience.
  • Data Privacy: Transmitting data to the cloud poses privacy risks. Ensuring secure data transmission and storage is paramount.

Implementation Considerations:

  • Model Segmentation: Engineers need to strategically segment the model, determining which parts should run on the edge and which on the cloud.
  • Efficient Data Handling: Minimize the amount of data transferred between the edge and cloud to reduce latency and bandwidth usage. Techniques such as data compression and smart caching can be beneficial.
  • Robust Fallbacks: Implement fallback mechanisms to handle network failures gracefully, ensuring the application remains functional even when connectivity is lost.

Model Partitioning

Model partitioning involves splitting the LLM into smaller, manageable segments that can be distributed across multiple devices or environments. This approach can enhance efficiency and scalability.


  • Distributed Computation: By distributing the model across different devices, the computational load is balanced, making it feasible to run more complex models on resource-constrained edge devices.
  • Flexibility: Different segments of the model can be optimized independently, allowing for tailored optimizations based on the capabilities of each device.
  • Scalability: Model partitioning facilitates scalability, enabling the deployment of large models across diverse hardware configurations.


  • Complex Implementation: Partitioning a model requires careful planning and engineering to ensure seamless integration and communication between segments.
  • Latency Overhead: Communication between different model segments can introduce latency. Engineers must optimize inter-segment communication to minimize this overhead.
  • Consistency: Ensuring consistency and synchronization between model segments is critical to maintaining the overall model’s performance and accuracy.

Implementation Considerations:

  • Segmentation Strategy: Identify logical points in the model where it can be partitioned without significant loss of performance. This might involve separating different layers or components based on their computational requirements.
  • Communication Protocols: Use efficient communication protocols to minimize latency and ensure reliable data transfer between model segments.
  • Resource Allocation: Optimize resource allocation for each device based on its capabilities, ensuring that each segment runs efficiently.

How generative AI and LLMs work

Implementation Steps

Here’s a step-by-step guide to deploying an on-device AI application:

  1. Preparing the Development Environment: Set up the necessary tools and frameworks for development.
  2. Optimizing the Model: Apply optimization techniques to make the model suitable for edge deployment.
  3. Integrating with Edge Device Software: Ensure the model can interact with the device’s software and hardware.
  4. Testing and Validation: Thoroughly test the model on the edge device to ensure it meets performance and accuracy requirements.
  5. Deployment and Monitoring: Deploy the model to the edge device and monitor its performance, making adjustments as needed.

Future of On-Device AI Applications

Deploying on-device AI applications can significantly enhance user experience by providing fast, efficient, and private AI-powered functionalities. By understanding the challenges and leveraging optimization techniques and deployment strategies, developers can successfully implement on-device AI.

June 20, 2024

Imagine effortlessly asking your business intelligence dashboard any question and receiving instant, insightful answers. This is not a futuristic concept but a reality unfolding through the power of Large Language Models (LLMs).

Descriptive analytics is at the core of this transformation, turning raw data into comprehensible narratives. When combined with the advanced capabilities of LLMs, Business Intelligence (BI) dashboards evolve from static displays of numbers into dynamic tools that drive strategic decision-making. 

LLMs are changing the way we interact with data. These advanced AI models excel in natural language processing (NLP) and understanding, making them invaluable for enhancing descriptive analytics in Business Intelligence (BI) dashboards.


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In this blog, we will explore the power of LLMs in enhancing descriptive analytics and its impact of business intelligence dashboards.

Understanding Descriptive Analytics

Descriptive analytics is the most basic and common type of analytics that focuses on describing, summarizing, and interpreting historical data.

Companies use descriptive analytics to summarize and highlight patterns in current and historical data, enabling them to make sense of vast amounts of raw data to answer the question, “What happened?” through data aggregation and data visualization techniques.

The Evolution of Dashboards: From Static to LLM

Initially, the dashboards served as simplified visual aids, offering a basic overview of key metrics amidst cumbersome and text-heavy reports.

However, as businesses began to demand real-time insights and more nuanced data analysis, the static nature of these dashboards became a limiting factor forcing them to evolve into dynamic, interactive tools. The dashboards transformed into Self-service BI tools with drag-drop functionalities and increased focus on interactive user-friendly visualization.

This is not it, with the realization of increasing data, Business Intelligence (BI) dashboards shifted to cloud-based mobile platforms, facilitating integration to various data sources, and allowing remote collaboration. Finally, the Business Intelligence (BI) dashboard integration with LLMs has unlocked the wonderful potential of analytics.


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Role of Descriptive Analytics in Business Intelligence Dashboards and its Limitations

Despite of these shifts, the analysis of dashboards before LLMs remained limited in its ability to provide contextual insights and advanced data interpretations, offering a retrospective view of business performance without predictive or prescriptive capabilities. 

The following are the basic capabilities of descriptive analytics:

Defining Visualization

Descriptive analytics explains visualizations like charts, graphs, and tables, helping users quickly grasp key insights. However, this requires manually describing the analyzed insights derived from SQL queries, requiring analytics expertise and knowledge of SQL. 

Trend Analysis

By identifying patterns over time, descriptive analytics helps businesses understand historical performance and predict future trends, making it critical for strategic planning and decision-making.

However, traditional analysis of Business Intelligence (BI) dashboards may struggle to identify intricate patterns within vast datasets, providing inaccurate results that can critically impact business decisions. 


Reports developed through descriptive analytics summarize business performance. These reports are essential for documenting and communicating insights across the organization.

However, extracting insights from dashboards and presenting them in an understandable format can take time and is prone to human error, particularly when dealing with large volumes of data.


How generative AI and LLMs work


LLMs: A Game-Changer for Business Intelligence Dashboards

Advanced Query Handling 

Imagine you would want to know “What were the top-selling products last quarter?” Conventionally, data analysts would write an SQL query, or create a report in a Business Intelligence (BI) tool to find the answer. Wouldn’t it be easier to ask those questions in natural language?  

LLMs enable users to interact with dashboards using natural language queries. This innovation acts as a bridge between natural language and complex SQL queries, enabling users to engage in a dialogue, ask follow-up questions, and delve deeper into specific aspects of the data.

Improved Visualization Descriptions

Advanced Business Intelligence (BI) tools integrated with LLMs offer natural language interaction and automatic summarization of key findings. They can automatically generate narrative summaries, identify trends, and answer questions for complex data sets, offering a comprehensive view of business operations and trends without any hustle and minimal effort.

Predictive Insights

With the integration of a domain-specific Large Language Model (LLM), dashboard analysis can be expanded to offer predictive insights enabling organizations to leverage data-driven decision-making, optimize outcomes, and gain a competitive edge.

Dashboards supported by Large Language Mode (LLMs) utilize historical data and statistical methods to forecast future events. Hence, descriptive analytics goes beyond “what happened” to “what happens next.”

Prescriptive Insights

Beyond prediction, descriptive analytics powered by LLMs can also offer prescriptive recommendations, moving from “what happens next” to “what to do next.” By considering numerous factors, preferences, and constraints, LLMs can recommend optimal actions to achieve desired outcomes. 


Read more about Data Visualization


Example – Power BI

The Copilot integration in Power BI offers advanced Business Intelligence (BI) capabilities, allowing you to ask Copilot for summaries, insights, and questions about visuals in natural language. Power BI has truly paved the way for unparalleled data discovery from uncovering insights to highlighting key metrics with the power of Generative AI.

Here is how you can get started using Power BI with Copilot integration;

Step 1

Open Power BI. Create workspace (To use Copilot, you need to select a workspace that uses a Power BI Premium per capacity, or a paid Microsoft Fabric capacity).

Step 2

Upload your business data from various sources. You may need to clean and transform your data as well to gain better insights. For example, a sample ‘sales data for hotels and resorts’ is used here.


Uploading data - business intelligence dashboards
Uploading data


Step 3

Use Copilot to unleash the potential insights of your data. 

Start by creating reports in the Power BI service/Desktop. Copilot allows the creation of insightful reports for descriptive analytics by just using the requirements that you can provide in natural language.  

For example: Here a report is created by using the following prompt:


report creation prompt using Microsoft Copilot - business intelligence dashboards
An example of a report creation prompt using Microsoft Copilot – Source: Copilot in Power BI Demo


Copilot has created a report for the customer profile that includes the requested charts and slicers and is also fully interactive, providing options to conveniently adjust the outputs as needed. 


Power BI report created using Microsoft Copilot - business intelligence dashboards
An example of a Power BI report created using Microsoft Copilot – Source: Copilot in Power BI Demo


Not only this, but you can also ask analysis questions about the reports as explained below.


asking analysis question from Microsoft Copilot - business intelligence dashboards
An example of asking analysis question from Microsoft Copilot – Source: Copilot in Power BI Demo


The copilot now responds by adding a new page to the report. It explains the ‘main drivers for repeat customer visits’ by using advanced analysis capabilities to find key influencers for variables in the data. As a result, it can be seen that the ‘Purchased Spa’ service has the biggest influence on customer returns followed ‘Rented Sports Equipment’ service.


example of asking analysis question from Microsoft Copilot - business intelligence dashboards
An example of asking analysis questions from Microsoft Copilot – Source: Copilot in Power BI Demo


Moreover, you can ask to include, exclude, or summarize any visuals or pages in the generated reports. Other than generating reports, you can even refer to your existing dashboard to question or summarize the insights or to quickly create a narrative for any part of the report using Copilot. 

Below you can see how the Copilot has generated a fully dynamic narrative summary for the report, highlighting the useful insights from data along with proper citation from where within the report the data was taken.


narrative generation by Microsoft PowerBI Copilot - business intelligence dashboards
An example of narrative generation by Microsoft Power BI Copilot – Source: Copilot in Power BI Demo


Microsoft Copilot simplifies Data Analysis Expressions (DAX) formulas by generating and editing these complex formulas. In Power BI, you can easily navigate to the ‘Quick Measure’ button in the calculations section of the Home tab. (if you do not see ‘suggestions with Copilot,’ then you may enable it from settings.

Otherwise, you may need to get it enabled by your Power BI Administrator).

Quick measures are predefined measures, eliminating the need for creating your own DAX syntax. It’s generated automatically according to the input you provide in Natural Language via the dialog box. They execute a series of DAX commands in the background and display the outcomes for utilization in your report.


Quick Measure – Suggestions with Copilot - business intelligence dashboards
Quick Measure – Suggestions with Copilot


In the below example, it can be seen that the copilot gives suggestion for a quick measure based on the data, generating the DAX formula as well. If you find the suggested measure satisfactory, you can simply click the “Add” button to seamlessly incorporate it into your model.


DAX generation using Quick Measure - business intelligence dashboards
An example of DAX generation using Quick Measure – Source: Microsoft Learn


There can be several other things that you can do with copilot with clear and understandable prompts to questions about your data and generate more insightful reports for your Business Intelligence (BI) dashboards.  

Hence, we can say that Power BI with Copilot has proven to be the transformative force in the landscape of data analytics, reshaping how businesses leverage their data’s potential.


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Embracing the LLM-led Era in Business Intelligence

Descriptive analytics is fundamental to Business Intelligence (BI) dashboards, providing essential insights through data aggregation, visualization, trend analysis, and reporting. 

The integration of Large Language Models enhances these capabilities by enabling advanced query handling, improving visualization descriptions, and reporting, and offering predictive and prescriptive insights.

This new LLM-led era in Business Intelligence (BI) is transforming the dynamic landscape of data analytics, offering a glimpse into a future where data-driven insights empower organizations to make informed decisions and gain a competitive edge.

June 17, 2024

Data scientists are continuously advancing with AI tools and technologies to enhance their capabilities and drive innovation in 2024. The integration of AI into data science has revolutionized the way data is analyzed, interpreted, and utilized.

Data science education should incorporate practical exercises and projects that involve using LLML platforms.

By providing hands-on experience, students can gain a deeper understanding of how to leverage these platforms effectively. This can include tasks such as data preprocessing, model selection, and hyperparameter tuning using LLML tools.


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Here are some key ways data scientists are leveraging AI tools and technologies:

6 Ways Data Scientists are Leveraging Large Language Models with Examples

Advanced Machine Learning Algorithms:

Data scientists are utilizing more advanced machine learning algorithms to derive valuable insights from complex and large datasets. These algorithms enable them to build more accurate predictive models, identify patterns, and make data-driven decisions with greater confidence.

Think of Netflix and how it recommends movies and shows you might like based on what you’ve watched before. Data scientists are using more advanced machine learning algorithms to do similar things in various industries, like predicting customer behavior or optimizing supply chain operations.


Here’s your guide to Machine Learning Model Deployment


Automated Feature Engineering:

AI tools are being used to automate the process of feature engineering, allowing data scientists to extract, select, and transform features in a more efficient and effective manner. This automation accelerates the model development process and improves the overall quality of the models.

Imagine if you’re on Amazon and it suggests products that are related to what you’ve recently viewed or bought. This is powered by automated feature engineering, where AI helps identify patterns and relationships between different products to make these suggestions more accurate.

Natural Language Processing (NLP):

Data scientists are incorporating NLP techniques and technologies to analyze and derive insights from unstructured data such as text, audio, and video. This enables them to extract valuable information from diverse sources and enhance the depth of their analysis.

Have you used voice assistants like Siri or Alexa? Data scientists are using NLP to make these assistants smarter and more helpful. They’re also using NLP to analyze customer feedback and social media posts to understand sentiment and improve products and services.

Enhanced Data Visualization:

AI-powered data visualization tools are enabling data scientists to create interactive and dynamic visualizations that facilitate better communication of insights and findings. These tools help in presenting complex data in a more understandable and compelling manner.

When you see interactive and colorful charts on news websites or in business presentations that help explain complex data, that’s the power of AI-powered data visualization tools. Data scientists are using these tools to make data more understandable and actionable.

Real-time Data Analysis:

With AI-powered technologies, data scientists can perform real-time data analysis, allowing businesses to make immediate decisions based on the most current information available. This capability is crucial for industries that require swift and accurate responses to changing conditions.

In industries like finance and healthcare, real-time data analysis is crucial. For example, in finance, AI helps detect fraudulent transactions in real-time, while in healthcare, it aids in monitoring patient vitals and alerting medical staff to potential issues.

Autonomous Model Deployment:

AI tools are streamlining the process of deploying machine learning models into production environments. Data scientists can now leverage automated model deployment solutions to ensure seamless integration and operation of their predictive models.

Data scientists are using AI to streamline the deployment of machine learning models into production environments. Just like how self-driving cars operate autonomously, AI tools are helping models to be deployed seamlessly and efficiently.

As data scientists continue to embrace and integrate AI tools and technologies into their workflows, they are poised to unlock new possibilities in data analysis, decision-making, and business optimization in 2024 and beyond.


Read more: Your One-Stop Guide to Large Language Models and their Applications

Usage of Generative AI Tools like ChatGPT for Data Scientists

GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) and similar natural language processing (NLP) models can be incredibly useful for data scientists in various tasks. Here are some ways data scientists can leverage GPT for regular data science tasks with real-life examples

  • Text Generation and Summarization: Data scientists can use GPT to generate synthetic text or create automatic summaries of lengthy documents. For example, in customer feedback analysis, GPT can be used to summarize large volumes of customer reviews to identify common themes and sentiments.


  • Language Translation: GPT can assist in translating text from one language to another, which can be beneficial when dealing with multilingual datasets. For instance, in a global marketing analysis, GPT can help translate customer feedback from different regions to understand regional preferences and sentiments.


  • Question Answering: GPT can be employed to build question-answering systems that can extract relevant information from unstructured text data. In a healthcare setting, GPT can support the development of systems that extract answers from medical literature to aid in diagnosis and treatment decisions.


  • Sentiment Analysis: Data scientists can utilize GPT to perform sentiment analysis on social media posts, customer feedback, or product reviews to gauge public opinion. For example, in brand reputation management, GPT can help identify and analyze sentiments expressed in online discussions about a company’s products or services.


  • Data Preprocessing and Labeling: GPT can be used for automated data preprocessing tasks such as cleaning and standardizing textual data. In a research context, GPT can assist in automatically labeling research papers based on their content, making them easier to categorize and analyze.


By incorporating GPT into their workflows, data scientists can enhance their ability to extract valuable insights from unstructured data, automate repetitive tasks, and improve the efficiency and accuracy of their analyses.


Also explore these 6 Books to Learn Data Science


AI Tools for Data Scientists

In the realm of AI tools for data scientists, there are several impactful ones that are driving significant advancements in the field. Let’s explore a few of these tools and their applications with real-life examples:

  • TensorFlow:

– TensorFlow is an open-source machine learning framework developed by Google. It is widely used for building and training machine learning models, particularly neural networks.

– Example: Data scientists can utilize TensorFlow to develop and train deep learning models for image recognition tasks. For instance, in the healthcare industry, TensorFlow can be employed to analyze medical images for the early detection of diseases such as cancer.

  • PyTorch:

– PyTorch is another popular open-source machine learning library, particularly favored for its flexibility and ease of use in building and training neural networks.

– Example: Data scientists can leverage PyTorch to create and train natural language processing (NLP) models for sentiment analysis of customer reviews. This can help businesses gauge public opinion about their products and services.

  • Scikit-learn:

– Scikit-learn is a versatile machine-learning library that provides simple and efficient tools for data mining and data analysis.

– Example: Data scientists can use Scikit-learn for clustering customer data to identify distinct customer segments based on their purchasing behavior. This can inform targeted marketing strategies and personalized recommendations.


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– offers an open-source platform for scalable machine learning and deep learning. It provides tools for building and deploying machine learning models.

– Example: Data scientists can employ to develop predictive models for demand forecasting in retail, helping businesses optimize their inventory and supply chain management.

  • GPT-3 (Generative Pre-trained Transformer 3):

– GPT-3 is a powerful natural language processing model developed by OpenAI, capable of generating human-like text and understanding and responding to natural language queries.

– Example: Data scientists can utilize GPT-3 for generating synthetic text or summarizing large volumes of customer feedback to identify common themes and sentiments, aiding in customer sentiment analysis and product improvement.

These AI tools are instrumental in enabling data scientists to tackle a wide range of tasks, from image recognition and natural language processing to predictive modeling and recommendation systems, driving innovation and insights across various industries.


Read more: 6 Python Libraries for Data Science


Relevance of Data Scientists in the Era of Large Language Models

With the advent of Low-Code Machine Learning (LLML) platforms, data science education can stay relevant by adapting to the changing landscape of the industry. Here are a few ways data science education can evolve to incorporate LLML:

  • Emphasize Core Concepts: While LLML platforms provide pre-built solutions and automated processes, it’s essential for data science education to focus on teaching core concepts and fundamentals. This includes statistical analysis, data preprocessing, feature engineering, and model evaluation. By understanding these concepts, data scientists can effectively leverage the LLML platforms to their advantage.
  • Teach Interpretation and Validation: LLML platforms often provide ready-to-use models and algorithms. However, it’s crucial for data science education to teach students how to interpret and validate the results generated by these platforms. This involves understanding the limitations of the models, assessing the quality of the data, and ensuring the validity of the conclusions drawn from LLML-generated outputs.


How generative AI and LLMs work


  • Foster Critical Thinking: LLML platforms simplify the process of building and deploying machine learning models. However, data scientists still need to think critically about the problem at hand, select appropriate algorithms, and interpret the results. Data science education should encourage critical thinking skills and teach students how to make informed decisions when using LLML platforms.
  • Stay Up-to-Date: LLML platforms are constantly evolving, introducing new features and capabilities. Data science education should stay up-to-date with these advancements and incorporate them into the curriculum. This can be done through partnerships with LLML platform providers, collaboration with industry professionals, and continuous monitoring of the latest trends in the field.

By adapting to the rise of LLML platforms, data science education can ensure that students are equipped with the necessary skills to leverage these tools effectively. It’s important to strike a balance between teaching core concepts and providing hands-on experience with LLML platforms, ultimately preparing students to navigate the evolving landscape of data science.

June 10, 2024

Time series data, a continuous stream of measurements captured over time, is the lifeblood of countless fields. From stock market trends to weather patterns, it holds the key to understanding and predicting the future.

Traditionally, unraveling these insights required wading through complex statistical analysis and code. However, a new wave of technology is making waves: Large Language Models (LLMs) are revolutionizing how we analyze time series data, especially with the use of LangChain agents.

In this article, we will navigate the exciting world of LLM-based time series analysis. We will explore how LLMs can be used to unearth hidden patterns in your data, forecast future trends, and answer your most pressing questions about time series data using plain English.


Large language model bootcamp


We will see how to integrate Langchain’s Pandas Agent, a powerful LLM tool, into your existing workflow for seamless exploration. 

Uncover Hidden Trends with LLMs 

LLMs are powerful AI models trained on massive amounts of text data. They excel at understanding and generating human language. But their capabilities extend far beyond just words. Researchers are now unlocking their potential for time series analysis by bridging the gap between numerical data and natural language. 

Here’s how LLMs are transforming the game: 

  • Natural Language Prompts: Imagine asking questions about your data like, “Is there a correlation between ice cream sales and temperature?” LLMs can be prompted in natural language, deciphering your intent, and performing the necessary analysis on the underlying time series data. 
  • Pattern Recognition: LLMs excel at identifying patterns in language. This ability translates to time series data as well. They can uncover hidden trends, periodicities, and seasonality within the data stream. 
  • Uncertainty Quantification: Forecasting the future is inherently uncertain. LLMs can go beyond just providing point predictions. They can estimate the likelihood of different outcomes, giving you a more holistic picture of potential future scenarios.

LLM Applications Across Various Industries 

While LLM-based time series analysis is still evolving, it holds immense potential for various applications: 

  • Financial analysis: Analyze market trends, predict stock prices, and identify potential risks with greater accuracy. 
  • Supply chain management: Forecast demand fluctuations, optimize inventory levels, and prevent stockouts. 
  • Scientific discovery: Uncover hidden patterns in environmental data, predict weather patterns, and accelerate scientific research. 
  • Anomaly detection: Identify unusual spikes or dips in data streams, pinpointing potential equipment failures or fraudulent activities. 


How generative AI and LLMs work


LangChain Pandas Agent 

Lang Chain Pandas Agent is a Python library built on top of the popular Pandas library. It provides a comprehensive set of tools and functions specifically designed for data analysis. The agent simplifies the process of handling, manipulating, and visualizing time series data, making it an ideal choice for both beginners and experienced data analysts. 

It exemplifies the power of LLMs for time series analysis. It acts as a bridge between these powerful language models and the widely used Panda’s library for data manipulation. Users can interact with their data using natural language commands, making complex analysis accessible to a wider audience. 

Key Features 

  • Data Preprocessing: The agent offers various techniques for cleaning and preprocessing time series data, including handling missing values, removing outliers, and normalizing data. 
  • Time-based Indexing: Lang Chain Pandas Agent allows users to easily set time-based indexes, enabling efficient slicing, filtering, and grouping of time series data. 
  • Resampling and Aggregation: The agent provides functions for resampling time series data at different frequencies and aggregating data over specific time intervals. 
  • Visualization: With built-in plotting capabilities, the agent allows users to create insightful visualizations such as line plots, scatter plots, and histograms to analyze time series data. 
  • Statistical Analysis: Lang Chain Pandas Agent offers a wide range of statistical functions to calculate various metrics like mean, median, standard deviation, and more.


Read along to understand sentiment analysis in LLMs


Time Series Analysis with LangChain Pandas Agent 

Using LangChain Pandas Agent, we can perform a variety of time series analysis techniques, including: 

  • Trend Analysis: By applying techniques like moving averages and exponential smoothing, we can identify and analyze trends in time series data. 
  • Seasonality Analysis: The agent provides tools to detect and analyze seasonal patterns within time series data, helping us understand recurring trends. 
  • Forecasting: With the help of advanced forecasting models like ARIMA and SARIMA, Lang Chain Pandas Agent enables us to make predictions based on historical time series data. 

LLMs in Action with LangChain Agents

Suppose you are using LangChain, a popular data analysis platform. LangChain’s Pandas Agent seamlessly integrates LLMs into your existing workflows. Here is how: 

  1. Load your time series data: Simply upload your data into LangChain as you normally would. 
  2. Engage the LLM: Activate LangChain’s Pandas Agent, your LLM-powered co-pilot. 
  3. Ask away: Fire away your questions in plain English. “What factors are most likely to influence next quarter’s sales?” or “Is there a seasonal pattern in customer churn?” The LLM will analyze your data and deliver clear, concise answers. 


Learn to build custom chatbots using LangChain


Now Let’s explore Tesla’s stock performance over the past year and demonstrate how Language Models (LLMs) can be utilized for data analysis and unveil valuable insights into market trends.

To begin, we download the dataset and import it into our code editor using the following snippet:



Dataset Preview

Below are the first five rows of our dataset


LangChain Agents_Data Preview


Next, let’s install and import important libraries from LangChain that are instrumental in data analysis.



Following that, we will create a LangChain Pandas DataFrame agent utilizing OpenAI’s API.


With just these few lines of code executed, your LLM-based agent is now primed to extract valuable insights using simple language commands.

Initial Understanding of Data



Lagchain agents - Initial Understanding of Data - Prompt



The analysis of Tesla’s closing stock prices reveals that the average closing price was $217.16. There was a standard deviation of $37.73, indicating some variation in the daily closing prices. The minimum closing price was $142.05, while the maximum reached $293.34.

This comprehensive overview offers insights into the distribution and fluctuation of Tesla’s stock prices during the period analyzed.



Langchain agents - Initial Understanding of Data - Prompt 2



The daily change in Tesla’s closing stock price is calculated, providing valuable insights into its day-to-day fluctuations. The average daily change, computed at 0.0618, signifies the typical amount by which Tesla’s closing stock price varied over the specified period.

This metric offers investors and analysts a clear understanding of the level of volatility or stability exhibited by Tesla’s stock daily, aiding in informed decision-making and risk assessment strategies.

Detecting Anomalies



Langchain agents - Detecting Anomalies - Prompt



In the realm of anomaly detection within financial data, the absence of outliers in closing prices, as determined by the 1.5*IQR rule, is a notable finding. This suggests that within the dataset under examination, there are no extreme values that significantly deviate from the norm.

However, it is essential to underscore that while this statistical method provides a preliminary assessment, a comprehensive analysis should incorporate additional factors and context to conclusively ascertain the presence or absence of outliers.

This comprehensive approach ensures a more nuanced understanding of the data’s integrity and potential anomalies, thus aiding in informed decision-making processes within the financial domain.

Visualizing Data



Langchain agents - Visualizing Data - Prompt


Langchain agents - Visualizing Data - Graph



The chart above depicts the daily closing price of Tesla’s stock plotted over the past year. The horizontal x-axis represents the dates, while the vertical y-axis shows the corresponding closing prices in USD. Each data point is connected by a line, allowing us to visualize trends and fluctuations in the stock price over time. 

By analyzing this chart, we can identify trends like upward or downward movements in Tesla’s stock price. Additionally, sudden spikes or dips might warrant further investigation into potential news or events impacting the stock market.




Langchain agents - Forecasting - Prompt



Even with historical data, predicting the future is a complex task for Large Language Models. Large language models excel at analyzing information and generating text, they cannot reliably forecast stock prices. The stock market is influenced by many unpredictable factors, making precise predictions beyond historical trends difficult.

The analysis reveals an average price of $217.16 with some variation, but for a more confident prediction of Tesla’s price next month, human experts and consideration of current events are crucial.

Key Findings



Langchain agents - Key Findings - Prompt



The generated natural language summary encapsulates the essential insights gleaned from the data analysis. It underscores the stock’s average price, revealing its range from $142.05 to $293.34. Notably, the analysis highlights the stock’s low volatility, a significant metric for investors gauging risk.

With a standard deviation of $37.73, it paints a picture of stability amidst market fluctuations. Furthermore, the observation that most price changes are minor, averaging just 0.26%, provides valuable context on the stock’s day-to-day movements.

This concise summary distills complex data into digestible nuggets, empowering readers to grasp key findings swiftly and make informed decisions.

Limitations and Considerations 

While LLMs offer significant advantages in time series analysis, it is essential to be aware of its limitations. These include the lack of domain-specific knowledge, sensitivity to input wording, biases in training data, and a limited understanding of context.

Data scientists must validate responses with domain expertise, frame questions carefully, and remain vigilant about biases and errors. 

  • LLMs are most effective as a supplementary tool. They can be an asset for uncovering hidden patterns and providing context, but they should not be the sole basis for decisions, especially in critical areas like finance. 
  • Combining LLMs with traditional time series models can be a powerful approach. This leverages the strengths of both methods – the ability of LLMs to handle complex relationships and the interpretability of traditional models. 

Overall, LLMs offer exciting possibilities for time series analysis, but it is important to be aware of their limitations and use them strategically alongside other tools for the best results.

Best Practices for Using LLMs in Time Series Analysis 

To effectively utilize LLMs like ChatGPT or Langchain in time series analysis, the following best practices are recommended: 

  • Combine LLM’s insights with domain expertise to ensure accuracy and relevance. 
  • Perform consistency checks by asking LMMs multiple variations of the same question. 
  • Verify critical information and predictions with reliable external sources. 
  • Use LLMs iteratively to generate ideas and hypotheses that can be refined with traditional methods. 
  • Implement bias mitigation techniques to reduce the risk of biased responses. 
  • Design clear prompts specifying the task and desired output. 
  • Use a zero-shot approach for simpler tasks, and fine-tune for complex problems. 


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LLMs: A Powerful Tool for Data Analytics

In summary, Large Language Models (LLMs) represent a significant shift in data analysis, offering an accessible avenue to obtain desired insights and narratives. The examples displayed highlight the power of adept prompting in unlocking valuable interpretations.

However, this is merely the tip of the iceberg. With a deeper grasp of effective prompting strategies, users can unleash a wealth of analyses, comparisons, and visualizations.

Mastering the art of effective prompting allows individuals to navigate their data with the skill of seasoned analysts, all thanks to the transformative influence of LLMs.


May 23, 2024

Word embeddings provide a way to present complex data in a way that is understandable by machines. Hence, acting as a translator, it converts human language into a machine-readable form. Their impact on ML tasks has made them a cornerstone of AI advancements.

These embeddings, when particularly used for natural language processing (NLP) tasks, are also referred to as LLM embeddings. In this blog, we will focus on these embeddings in LLM and explore how they have evolved over time within the world of NLP, each transformation being a result of technological advancement and progress.

This journey of continuous evolution of LLM embeddings is key to the enhancement of large language models performance and its improved understanding of the human language. Before we take a trip through the journey of embeddings from the beginning, let’s revisit the impact of embeddings on LLMs.


Large language model bootcamp

Impact of embeddings on LLMs

It is the introduction of embeddings that has transformed LLMs over time from basic text processors to powerful tools that understand language. They have empowered language models to move beyond tasks of simple text manipulation to generate complex and contextually relevant content.

With a deeper understanding of the human language, LLM embeddings have also facilitated these models to generate outputs with greater accuracy. Hence, in their own journey of evolution through the years, embeddings have transformed LLMs to become more efficient and creative, generating increasingly innovative and coherent responses.


Read on to understand the role of embeddings in generative AI


Let’s take a step back and travel through the journey of LLM embeddings from the start to the present day, understanding their evolution every step of the way.

Growth Stages of Word Embeddings

Embeddings have revolutionized the functionality and efficiency of LLMs. The journey of their evolution has empowered large language models to do much more with the content. Let’s get a glimpse of the journey of LLM embeddings to understand the story behind the enhancement of LLMs.


Evolution of LLM embeddings from word embeddings
Stages in the evolution of LLM embeddings


Stage 1: Traditional vector representations

The earliest word representations were in the form of traditional vectors for machines, where words were treated as isolated entities within a text. While it enabled machines to read and understand words, it failed to capture the contextual relationships between words.

Techniques present in this era of language models included:

One-hot encoding

It converts categorical data into a machine-readable format by creating a new binary feature for each category of a data point. It allows ML models to work with data but in a limited manner. Moreover, the technique is more suited to numerical data than textual input.

Bag-of-words (BoW)

This technique focuses on summarizing textual data by creating a simple feature for each word in the input data. BoW does not focus on the order of words in a text. Hence, while it is helpful to develop a basic understanding of a document, it is limited in forming a connection between words to grasp a deeper meaning.

Stage 2: Introduction of neural networks

The next step for LLM embeddings was the introduction of neural networks to capture the contextual information within the data.


Here’s a comprehensive guide to understanding neural networks


New techniques to translate data for machines were used using neural networks, which primarily included:

Self-Organizing Maps (SOMs)

These are useful to explore high-dimensional data, like textual information that has many features. SOMs work to bring down the information into a 2-dimensional map where similar data points form clusters, providing a starting point for advanced embeddings.

Simple Recurrent Networks (SRNs)

The strength of SRNs lies in their ability to handle sequences like text. They function by remembering past inputs to learn more contextual information. However, with long sequences, the networks failed to capture the intricate nuances of language.

Stage 3: The rise of word embeddings

It marks one of the major transitions in the history of LLM embeddings. The idea of word embeddings brought forward the vector representation of words. It also resulted in the formation of more refined word clusters in the three-dimensional space, capturing the semantic relationship between words in a better way.

Some popular word embedding models are listed below.


It is a word embedding technique that considers the surrounding words in a text and their co-occurrence to determine the complete contextual information.

Using this information, Word2Vec creates a unique vector representation of each word, creating improved clusters for similar words. This allows machines to grasp the nuances of language and perform tasks like machine translation and text summarization more effectively.

Global Vectors for Word Representation (GloVe)

It takes on a statistical approach in determining the contextual information of words and analyzing how effectively words contribute to the overall meaning of a document.

With a broader analysis of co-occurrences, GloVe captures the semantic similarity and any analogies in the data. It creates informative word vectors that enhance tasks like sentiment analysis and text classification.


This word embedding technique involves handling out-of-vocabulary (OOV) words by incorporating subword information. It functions by breaking down words into smaller units called n-grams. FastText creates representations by analyzing the occurrences of n-grams within words.

Stage 4: The emergence of contextual embeddings

This stage is marked by embeddings and gathering contextual information after the analysis of surrounding words and sentences. It creates a dynamic representation of words based on the specific context in which they appear. The era of contextual embeddings has evolved in the following manner:

Transformer-based models

The use of transformer-based models like BERT has boosted the revolution of embeddings. Using a transformer architecture, a model like BERT generates embeddings that capture both contextual and syntactic information, leading to highly enhanced performance on various NLP tasks.


Navigate transformer models to understand how they will shape the future of NLP


Multimodal embeddings

As data complexity has increased, embeddings are also created to cater to the various forms of information like text, image, audio, and more. Models like OpenAI’s CLIP (Contrastive Language-Image Pretraining) and Vision Transformer (ViT) enable joint representation learning, allowing embeddings to capture cross-modal relationships.

Transfer Learning and Fine-Tuning

Techniques of transfer learning and fine-tuning pre-trained embeddings have also facilitated the growth of embeddings since they eliminate the need for training from scratch. Leveraging these practices results in more specialized LLMs dealing with specific tasks within the realm of NLP.

Hence, the LLM embeddings started off from traditional vector representations and have evolved from simple word embeddings to contextual embeddings over time. While we now understand the different stages of the journey of embeddings in NLP tasks, let’s narrow our lens towards a comparative look at things.


Read more about fine-tuning LLMs


Through a lens of comparative analysis

Embeddings have played a crucial role in NLP tasks to enhance the accuracy of translation from human language to machine-readable form. With context and meaning as major nuances of human language, embeddings have evolved to apply improved techniques to generate the closest meaning of textual data for ML tasks.

A comparative analysis of some important stages of evolution for LLM embeddings presents a clearer understanding of the aspects that have improved and in what ways.

Word embeddings vs contextual embeddings

Word embeddings and contextual embeddings are both techniques used in NLP to represent words or phrases as numerical vectors. They differ in the way they capture information and the context in which they operate.


LLM Embeddings: Word embeddings vs contextual embeddings
Comparison of word and contextual embeddings at a glance – Source: ResearchGate


Word embeddings represent words in a fixed-dimensional vector space, giving each unit a unique code that presents its meaning. These codes are based on co-occurrence patterns or global statistics, where each word’s code has a single vector representation regardless of its context.

In this way, word embeddings capture the semantic relationships between words, allowing for tasks like word similarity and analogy detection. They are particularly useful when the meaning of a word remains relatively constant across different contexts.

Popular word embedding techniques include Word2Vec and GloVe.

On the other hand, contextual embeddings consider the surrounding context of a word or phrase, creating a more contextualized vector representation. It enables them to capture the meaning of words based on the specific context in which they appear, allowing for more nuanced and dynamic representations.

Contextual embeddings are trained using deep neural networks. They are particularly useful for tasks like sentiment analysis, machine translation, and question answering, where capturing the nuances of meaning is crucial. Common examples of contextual embeddings include ELMo and BERT.

How generative AI and LLMs work



Hence, it is evident that while word embeddings provide fixed representations in a vector space, contextual embeddings generate more dynamic results based on the surrounding context. The choice between the two depends on the specific NLP task and the level of context sensitivity required.

Unsupervised vs. supervised learning for embeddings

While vector representation and contextual inference remain important factors in the evolution of LLM embeddings, the lens of comparative analysis also highlights another aspect for discussion. It involves the different approaches to train embeddings. The two main approaches of interest for embeddings include unsupervised and supervised learning.


word embeddings - training approaches
Visually representing unsupervised and supervised learning – Source: ResearchGate


As the name suggests, unsupervised learning is a type of approach that allows the model to learn patterns and analyze massive amounts of text without any labels or guidance. It aims to capture the inherent structure of the data by finding meaningful representations without any specific task in mind.

Word2Vec and GloVe use unsupervised learning, focusing on how often words appear together to capture the general meaning. They use techniques like neural networks to learn word embeddings based on co-occurrence patterns in the data.

Since unsupervised learning does not require labeled data, it is easier to execute and manage. It is suitable for tasks like word similarity, analogy detection, and even discovering new relationships between words. However, it is limited in its accuracy, especially for words with multiple meanings.

On the contrary, supervised learning requires labeled data where each unit has explicit input-output pairs to train the model. These algorithms train embeddings by leveraging labeled data to learn representations that are optimized for a specific task or prediction.


Learn more about embeddings as building blocks for LLMs


BERT and ELMo are techniques that use supervised learning to capture the meaning of words based on their specific context. These algorithms are trained on large datasets and fine-tuned for specialized tasks like sentiment analysis, named entity recognition, and question answering. However, labeling data can be an expensive and laborious task.

When it comes to choosing the appropriate approach to train embeddings, it depends on the availability of labeled data. Moreover, it is also linked to your needs, where general understanding can be achieved through unsupervised learning but contextual accuracy requires supervised learning.

Another way out is to combine the two approaches when training your embeddings. It can be done by using unsupervised methods to create a foundation and then fine-tuning them with supervised learning for your specific task. This refers to the concept of pre-training of word embeddings.


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The role of pre-training in embedding quality

Pre-training refers to the unsupervised learning of a model through massive amounts of textual data before its fine-tuning. By analyzing this data, the model builds a strong understanding of how words co-occur, how sentences work, and how context influences meaning.

It plays a crucial role in embedding quality as it determines a model’s understanding of language fundamentals, impacting the accuracy of an LLM to capture contextual information. It leads to improved performance in tasks like sentiment analysis and machine translation. Hence, with more comprehensive pre-training, you get better results from embeddings.



What is next in word embeddings?

The future of LLM embeddings is brimming with potential. With transformer-based and multimodal embeddings, there is immense room for further advancements.

The future is also about making LLM embeddings more accessible and applicable to real-world problems, from education to chatbots that can navigate complex human interactions and much more. Hence, it is about pushing the boundaries of language understanding and communication in AI.

May 10, 2024

In recent years, the landscape of artificial intelligence has been transformed by the development of large language models like GPT-3 and BERT, renowned for their impressive capabilities and wide-ranging applications.

However, alongside these giants, a new category of AI tools is making waves—the small language models (SLMs). These models, such as LLaMA 3, Phi 3, Mistral 7B, and Gemma, offer a potent combination of advanced AI capabilities with significantly reduced computational demands.

Why are Small Language Models Needed?

This shift towards smaller, more efficient models is driven by the need for accessibility, cost-effectiveness, and the democratization of AI technology.

Small language models require less hardware, lower energy consumption, and offer faster deployment, making them ideal for startups, academic researchers, and businesses that do not possess the immense resources often associated with big tech companies.

Moreover, their size does not merely signify a reduction in scale but also an increase in adaptability and ease of integration across various platforms and applications.

Benefits of Small Language Models SLMs | Phi 3

How Small Language Models Excel with Fewer Parameters?

Several factors explain why smaller language models can perform effectively with fewer parameters.

Primarily, advanced training techniques play a crucial role. Methods like transfer learning enable these models to build on pre-existing knowledge bases, enhancing their adaptability and efficiency for specialized tasks.

For example, knowledge distillation from large language models to small language models can achieve comparable performance while significantly reducing the need for computational power.

Moreover, smaller models often focus on niche applications. By concentrating their training on targeted datasets, these models are custom-built for specific functions or industries, enhancing their effectiveness in those particular contexts.

For instance, a small language model trained exclusively on medical data could potentially surpass a general-purpose large model in understanding medical jargon and delivering accurate diagnoses.

However, it’s important to note that the success of a small language model depends heavily on its training regimen, fine-tuning, and the specific tasks it is designed to perform. Therefore, while small models may excel in certain areas, they might not always be the optimal choice for every situation.

Best Small Langauge Models in 2024

Leading Small Language Models | Llama 3 | phi-3
Leading Small Language Models (SLMs)

1. Llama 3 by Meta

LLaMA 3 is an open-source language model developed by Meta. It’s part of Meta’s broader strategy to empower more extensive and responsible AI usage by providing the community with tools that are both powerful and adaptable. This model builds upon the success of its predecessors by incorporating advanced training methods and architecture optimizations that enhance its performance across various tasks such as translation, dialogue generation, and complex reasoning.

Performance and Innovation

Meta’s LLaMA 3 has been trained on significantly larger datasets compared to earlier versions, utilizing custom-built GPU clusters that enable it to process vast amounts of data efficiently.

This extensive training has equipped LLaMA 3 with an improved understanding of language nuances and the ability to handle multi-step reasoning tasks more effectively. The model is particularly noted for its enhanced capabilities in generating more aligned and diverse responses, making it a robust tool for developers aiming to create sophisticated AI-driven applications.

Llama 3 pre-trained model performance
Llama 3 pre-trained model performance – Source: Meta

Why LLaMA 3 Matters

The significance of LLaMA 3 lies in its accessibility and versatility. Being open-source, it democratizes access to state-of-the-art AI technology, allowing a broader range of users to experiment and develop applications. This model is crucial for promoting innovation in AI, providing a platform that supports both foundational and advanced AI research. By offering an instruction-tuned version of the model, Meta ensures that developers can fine-tune LLaMA 3 to specific applications, enhancing both performance and relevance to particular domains.


Learn more about Meta’s Llama 3 


2. Phi 3 By Microsoft

Phi-3 is a pioneering series of SLMs developed by Microsoft, emphasizing high capability and cost-efficiency. As part of Microsoft’s ongoing commitment to accessible AI, Phi-3 models are designed to provide powerful AI solutions that are not only advanced but also more affordable and efficient for a wide range of applications.

These models are part of an open AI initiative, meaning they are accessible to the public and can be integrated and deployed in various environments, from cloud-based platforms like Microsoft Azure AI Studio to local setups on personal computing devices.

Performance and Significance

The Phi 3 models stand out for their exceptional performance, surpassing both similar and larger-sized models in tasks involving language processing, coding, and mathematical reasoning.

Notably, the Phi-3-mini, a 3.8 billion parameter model within this family, is available in versions that handle up to 128,000 tokens of context—setting a new standard for flexibility in processing extensive text data with minimal quality compromise.

Microsoft has optimized Phi 3 for diverse computing environments, supporting deployment across GPUs, CPUs, and mobile platforms, which is a testament to its versatility.

Additionally, these models integrate seamlessly with other Microsoft technologies, such as ONNX Runtime for performance optimization and Windows DirectML for broad compatibility across Windows devices.

Phi 3 family comparison gemma 7b mistral 7b mixtral llama 3
Phi-3 family comparison with Gemma 7b, Mistral 7b, Mixtral 8x7b, Llama 3 – Source: Microsoft

Why Does Phi 3 Matter?

The development of Phi 3 reflects a significant advancement in AI safety and ethical AI deployment. Microsoft has aligned the development of these models with its Responsible AI Standard, ensuring that they adhere to principles of fairness, transparency, and security, making them not just powerful but also trustworthy tools for developers.

3. Mixtral 8x7B by Mistral AI

Mixtral, developed by Mistral AI, is a groundbreaking model known as a Sparse Mixture of Experts (SMoE). It represents a significant shift in AI model architecture by focusing on both performance efficiency and open accessibility.

Mistral AI, known for its foundation in open technology, has designed Mixtral to be a decoder-only model, where a router network selectively engages different groups of parameters, or “experts,” to process data.

This approach not only makes Mixtral highly efficient but also adaptable to a variety of tasks without requiring the computational power typically associated with large models.


Explore the showdown of 7B LLMs – Mistral 7B vs Llama-2 7B

Performance and Innovations

Mixtral excels in processing large contexts up to 32k tokens and supports multiple languages including English, French, Italian, German, and Spanish.

It has demonstrated strong capabilities in code generation and can be fine-tuned to follow instructions precisely, achieving high scores on benchmarks like the MT-Bench.

What sets Mixtral apart is its efficiency—despite having a total parameter count of 46.7 billion, it effectively utilizes only about 12.9 billion per token, aligning it with much smaller models in terms of computational cost and speed.

Why Does Mixtral Matter?

The significance of Mixtral lies in its open-source nature and its licensing under Apache 2.0, which encourages widespread use and adaptation by the developer community.

This model is not only a technological innovation but also a strategic move to foster more collaborative and transparent AI development. By making high-performance AI more accessible and less resource-intensive, Mixtral is paving the way for broader, more equitable use of advanced AI technologies.

Mixtral’s architecture represents a step towards more sustainable AI practices by reducing the energy and computational costs typically associated with large models. This makes it not only a powerful tool for developers but also a more environmentally conscious choice in the AI landscape.

Large Language Models Bootcamp | LLM

4. Gemma by Google

Gemma is a new generation of open models introduced by Google, designed with the core philosophy of responsible AI development. Developed by Google DeepMind along with other teams at Google, Gemma leverages the foundational research and technology that also gave rise to the Gemini models.

Technical Details and Availability

Gemma models are structured to be lightweight and state-of-the-art, ensuring they are accessible and functional across various computing environments—from mobile devices to cloud-based systems.

Google has released two main versions of Gemma: a 2 billion parameter model and a 7 billion parameter model. Each of these comes in both pre-trained and instruction-tuned variants to cater to different developer needs and application scenarios.

Gemma models are freely available and supported by tools that encourage innovation, collaboration, and responsible usage.

Why Does Gemma Matter?

Gemma models are significant not just for their technical robustness but for their role in democratizing AI technology. By providing state-of-the-art capabilities in an open model format, Google facilitates a broader adoption and innovation in AI, allowing developers and researchers worldwide to build advanced applications without the high costs typically associated with large models.

Moreover, Gemma models are designed to be adaptable, allowing users to tune them for specialized tasks, which can lead to more efficient and targeted AI solutions

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5. OpenELM Family by Apple

OpenELM is a family of small language models developed by Apple. OpenELM models are particularly appealing for applications where resource efficiency is critical. OpenELM is open-source, offering transparency and the opportunity for the wider research community to modify and adapt the models as needed.

Performance and Capabilities

Despite their smaller size and open-source nature, it’s important to note that OpenELM models do not necessarily match the top-tier performance of some larger, more closed-source models. They achieve moderate accuracy levels across various benchmarks but may lag behind in more complex or nuanced tasks. For example, while OpenELM shows improved performance compared to similar models like OLMo in terms of accuracy, the improvement is moderate.

Why Does OpenELM Matter?

OpenELM represents a strategic move by Apple to integrate state-of-the-art generative AI directly into its hardware ecosystem, including laptops and smartphones.

By embedding these efficient models into devices, Apple can potentially offer enhanced on-device AI capabilities without the need to constantly connect to the cloud.

Apple's Open-Source SLMs family | Phi 3
Apple’s Open-Source SLM family

This not only improves functionality in areas with poor connectivity but also aligns with increasing consumer demands for privacy and data security, as processing data locally minimizes the risk of exposure over networks.

Furthermore, embedding OpenELM into Apple’s products could give the company a significant competitive advantage by making their devices smarter and more capable of handling complex AI tasks independently of the cloud.

How generative AI and LLMs work

This can transform user experiences, offering more responsive and personalized AI interactions directly on their devices. The move could set a new standard for privacy in AI, appealing to privacy-conscious consumers and potentially reshaping consumer expectations in the tech industry.

The Future of Small Language Models

As we dive deeper into the capabilities and strategic implementations of small language models, it’s clear that the evolution of AI is leaning heavily towards efficiency and integration. Companies like Apple, Microsoft, and Google are pioneering this shift by embedding advanced AI directly into everyday devices, enhancing user experience while upholding stringent privacy standards.

This approach not only meets the growing consumer demand for powerful, yet private technology solutions but also sets a new paradigm in the competitive landscape of tech companies.

May 7, 2024

Have you ever thought about the leap from “Good to Great” as James Collins describes in his book?

This is precisely what we aim to achieve with large language models (LLMs) today.

We are at a stage where language models are surely competent, but the challenge is to elevate them to excellence.

While there are numerous approaches that are being discussed currently to enhance LLMs, one approach that seems to be very promising is incorporating agentic workflows in LLMs.

Future of LLMs | AI Agents Workflows
Andrew NG Tweet| AI Agents

Let’s dig deeper into what are AI agents, and how can they improve the results generated by LLMs.

What are Agentic Workflows

Agentic workflows are all about making LLMs smarter by integrating them into structured processes. This helps the AI deliver higher-quality results.

Right now, large language models usually operate on a zero-shot mode.

This equates to asking someone to write an 800-word blog on AI agents in one go, without any edits.


It’s not ideal, right?


That’s where AI agents come in. They let the LLM go over the task multiple times, fine-tuning the results each time. This process uses extra tools and smarter decision-making to really leverage what LLMs can do, especially for specific, targeted projects. Read more about AI agents

How AI Agents Enhance Large Language Models

Agent workflows have been proven to dramatically improve the performance of language models. For example, GPT 3.5 observed an increase in coding accuracy from 48.1% to 95.1% when moving from zero-shot prompting to an agent workflow on a coding benchmark.

GPT 3.5 and GPT 4 Performance Increase with AI Agents
Source: DeepLearning.AI

Building Blocks for AI Agents

There is a lot of work going on globally about different strategies to create AI agents. To put the research into perspective, here’s a framework for categorizing design patterns for building agents.

Framework for AI Agentic Workflow for LLMs | LLM Agents
Framework for agentic workflow for LLM Applications


1. Reflection

Reflection refers to a design pattern where an LLM generates an output and then reflects on its creation to identify improvement areas.

This process of self-critique allows the model to automatically provide constructive criticism of its output, much like a human would revise their work after writing a first draft.

Reflection leads to performance gains in AI agents by enabling them to self-criticize and improve through an iterative process.

When an LLM generates an initial output, it can be prompted to reflect on that output by checking for issues related to correctness, style, efficiency, and whatnot.

Reflection in Action

Here’s an example process of how Reflection leads to improved code:

  1. Initially, an LLM receives a prompt to write code for a specific task, X.
  2. Once the code is generated, the LLM reviews its work, assessing the code’s accuracy, style, and efficiency, and provides suggestions for improvements.
  3. The LLM identifies any issues or opportunities for optimization and proposes adjustments based on this evaluation.
  4. The LLM is prompted to refine the code, this time incorporating the insights gained from its own review.
  5. This review and revision cycle continues, with the LLM providing ongoing feedback and making iterative enhancements to the code.


Large language model bootcamp


2. Tool Use

Incorporating different tools in the agenetic workflow allows the language model to call upon various tools for gathering information, taking actions, or manipulating data to accomplish tasks. This pattern extends the functionality of LLMs beyond generating text-based responses, allowing them to interact with external systems and perform more complex operations.

One can argue that some of the current consumer-facing products like ChatGPT are already capitalizing on different tools like web-search. Well, what we are proposing is different and massive. Here’s how:

  • Access to Multiple Tools:

We are talking about AI Agents with the ability to access a variety of tools to perform a broad range of functions, from searching different sources (e.g., web, Wikipedia, arXiv) to interfacing with productivity tools (e.g., email, calendars).

This will allow LLMs to perform more complex tasks, such as managing communications, scheduling meetings, or conducting in-depth research—all in real-time.

Developers can use heuristics to include the most relevant subset of tools in the LLM’s context at each processing step, similar to how retrieval augmented generation (RAG) systems choose subsets of text for contextual relevance.

  • Code Execution

One of the significant challenges with current LLMs is their limited ability to perform accurate computations directly from a trained model.

For instance, asking a typical LLM a math-related query like calculating compound interest might not yield the correct result.

This is where the integration of tools like Python into LLMs becomes invaluable. By allowing LLMs to execute Python code, they can precisely calculate and solve complex mathematical queries.

This capability not only enhances the functionality of LLMs in academic and professional settings but also boosts user trust in their ability to handle technical tasks effectively.

3. Multi-Agent Collaboration

Handling complex tasks can often be too challenging for a single AI agent, much like it would be for an individual person.

This is where multi-agent collaboration becomes crucial. By dividing these complex tasks into smaller, more manageable parts, each AI agent can focus on a specific segment where its expertise can be best utilized.

This approach mirrors how human teams operate, with different specialists taking on different roles within a project. Such collaboration allows for more efficient handling of intricate tasks, ensuring each part is managed by the most suitable agent, thus enhancing overall effectiveness and results.

How different AI agents can perform specialized roles within a single workflow?

In a multi-agent collaboration framework, various specialized agents work together within a single system to efficiently handle complex tasks. Here’s a straightforward breakdown of the process:

  • Role Specialization: Each agent has a specific role based on its expertise. For example, a Product Manager agent might create a Product Requirement Document (PRD), while an Architect agent focuses on technical specifications.
  • Task-Oriented Dialogue: The agents communicate through task-oriented dialogues, initiated by role-specific prompts, to effectively contribute to the project.
  • Memory Stream: A memory stream records all past dialogues, helping agents reference previous interactions for more informed decisions, and maintaining continuity throughout the workflow.
  • Self-Reflection and Feedback: Agents review their decisions and actions, using self-reflection and feedback mechanisms to refine their contributions and ensure alignment with the overall goals.
  • Self-Improvement: Through active teamwork and learning from past projects, agents continuously improve, enhancing the system’s overall effectiveness.

This framework allows for streamlined and effective management of complex tasks by distributing them among specialized LLM agents, each handling aspects they are best suited for.

Such systems not only manage to optimize the execution of subtasks but also do so cost-effectively, scaling to various levels of complexity and broadening the scope of applications that LLMs can address.

Furthermore, the capacity for planning and tool use within the multi-agent framework enriches the solution space, fostering creativity and improved decision-making akin to a well-orchestrated team of specialists.


How generative AI and LLMs work


4. Planning

Planning is a design pattern that empowers large language models to autonomously devise a sequence of steps to achieve complex objectives.

Rather than relying on a single tool or action, planning allows an agent to dynamically determine the necessary steps to accomplish a task, which might not be pre-determined or decomposable into a set of subtasks in advance.

By decomposing a larger task into smaller, manageable subtasks, planning allows for a more systematic approach to problem-solving, leading to potentially higher-quality and more comprehensive outcomes

Impact of  Planning on Outcome Quality

The impact of Planning on outcome quality is multifaceted:

Adaptability: It gives AI agents the flexibility to adapt their strategies on the fly, making them capable of handling unexpected changes or errors in the workflow.
Dynamism: Planning allows agents to dynamically decide on the execution of tasks, which can result in creative and effective solutions to problems that are not immediately obvious.
Autonomy: It enables AI systems to work with minimal human intervention, enhancing efficiency and reducing the time to resolution.

Challenges of Planning

The use of Planning also presents several challenges:

  • Predictability: The autonomous nature of Planning can lead to less predictable results, as the sequence of actions determined by the agent may not always align with human expectations.
  • Complexity: As the complexity of tasks increases, so does the challenge for the LLM to predict precise plans. This necessitates further optimization of LLMs for task planning to handle a broader range of tasks effectively.

Despite these challenges, the field is rapidly evolving, and improvements in planning abilities are expected to enhance the quality of outcomes further while mitigating the associated challenges


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The Future of Agentic Workflows in LLMs

This strategic approach to developing LLM agent through agentic workflows offers a promising path to not just enhancing their performance but also expanding their applicability across various domains.

The ongoing optimization and integration of these workflows are crucial for achieving the high standards of reliability and ethical responsibility required in advanced AI systems.


May 3, 2024

Large language models (LLMs) have taken the world by storm with their ability to understand and generate human-like text. These AI marvels can analyze massive amounts of data, answer your questions in comprehensive detail, and even create different creative text formats, like poems, code, scripts, musical pieces, emails, letters, etc.

It’s like having a conversation with a computer that feels almost like talking to a real person!

However, LLMs on their own exist within a self-contained world of text. They can’t directly interact with external systems or perform actions in the real world. This is where LLM agents come in and play a transformative role.


Large language model bootcamp

LLM agents act as powerful intermediaries, bridging the gap between the LLM’s internal world and the vast external world of data and applications. They essentially empower LLMs to become more versatile and take action on their behalf. Think of an LLM agent as a personal assistant for your LLM, fetching information and completing tasks based on your instructions.

For instance, you might ask an LLM, “What are the next available flights to New York from Toronto?” The LLM can access and process information but cannot directly search the web – it is reliant on its training data.

An LLM agent can step in, retrieve the data from a website, and provide the available list of flights to the LLM. The LLM can then present you with the answer in a clear and concise way.


Role of LLM agents at a glance
Role of LLM agents at a glance – Source: LinkedIn


By combining LLMs with agents, we unlock a new level of capability and versatility. In the following sections, we’ll dive deeper into the benefits of using LLM agents and explore how they are revolutionizing various applications.

Benefits and Use-cases of LLM Agents

Let’s explore in detail the transformative benefits of LLM agents and how they empower LLMs to become even more powerful.

Enhanced Functionality: Beyond Text Processing

LLMs excel at understanding and manipulating text, but they lack the ability to directly access and interact with external systems. An LLM agent bridges this gap by allowing the LLM to leverage external tools and data sources.

Imagine you ask an LLM, “What is the weather forecast for Seattle this weekend?” The LLM can understand the question but cannot directly access weather data. An LLM agent can step in, retrieve the forecast from a weather API, and provide the LLM with the information it needs to respond accurately.

This empowers LLMs to perform tasks that were previously impossible, like: 

  • Accessing and processing data from databases and APIs 
  • Executing code 
  • Interacting with web services 

Increased Versatility: A Wider Range of Applications

By unlocking the ability to interact with the external world, LLM agents significantly expand the range of applications for LLMs. Here are just a few examples: 

  • Data Analysis and Processing: LLMs can be used to analyze data from various sources, such as financial reports, social media posts, and scientific papers. LLM agents can help them extract key insights, identify trends, and answer complex questions. 
  • Content Generation and Automation: LLMs can be empowered to create different kinds of content, like articles, social media posts, or marketing copy. LLM agents can assist them by searching for relevant information, gathering data, and ensuring factual accuracy. 
  • Custom Tools and Applications: Developers can leverage LLM agents to build custom tools that combine the power of LLMs with external functionalities. Imagine a tool that allows an LLM to write and execute Python code, search for information online, and generate creative text formats based on user input. 


Explore the dynamics and working of agents in LLM


Improved Performance: Context and Information for Better Answers

LLM agents don’t just expand what LLMs can do, they also improve how they do it. By providing LLMs with access to relevant context and information, LLM agents can significantly enhance the quality of their responses: 

  • More Accurate Responses: When an LLM agent retrieves data from external sources, the LLM can generate more accurate and informative answers to user queries. 
  • Enhanced Reasoning: LLM agents can facilitate a back-and-forth exchange between the LLM and external systems, allowing the LLM to reason through problems and arrive at well-supported conclusions. 
  • Reduced Bias: By incorporating information from diverse sources, LLM agents can mitigate potential biases present in the LLM’s training data, leading to fairer and more objective responses. 

Enhanced Efficiency: Automating Tasks and Saving Time

LLM agents can automate repetitive tasks that would otherwise require human intervention. This frees up human experts to focus on more complex problems and strategic initiatives. Here are some examples: 

  • Data Extraction and Summarization: LLM agents can automatically extract relevant data from documents and reports, saving users time and effort. 
  • Research and Information Gathering: LLM agents can be used to search for information online, compile relevant data points, and present them to the LLM for analysis. 
  • Content Creation Workflows: LLM agents can streamline content creation workflows by automating tasks like data gathering, formatting, and initial drafts. 

In conclusion, LLM agents are a game-changer, transforming LLMs from powerful text processors to versatile tools that can interact with the real world. By unlocking enhanced functionality, increased versatility, improved performance, and enhanced efficiency, LLM agents pave the way for a new wave of innovative applications across various domains.

In the next section, we’ll explore how LangChain, a framework for building LLM applications, can be used to implement LLM agents and unlock their full potential.


Overview of an autonomous LLM agent system
Overview of an autonomous LLM agent system – Source: GitHub


Implementing LLM Agents with LangChain 

Now, let’s explore how LangChain, a framework specifically designed for building LLM applications, empowers us to implement LLM agents. 

What is LangChain?

LangChain is a powerful toolkit that simplifies the process of building and deploying LLM applications. It provides a structured environment where you can connect your LLM with various tools and functionalities, enabling it to perform actions beyond basic text processing. Think of LangChain as a Lego set for building intelligent applications powered by LLMs.



Implementing LLM Agents with LangChain: A Step-by-Step Guide

Let’s break down the process of implementing LLM agents with LangChain into manageable steps: 

Setting Up the Base LLM

The foundation of your LLM agent is the LLM itself. You can either choose an open-source model like Llama2 or Mixtral, or a proprietary model like OpenAI’s GPT or Cohere. 

Defining the Tools

Identify the external functionalities your LLM agent will need. These tools could be: 

  • APIs: Services that provide programmatic access to data or functionalities (e.g., weather API, stock market API) 
  • Databases: Collections of structured data your LLM can access and query (e.g., customer database, product database) 
  • Web Search Tools: Tools that allow your LLM to search the web for relevant information (e.g., duckduckgo, serper API) 
  • Coding Tools: Tools that allow your LLM to write and execute actual code (e.g., Python REPL Tool)


Defining the tools of an AI-powered LLM agent
Defining the tools of an AI-powered LLM agent


You can check out LangChain’s documentation to find a comprehensive list of tools and toolkits provided by LangChain that you can easily integrate into your agent, or you can easily define your own custom tool such as a calculator tool.

Creating an Agent

This is the brain of your LLM agent, responsible for communication and coordination. The agent understands the user’s needs, selects the appropriate tool based on the task, and interprets the retrieved information for response generation. 

Defining the Interaction Flow

Establish a clear sequence for how the LLM, agent, and tools interact. This flow typically involves: 

  • Receiving a user query 
  • The agent analyzes the query and identifies the necessary tools 
  • The agent passes in the relevant parameters to the chosen tool(s) 
  • The LLM processes the retrieved information from the tools
  • The agent formulates a response based on the retrieved information 

Integration with LangChain

LangChain provides the platform for connecting all the components. You’ll integrate your LLM and chosen tools within LangChain, creating an agent that can interact with the external environment. 

Testing and Refining

Once everything is set up, it’s time to test your LLM agent! Put it through various scenarios to ensure it functions as expected. Based on the results, refine the agent’s logic and interactions to improve its accuracy and performance. 

By following these steps and leveraging LangChain’s capabilities, you can build versatile LLM agents that unlock the true potential of LLMs.


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LangChain Implementation of an LLM Agent with tools

In the next section, we’ll delve into a practical example, walking you through a Python Notebook that implements a LangChain-based LLM agent with retrieval (RAG) and web search tools. OpenAI’s GPT-4 has been used as the LLM of choice here. This will provide you with a hands-on understanding of the concepts discussed here. 

The agent has been equipped with two tools: 

  1. A retrieval tool that can be used to fetch information from a vector store of Data Science Dojo blogs on the topic of RAG. LangChain’s PyPDFLoader is used to load and chunk the PDF blog text, OpenAI embeddings are used to embed the chunks of data, and Weaviate client is used for indexing and storage of data. 
  1. A web search tool that can be used to query the web and bring up-to-date and relevant search results based on the user’s question. Google Serper API is used here as the search wrapper – you can also use duckduckgo search or Tavily API. 

Below is a diagram depicting the agent flow:


LangChain implementation of an LLM agent with tools
LangChain implementation of an LLM agent with tools


Let’s now start going through the code step-by-step. 

Installing Libraries

Let’s start by downloading all the necessary libraries that we’ll need. This includes libraries for handling language models, API clients, and document processing.


Importing and Setting API Keys

Now, we’ll ensure our environment has access to the necessary API keys for OpenAI and Serper by importing them and setting them as environment variables. 


Documents Preprocessing: Mounting Google Drive and Loading Documents

Let’s connect to Google Drive and load the relevant documents. I‘ve stored PDFs of various Data Science Dojo blogs related to RAG, which we’ll use for our tool. Following are the links to the blogs I have used: 



Extracting Text from PDFs

Using the PyPDFLoader from Langchain, we’ll extract text from each PDF by breaking them down into individual pages. This helps in processing and indexing them separately. 


Embedding and Indexing through Weaviate: Embedding Text Chunks

Now we’ll use Weaviate client to turn our text chunks into embeddings using OpenAI’s embedding model. This prepares our text for efficient querying and retrieval.


Setting Up the Retriever

With our documents embedded, let’s set up the retriever which will be crucial for fetching relevant information based on user queries.


Defining Tools: Retrieval and Search Tools Setup

Next, we define two key tools: one for retrieving information from our indexed blogs, and another for performing web searches for queries that extend beyond our local data.


Adding Tools to the List

We then add both tools to our tool list, ensuring our agent can access these during its operations.


Setting up the Agent: Creating the Prompt Template

Let’s create a prompt template that guides our agent on how to handle different types of queries using the tools we’ve set up. 


Initializing the LLM with GPT-4

For the best performance, I used GPT-4 as the LLM of choice as GPT-3.5 seemed to struggle with routing to tools correctly and would go back and forth between the two tools needlessly.


Creating and Configuring the Agent

With the tools and prompt template ready, let’s construct the agent. This agent will use our predefined LLM and tools to handle user queries.



Invoking the Agent: Agent Response to a RAG-related Query

Let’s put our agent to the test by asking a question about RAG and observing how it uses the tools to generate an answer.


Agent Response to an Unrelated Query

Now, let’s see how our agent handles a question that’s not about RAG. This will demonstrate the utility of our web search tool.



That’s all for the implementation of an LLM Agent through LangChain. You can find the full code here.


How generative AI and LLMs work


This is, of course, a very basic use case but it is a starting point. There is a myriad of stuff you can do using agents and LangChain has several cookbooks that you can check out. The best way to get acquainted with any technology is to actually get your hands dirty and use the technology in some way.

I’d encourage you to look up further tutorials and notebooks using agents and try building something yourself. Why not try delegating a task to an agent that you yourself find irksome – perhaps an agent can take off its burden from your shoulders!

LLM agents: A building block for LLM applications

To sum it up, LLM agents are a crucial element for building LLM applications. As you navigate through the process, make sure to consider the role and assistance they have to offer.


April 29, 2024

April 2024 is marked by Meta releasing Llama 3, the newest member of the Llama family. This latest large language model (LLM) is a powerful tool for natural language processing (NLP). Since Llama 2’s launch last year, multiple LLMs have been released into the market including OpenAI’s GPT-4 and Anthropic’s Claude 3.

Hence, the LLM market has become highly competitive and is rapidly advancing. In this era of continuous development, Meta has marked its territory once again with the release of Llama 3.


Large language model bootcamp


Let’s take a deeper look into the newly released LLM and evaluate its probable impact on the market.

What is Llama 3?

It is a text-generation open-source AI model that takes in a text input and generates a relevant textual response. It is trained on a massive dataset (15 trillion tokens of data to be exact), promising improved performance and better contextual understanding.

Thus, it offers better comprehension of data and produces more relevant outputs. The LLM is suitable for all NLP tasks usually performed by language models, including content generation, translating languages, and answering questions.

Since Llama 3 is an open-source model, it will be accessible to all for use. The model will be available on multiple platforms, including AWS, Databricks, Google Cloud, Hugging Face, Kaggle, IBM WatsonX, Microsoft Azure, NVIDIA NIM, and Snowflake.


Catch up on the history of the Llama family – Read in detail about Llama 2


Key features of the LLM

Meta’s latest addition to its family of LLMs is a powerful tool, boosting several key features that enable it to perform more efficiently. Let’s look at the important features of Llama 3.

Strong language processing

The language model offers strong language processing with its enhanced understanding of the meaning and context of textual data. The high scores on benchmarks like MMLU indicate its advanced ability to handle tasks like summarization and question-answering efficiently.

It also offers a high level of proficiency in logical reasoning. The improved reasoning capabilities enable Llama 3 to solve puzzles and understand cause-and-effect relationships within the text. Hence, the enhanced understanding of language ensures the model’s ability to generate innovative and creative content.

Open-source accessibility

It is an open-source LLM, making it accessible to researchers and developers. They can access, modify, and build different applications using the LLM. It makes Llama 3 an important tool in the development of the field of AI, promoting innovation and creativity.

Large context window

The size of context windows for the language model has been doubled from 4096 to 8192 tokens. It makes the window approximately the size of 15 pages of textual data. The large context window offers improved insights for the LLM to portray a better understanding of data and contextual information within it.


Read more about the context window paradox in LLMs


Code generation

Since Meta’s newest language model can generate different programming languages, this makes it a useful tool for programmers. Its increased knowledge of coding enables it to assist in code completion and provide alternative approaches in the code generation process.


While you explore Llama 3, also check out these 8 AI tools for code generation.



How does Llama 3 work?

Llama 3 is a powerful LLM that leverages useful techniques to process information. Its improved code enables it to offer enhanced performance and efficiency. Let’s review the overall steps involved in the language model’s process to understand information and generate relevant outputs.


The first step is to train the language model on a huge dataset of text and code. It can include different forms of textual information, like books, articles, and code repositories. It uses a distributed file system to manage the vast amounts of data.

Underlying architecture

It has a transformer-based architecture that excels at sequence-to-sequence tasks, making it well-suited for language processing. Meta has only shared that the architecture is optimized to offer improved performance of the language model.


Explore the different types of transformer architectures and their uses



The data input is also tokenized before it enters the model. Tokenization is the process of breaking down the text into smaller words called tokens. Llama 3 uses a specialized tokenizer called Tiktoken for the process, where each token is mapped to a numerical identifier. This allows the model to understand the text in a format it can process.

Processing and inference

Once the data is tokenized and input into the language model, it is processed using complex computations. These mathematical calculations are based on the trained parameters of the model. Llama 3 uses inference, aligned with the prompt of the user, to generate a relevant textual response.

Safety and security measures

Since data security is a crucial element of today’s digital world, Llama 3 also focuses on maintaining the safety of information. Among its security measures is the use of tools like Llama Guard 2 and Llama Code Shield to ensure the safe and responsible use of the language model.

Llama Guard 2 analyzes the input prompts and output responses to categorize them as safe or unsafe. The goal is to avoid the risk of processing or generating harmful content.

Llama Code Shield is another tool that is particularly focused on the code generation aspect of the language model. It identifies security vulnerabilities in a code.


How generative AI and LLMs work


Hence, the LLM relies on these steps to process data and generate output, ensuring high-quality results and enhanced performance of the model. Since Llama 3 boasts of high performance, let’s explore the parameters are used to measure its enhanced performance.

What are the performance parameters for Llama 3?

The performance of the language model is measured in relation to two key aspects: model size and benchmark scores.

Model size

The model size of an LLM is defined by the number of parameters used for its training. Based on this concept, Llama 3 comes in two different sizes. Each model size comes in two different versions: a pre-trained (base) version and an instruct-tuned version.


Llama 3 pre-trained model performance
Llama 3 pre-trained model performance – Source: Meta



This model is trained using 8 billion parameters, hence the name 8B. Its smaller size makes it a compact and fast-processing model. It is suitable for use in situations or applications where the user requires quick and efficient results.


The larger model of Llama 3 is trained on 70 billion parameters and is computationally more complex. It is a more powerful version that offers better performance, especially on complex tasks.

In addition to the model size, the LLM performance is also measured and judged by a set of benchmark scores.

Benchmark scores

Meta claims that the language model achieves strong results on multiple benchmarks. Each one is focused on assessing the capabilities of the LLM in different areas. Some key benchmarks for Llama 3 are as follows:

MMLU (Massive Multitask Language Understanding)

It aims to measure the capability of an LLM to understand different languages. A high score indicates that the LLM has high language comprehension across various tasks. It typically tests the zero-shot language understanding to measure the range of general knowledge of a model due to its training.

MMLU spans a wide range of human knowledge, including 57 subjects. The score of the model is based on the percentage of questions the LLM answers correctly. The testing of Llama 3 uses:

  • Zero-shot evaluation – to measure the model’s ability to apply knowledge in the model weights to novel tasks. The model is tested on tasks that the model has never encountered before.
  • 5-shot evaluation – exposes the model to 5 sample tasks and then asks to answer an additional one. It measures the power of generalizability of the model from a small amount of task-specific information.

ARC (Abstract Reasoning Corpus)

It evaluates a model’s ability to perform abstract reasoning and generalize its knowledge to unseen situations. ARC challenges models with tasks requiring them to understand abstract concepts and apply reasoning skills, measuring their ability to go beyond basic pattern recognition and achieve more human-like forms of reasoning and abstraction.

GPQA (General Propositional Question Answering)

It refers to a specific type of question-answering tasks that evaluate an LLM’s ability to answer questions that require reasoning and logic over factual knowledge. It challenges LLMs to go beyond simple information retrieval by emphasizing their ability to process information and use it to answer complex questions.

Strong performance in GPQA tasks suggests an LLM’s potential for applications requiring comprehension, reasoning, and problem-solving, such as education, customer service chatbots, or legal research.


This benchmark measures an LLM’s proficiency in code generation. It emphasizes the importance of generating code that actually works as intended, allowing researchers and developers to compare the performance of different LLMs in code generation tasks.

Llama 3 uses the same setting of HumanEval benchmark – Pass@1 – as used for Llama 1 and 2. While it measures the coding ability of an LLM, it also indicates how often the model’s first choice of solution is correct.


Llama 3 instruct model performance
Llama 3 instruct model performance – Source: Meta


These are a few of the parameters that are used to measure the performance of an LLM. Llama 3 presents promising results across all these benchmarks alongside other tests like, MATH, GSM-8K, and much more. These parameters have determined Llama 3 as a high-performing LLM, promising its large-scale implementation in the industry.

Meta AI: A real-world application of Llama 3

While it is a new addition to Meta’s Llama family, the newest language model is the power behind the working of Meta AI. It is an AI assistant launched by Meta on all its social media platforms, leveraging the capabilities of Llama 3.

The underlying language model enables Meta AI to generate human-quality textual outputs, follow basic instructions to complete complex tasks, and process information from the real world through web search. All these features offer enhanced communication, better accessibility, and increased efficiency of the AI assistant.


Meta's AI Assistant leverages Llama 3
Meta’s AI assistant leverages Llama 3


It serves as a practical example of using Llama 3 to create real-world applications successfully. The AI assistant is easily accessible through all major social media apps, including Facebook, WhatsApp, and Instagram. It gives you access to real-time information without having to leave the application.

Moreover, Meta AI offers faster image generation, creating an image as you start typing the details. The results are high-quality visuals with the ability to do endless iterations to get the desired results.

With access granted in multiple countries – Australia, Canada, Ghana, Jamaica, Malawi, New Zealand, Nigeria, Pakistan, Singapore, South Africa, Uganda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe – Meta AI is a popular assistant across the globe.


Explore a hands-on curriculum that helps you build custom LLM applications!


Who should work with Llama 3?

Thus, Llama 3 offers new and promising possibilities for development and innovation in the field of NLP and generative AI. The enhanced capabilities of the language model can be widely adopted by various sectors like education, content creation, and customer service in the form of AI-powered tutors, writing assistants, and chatbots, respectively.

The key, however, remains to ensure responsible development that prioritizes fairness, explainability, and human-machine collaboration. If handled correctly, Llama 3 has the potential to revolutionize LLM technology and the way we interact with it.

The future holds a world where AI assists us in learning, creating, and working more effectively. It’s a future filled with both challenges and exciting possibilities, and Llama 3 is at the forefront of this exciting journey.

April 26, 2024

7B refers to a specific model size for large language models (LLMs) consisting of seven billion parameters. With the growing importance of LLMs, there are several options in the market. Each option has a particular model size, providing a wide range of choices to users.

However, in this blog we will explore two LLMs of 7B – Mistral 7B and Llama-2 7B, navigating the differences and similarities between the two options. Before we dig deeper into the showdown of the two 7B LLMs, let’s do a quick recap of the language models.


Large language model bootcamp


Understanding Mistral 7B and Llama-2 7B

Mistral 7B is an LLM powerhouse created by Mistral AI. The model focuses on providing enhanced performance and increased efficiency with reduced computing resource utilization. Thus, it is a useful option for conditions where computational power is limited.

Moreover, the Mistral LLM is a versatile language model, excelling at tasks like reasoning, comprehension, tackling STEM problems, and even coding.


Read more and gain deeper insight into Mistral 7B


On the other hand, Llama-2 7B is produced by Meta AI to specifically target the art of conversation. The researchers have fine-tuned the model, making it a master of dialog applications, and empowering it to generate interactive responses while understanding the basics of human language.

The Llama model is available on platforms like Hugging Face, allowing you to experiment with it as you navigate the conversational abilities of the LLM. Hence, these are the two LLMs with the same model size that we can now compare across multiple aspects.

Battle of the 7Bs: Mistral vs Llama

Now, we can take a closer look at comparing the two language models to understand the aspects of their differences.


When it comes to performance, Mistral AI’s model excels in its ability to handle different tasks. It has successfully reached the benchmark scores with every standardized test for various challenges in reasoning, comprehension, problem-solving, and much more.

On the contrary, Meta AI‘s production takes on a specialized approach. In this case, the art of conversation. While it will not score outstanding results and produce benchmark scores for a variety of tasks, its strength lies in its ability to understand and respond fluently within a dialogue.


A visual comparison of the performance parameters of the 7Bs
A visual comparison of the performance parameters of the 7Bs – Source: E2E Cloud



Mistral 7B operates with remarkable efficiency due to the adoption of a technique called Group-Query Attention (GQA). It allows the language model to group similar queries for faster inference and results.

GQA is the middle ground between the quality of Multi-Head Attention (MHA) and the speed of Multi-Query Attention (MQA) approaches. Hence, allowing the model to strike a balance between performance and efficiency.

However, scarce knowledge of the training data of Llama-2 7B limits the understanding of its efficiency. We can still say that a broader and more diverse dataset can enhance the model’s efficiency in producing more contextually relevant responses.


When it comes to accessibility of the two models, both are open-source resources that are open for use and experimentation. It can be noted though, that the Llama-2 model offers easier access through platforms like Hugging Face.

Meanwhile, the Mistral language model requires some deeper navigation and understanding of the resources provided by Mistral AI. It demands some research, unlike its competitor for information access.

Hence, these are some notable differences between the two language models. While these aspects might determine the usability and access of the models, each one has the potential to contribute to the development of LLM applications significantly.


How generative AI and LLMs work


Choosing the right model

Since we understand the basic differences, the debate comes down to selecting the right model for use. Based on the highlighted factors of comparison here, we can say that Mistral is an appropriate choice for applications that require overall efficiency and high performance in a diverse range of tasks.

Meanwhile, Llama-2 is more suited for applications that are designed to attain conversational prowess and dialog expertise. While this distinction of use makes it easier to pick the right model, some key factors to consider also include:

  • Future Development – Since both models are new, you must stay in touch with their ongoing research and updates. These advancements can bring new information to light, impacting your model selection.
  • Community Support – It is a crucial factor for any open-source tool. Investigate communities for both models to get a better understanding of the models’ power. A more active and thriving community will provide you with valuable insights and assistance, making your choice easier.



Future prospects for the language models

As the digital world continues to evolve, it is accurate to expect the language models to update into more powerful resources in the future. Among some potential routes for Mistral 7B is the improvement of GQA for better efficiency and the ability to run on even less powerful devices.

Moreover, Mistral AI can make the model more readily available by providing access to it through different platforms like Hugging Face. It will also allow a diverse developer community to form around it, opening doors for more experimentation with the model.


Explore a hands-on curriculum that helps you build custom LLM applications!


As for Llama-2 7B, future prospects can include advancements in dialog modeling. Researchers can work to empower the model to understand and process emotions in a conversation. It can also target multimodal data handling, going beyond textual inputs to handle audio or visual inputs as well.

Thus, we can speculate several trajectories for the development of these two language models. In this discussion, it can be said that no matter in what direction, an advancement of the models is guaranteed in the future. It will continue to open doors for improved research avenues and LLM applications.

April 23, 2024

Large language models (LLMs) are trained on massive textual data to generate creative and contextually relevant content. Since enterprises are utilizing LLMs to handle information effectively, they must understand the structure behind these powerful tools and the challenges associated with them.

One such component worthy of attention is the llm context window. It plays a crucial role in the development and evolution of LLM technology to enhance the way users interact with information.

In this blog, we will navigate the paradox around LLM context windows and explore possible solutions to overcome the challenges associated with large context windows. However, before we dig deeper into the topic, it’s essential to understand what LLM context windows are and their importance in the world of language models.

What are LLM context windows?

An LLM context window acts like a lens providing perspective to a large language model. The window keeps shifting to ensure a constant flow of information for an LLM as it engages with the user’s prompts and inputs. Thus, it becomes a short-term memory for LLMs to access when generating outputs.


Understanding the llm context window
A visual to explain context windows – Source: TechTarget


The functionality of a context window can be summarized through the following three aspects:

  • Focal word – Focuses on a particular word and the surrounding text, usually including a few nearby sentences in the data
  • Contextual information – Interprets the meaning and relationship between words to understand the context and provide relevant output for the users
  • Window size – Determines the amount of data and contextual information that is quickly accessible to the LLM when generating a response

Thus, context windows bae their function on the above aspects to assist LLMs in creating relevant and accurate outputs. These aspects also lay down a basis for the context window paradox that we aim to explore here.


Large language model bootcamp


What is the context window paradox?

It is a dilemma that revolves around the size of context windows. While it is only logical to expect large context windows to be beneficial, there are two sides to this argument.


Curious about the Curse of Dimensionality, Context Window Paradox, Lost in the Middle Problem in LLMs, and more? Catch Jerry Liu, Co-founder and CEO of LlamaIndex, simplifying these complex topics for you.

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Side One

It elaborates on the benefits of large context windows. With a wider lens, LLMs get access to more textual data and information. It enables an LLM to study more data, forming better connections between words and generating improved contextual information.

Thus, the LLM generates enhanced outputs with better understanding and a coherent flow of information. It also assists language models to handle complex tasks more efficiently.

Side Two

While larger windows give access to more contextual information, it also increases the amount of data for LLMs to process. It makes it challenging to identify useful knowledge from irrelevant details in large amounts of data, overwhelming LLMs at the cost of degraded performance.

Thus, it makes the size of LLM context windows a paradoxical matter where users have to look for the right trade-off between improved contextual information and the high performance of LLMs. It leads one to decide how much information is a good amount for an efficient LLM.

Before we elaborate further on the paradox, let’s understand the role and importance of context windows in LLMs.


Explore and learn all you need to know about LLMs


Why do context windows matter in LLMs?

LLM context windows are important in ensuring the efficient working of LLMs. Their multifaceted role is described below.

Understanding language nuances

The focused perspective of context windows provides surrounding information in data, enabling LLMs to better understand the nuances of language. The model becomes trained to grasp the meaning and intent behind words. It empowers an LLM to perform the following tasks:

Machine translation

An LLM uses a context window to identify the nuances of language and contextual information to create the most appropriate translation. It caters to the understanding of context within an entire sentence or paragraph to ensure efficient machine translation.

Question answering

Understanding contextual information is crucial when answering questions. With relevant information on the situation and setting, it is easier to generate an informative answer. Using a context window, LLMs can identify the relevant parts of the conversation and avoid irrelevant tangents.

Coherent text generation

LLMs use context windows to generate text that aligns with the preceding information. By analyzing the context, the model can maintain coherence, tone, and overall theme in its response. This is important for tasks like:


Conversational engagement relies on a high level of coherence. It is particularly used in chatbots where the model remembers past interactions within a conversation. With the use of context windows, a chatbot can create a more natural and engaging conversation.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to building LLM chatbots.



Creative textual responses

LLMs can create creative content like poems, essays, and other texts. A context window allows an LLM to understand the desired style and theme from the given dataset to create creative responses that are more relevant and accurate.

Contextual learning

Context is a crucial element for LLMs which becomes more accessible with context windows. Analyzing the relevant data with a focus on words and text of interest allows an LLM to learn and adapt their responses. It becomes useful for uses like:

Virtual assistants

Virtual assistants are designed to help users in real time. Context window enables the assistant to remember past requests and preferences to provide more personalized and helpful service.

Open-ended dialogues

In ongoing conversations, the context window allows the LLM to track the flow of the dialogue and tailor its responses accordingly.

Hence, context windows act as a lens through which LLMs view and interpret information. The size and effectiveness of this perspective significantly impact the LLM’s ability to understand and respond to language in a meaningful way. This brings us back to the size of a context window and the associated paradox.

The context window paradox: Is bigger, not better?

While a bigger context window ensures LLM’s access to more information and better details for contextual relevance, it comes at a cost. Let’s take a look at some of the drawbacks for LLMs that come with increasing the context window size.

Information overload

Too much information can overwhelm a language model just like humans. Too much text leads to an information overload that includes irrelevant information that can become a distraction for an LLM.

It makes it difficult for LLMs to focus on key knowledge aspects within the context, making it difficult to generate effective responses to queries. Moreover, a large textual dataset also requires more computational resources, resulting in more expense and slower LLM performance.

Getting lost in data

Even with a larger window for data access, an LLM can process limited information effectively. In a wider span of data, an LLM can focus on the edges. It results in LLMs prioritizing the data at the start and end of a window, missing out on important information in the middle.

Moreover, mismanaged truncation to fit a large window size can result in the loss of essential information. As a result, it can compromise the quality of the results produced by the LLM.

Poor information management

A wider LLM context window means a larger context that can lead to poor handling and management of information or data. With too much noise in the data, it becomes difficult for an LLM to differentiate between important and unimportant information.

It can create redundancy or contradictions in produced results, harming the credibility and efficiency of a large language model. Moreover, it creates a possibility for bias amplification, leading to misleading outputs.

Long-range dependencies

With a focus on concepts spread far apart in large context windows, it can become challenging for an LLM to understand relationships between words and concepts. It limits the LLM’s ability for tasks requiring historical analysis or cause-and-effect relationships.

Thus, large context windows offer advantages but with some limitations. The best approach is to find the right balance between context size, efficiency, and the specific task at hand is crucial for optimal LLM performance.


How generative AI and LLMs work


Techniques to address context window paradox

Let’s look at some techniques that can assist you in optimizing the use of large context windows. Each one explores ways to find the optimal balance between context size and LLM performance.

Prioritization and attention mechanisms

Attention mechanism techniques can be used to focus on crucial and most relevant information within a context window. Hence, an LLM does not have to deal with the entire flow of information and can only focus on the highlighted parts within the window, enhancing its overall performance.

Strategic truncation

Since all the information within a context window is not important or equally relevant, truncation can be used to strategically remove unrelated details. The core elements of the text needed for the task are preserved while the unnecessary information is removed, avoiding information overload on the LLM.



Retrieval augmented generation (RAG)

This technique integrates an LLM with a retrieval system containing a vast external knowledge base to find information specifically relevant to the current prompt and context window. This allows the LLM to access a wider range of information without being overwhelmed by a massive internal window.



Prompt engineering

It focuses on crafting clear instructions for the LLM to efficiently utilize the context window. Clear and focused prompts can guide the LLM toward relevant information within the context, enhancing the LLM’s efficiency in utilizing context windows.


Here’s a 10-step guide to becoming a prompt engineer


Optimizing training data

It is a useful practice to organize training data, creating well-defined sections, summaries, and clear topic shifts, helping the LLM learn to navigate larger contexts more effectively. The structured information makes it easier for an LLM to process data within the context window.

These techniques can help us address the context window paradox and leverage the benefits of larger context windows while mitigating their drawbacks.

The Future of Context Windows in LLMs

We have looked at the varying aspects of LLM context windows and the paradox involving their size. With the right approach, technique, and balance, it is possible to choose the optimal context window size for an LLM. Moreover, it also highlights the need to focus on the potential of context windows beyond the paradox around their size.

The future is expected to transition from cramming more information into a context window to ward smarter context utilization. Moreover, advancements in attention mechanisms and integration with external knowledge bases will also play a role, allowing LLMs to pinpoint truly relevant information regardless of window size.


Explore a hands-on curriculum that helps you build custom LLM applications!


Ultimately, the goal is for LLMs to become context masters, understanding not just the “what” but also the “why” within the information they process. This will pave the way for LLMs to tackle even more intricate tasks and generate responses that are both informative and human-like.

April 22, 2024

Language is the basis for human interaction and communication. Speaking and listening are the direct by-products of human reliance on language. While humans can use language to understand each other, in today’s digital world, they must also interact with machines.

The answer lies in large language models (LLMs) – machine-learning models that empower machines to learn, understand, and interact using human language. Hence, they open a gateway to enhanced and high-quality human-computer interaction.

Let’s understand large language models further.

What are Large Language Models?

Imagine a computer program that’s a whiz with words, capable of understanding and using language in fascinating ways. That’s essentially what an LLM is! Large language models are powerful AI-powered language tools trained on massive amounts of text data, like books, articles, and even code.

By analyzing this data, LLMs become experts at recognizing patterns and relationships between words. This allows them to perform a variety of impressive tasks, like:

Creative Text Generation

LLMs can generate different creative text formats, crafting poems, scripts, musical pieces, emails, and even letters in various styles. From a catchy social media post to a unique story idea, these language models can pull you out of any writer’s block. Some LLMs, like LaMDA by Google AI, can help you brainstorm ideas and even write different creative text formats based on your initial input.

Speak Many Languages

Since language is the area of expertise for LLMs, the models are trained to work with multiple languages. It enables them to understand and translate languages with impressive accuracy. For instance, Microsoft’s Translator powered by LLMs can help you communicate and access information from all corners of the globe.


Large language model bootcamp


Information Powerhouse

With extensive training datasets and a diversity of information, LLMs become information powerhouses with quick answers to all your queries. They are highly advanced search engines that can provide accurate and contextually relevant information to your prompts.

Like Megatron-Turing NLG from NVIDIA can analyze vast amounts of information and summarize it in a clear and concise manner. This can help you gain insights and complete tasks more efficiently.


As you kickstart your journey of understanding LLMs, don’t forget to tune in to our Future of Data and AI podcast!


LLMs are constantly evolving, with researchers developing new techniques to unlock their full potential. These powerful language tools hold immense promise for various applications, from revolutionizing communication and content creation to transforming the way we access and understand information.

As LLMs continue to learn and grow, they’re poised to be a game-changer in the world of language and artificial intelligence.

While this is a basic concept of LLMs, they are a very vast concept in the world of generative AI and beyond. This blog aims to provide in-depth guidance in your journey to understand large language models. Let’s take a look at all you need to know about LLMs.

A Roadmap to Building LLM Applications

Before we dig deeper into the structural basis and architecture of large language models, let’s look at their practical applications and understand the basic roadmap to building them.



Explore the outline of a roadmap that will guide you in learning about building and deploying LLMs. Read more about it here.

LLM applications are important for every enterprise that aims to thrive in today’s digital world. From reshaping software development to transforming the finance industry, large language models have redefined human-computer interaction in all industrial fields.

However, the application of LLM is not just limited to technical and financial aspects of business. The assistance of large language models has upscaled the legal career of lawyers with ease of documentation and contract management.


Here’s your guide to creating personalized Q&A chatbots


While the industrial impact of LLMs is paramount, the most prominent impact of large language models across all fields has been through chatbots. Every profession and business has reaped the benefits of enhanced customer engagement, operational efficiency, and much more through LLM chatbots.

Here’s a guide to the building techniques and real-life applications of chatbots using large language models: Guide to LLM chatbots

LLMs have improved the traditional chatbot design, offering enhanced conversational ability and better personalization. With the advent of OpenAI’s GPT-4, Google AI’s Gemini, and Meta AI’s LLaMA, LLMs have transformed chatbots to become smarter and a more useful tool for modern-day businesses.

Hence, LLMs have emerged as a useful tool for enterprises, offering advanced data processing and communication for businesses with their machine-learning models. If you are looking for a suitable large language model for your organization, the first step is to explore the available options in the market.

Top Large Language Models to Choose From

The modern market is swamped with different LLMs for you to choose from. With continuous advancements and model updates, the landscape is constantly evolving to introduce improved choices for businesses. Hence, you must carefully explore the different LLMs in the market before deploying an application for your business.


Learn to build and deploy custom LLM applications for your business


Below is a list of LLMs you can find in the market today.


The list must start with the very famous ChatGPT. Developed by OpenAI, it is a general-purpose LLM that is trained on a large dataset, consisting of text and code. Its instant popularity sparked a widespread interest in LLMs and their potential applications.

While people explored cheat sheets to master ChatGPT usage, it also initiated a debate on the ethical impacts of such a tool in different fields, particularly education. However, despite the concerns, ChatGPT set new records by reaching 100 million monthly active users in just two months.

This tool also offers plugins as supplementary features that enhance the functionality of ChatGPT. We have created a list of the best ChatGPT plugins that are well-suited for data scientists. Explore these to get an idea of the computational capabilities that ChatGPT can offer.

Here’s a guide to the best practices you can follow when using ChatGPT.



Mistral 7b

It is a 7.3 billion parameter model developed by Mistral AI. It incorporates a hybrid approach of transformers and recurrent neural networks (RNNs), offering long-term memory and context awareness for tasks. Mistral 7b is a testament to the power of innovation in the LLM domain.

Here’s an article that explains the architecture and performance of Mistral 7b in detail. You can explore its practical applications to get a better understanding of this large language model.


Designed by Microsoft, Phi-2 has a transformer-based architecture that is trained on 1.4 trillion tokens. It excels in language understanding and reasoning, making it suitable for research and development. With only 2.7 billion parameters, it is a relatively smaller LLM, making it useful for research and development.

You can read more about the different aspects of Phi-2 here.

Llama 2

It is an open-source large language model that varies in scale, ranging from 7 billion to a staggering 70 billion parameters. Meta developed this LLM by training it on a vast dataset, making it suitable for developers, researchers, and anyone interested in their potential.

Llama 2 is adaptable for tasks like question answering, text summarization, machine translation, and code generation. Its capabilities and various model sizes open up the potential for diverse applications, focusing on efficient content generation and automating tasks.


Read about the 6 different methods to access Llama 2


Now that you have an understanding of the different LLM applications and their power in the field of content generation and human-computer communication, let’s explore the architectural basis of LLMs.

Emerging Frameworks for Large Language Model Applications

LLMs have revolutionized the world of natural language processing (NLP), empowering the ability of machines to understand and generate human-quality text. The wide range of applications of these large language models is made accessible through different user-friendly frameworks.


orchestration framework for large language models
An outlook of the LLM orchestration framework


Let’s look at some prominent frameworks for LLM applications.

LangChain for LLM Application Development

LangChain is a useful framework that simplifies the LLM application development process. It offers pre-built components and a user-friendly interface, enabling developers to focus on the core functionalities of their applications.

LangChain breaks down LLM interactions into manageable building blocks called components and chains. Thus, allowing you to create applications without needing to be an LLM expert. Its major benefits include a simplified development process, flexibility in data integration, and the ability to combine different components for a powerful LLM.

With features like chains, libraries, and templates, the development of large language models is accelerated and code maintainability is promoted. Thus, making it a valuable tool to build innovative LLM applications. Here’s a comprehensive guide exploring the power of LangChain.

You can also explore the dynamics of the working of agents in LangChain.

LlamaIndex for LLM Application Development

It is a special framework designed to build knowledge-aware LLM applications. It emphasizes on integrating user-provided data with LLMs, leveraging specific knowledge bases to generate more informed responses. Thus, LlamaIndex produces results that are more informed and tailored to a particular domain or task.

With its focus on data indexing, it enhances the LLM’s ability to search and retrieve information from large datasets. With its security and caching features, LlamaIndex is designed to uncover deeper insights in text exploration. It also focuses on ensuring efficiency and data protection for developers working with large language models.


Tune in to this podcast featuring LlamaIndex’s Co-founder and CEO Jerry Liu, and learn all about LLMs, RAG, LlamaIndex and more!



Moreover, its advanced query interfaces make it a unique orchestration framework for LLM application development. Hence, it is a valuable tool for researchers, data analysts, and anyone who wants to unlock the knowledge hidden within vast amounts of textual data using LLMs.

Hence, LangChain and LlamaIndex are two useful orchestration frameworks to assist you in the LLM application development process. Here’s a guide explaining the role of these frameworks in simplifying the LLM apps.

Here’s a webinar introducing you to the architectures for LLM applications, including LangChain and LlamaIndex:



Understand the key differences between LangChain and LlamaIndex


The Architecture of Large Language Model Applications

While we have explored the realm of LLM applications and frameworks that support their development, it’s time to take our understanding of large language models a step ahead.


architecture for large language models
An outlook of the LLM architecture


Let’s dig deeper into the key aspects and concepts that contribute to the development of an effective LLM application.

Transformers and Attention Mechanisms

The concept of transformers in neural networks has roots stretching back to the early 1990s with Jürgen Schmidhuber’s “fast weight controller” model. However, researchers have constantly worked towards the advancement of the concept, leading to the rise of transformers as the dominant force in natural language processing

It has paved the way for their continued development and remarkable impact on the field. Transformer models have revolutionized NLP with their ability to grasp long-range connections between words because understanding the relationship between words across the entire sentence is crucial in such applications.


Read along to understand different transformer architectures and their uses


While you understand the role of transformer models in the development of NLP applications, here’s a guide to decoding the transformers further by exploring their underlying functionality using an attention mechanism. It empowers models to produce faster and more efficient results for their users.




While transformer models form the powerful machine architecture to process language, they cannot directly work with words. Transformers rely on embeddings to create a bridge between human language and its numerical representation for the machine model.

Hence, embeddings take on the role of a translator, making words comprehendible for ML models. It empowers machines to handle large amounts of textual data while capturing the semantic relationships in them and understanding their underlying meaning.

Thus, these embeddings lead to the building of databases that transformers use to generate useful outputs in NLP applications. Today, embeddings have also developed to present new ways of data representation with vector embeddings, leading organizations to choose between traditional and vector databases.

While here’s an article that delves deep into the comparison of traditional and vector databases, let’s also explore the concept of vector embeddings.

A Glimpse into the Realm of Vector Embeddings

These are a unique type of embedding used in natural language processing which converts words into a series of vectors. It enables words with similar meanings to have similar vector representations, producing a three-dimensional map of data points in the vector space.


Explore the role of vector embeddings in generative AI


Machines traditionally struggle with language because they understand numbers, not words. Vector embeddings bridge this gap by converting words into a numerical format that machines can process. More importantly, the captured relationships between words allow machines to perform NLP tasks like translation and sentiment analysis more effectively.

Here’s a video series providing a comprehensive exploration of embeddings and vector databases.

Vector embeddings are like a secret language for machines, enabling them to grasp the nuances of human language. However, when organizations are building their databases, they must carefully consider different factors to choose the right vector embedding model for their data.

However, database characteristics are not the only aspect to consider. Enterprises must also explore the different types of vector databases and their features. It is also a useful tactic to navigate through the top vector databases in the market.

Thus, embeddings and databases work hand-in-hand in enabling transformers to understand and process human language. These developments within the world of LLMs have also given rise to the idea of prompt engineering. Let’s understand this concept and its many facets.

Prompt Engineering

It refers to the art of crafting clear and informative prompts when one interacts with large language models. Well-defined instructions have the power to unlock an LLM’s complete potential, empowering it to generate effective and desired outputs.

Effective prompt engineering is crucial because LLMs, while powerful, can be like complex machines with numerous functionalities. Clear prompts bridge the gap between the user and the LLM. Specifying the task, including relevant context, and structuring the prompt effectively can significantly improve the quality of the LLM’s output.

With the growing dominance of LLMs in today’s digital world, prompt engineering has become a useful skill to hone for individuals. It has led to increased demand for skilled, prompt engineers in the job market, making it a promising career choice for people. While it’s a skill to learn through experimentation, here is a 10-step roadmap to kickstart the journey.

prompt engineering architecture
Explaining the workflow for prompt engineering

Now that we have explored the different aspects contributing to the functionality of large language models, it’s time we navigate the processes for optimizing LLM performance.

How to Optimize the Performance of Large Language Models

As businesses work with the design and use of different LLM applications, it is crucial to ensure the use of their full potential. It requires them to optimize LLM performance, creating enhanced accuracy, efficiency, and relevance of LLM results. Some common terms associated with the idea of optimizing LLMs are listed below:

Dynamic Few-Shot Prompting

Beyond the standard few-shot approach, it is an upgrade that selects the most relevant examples based on the user’s specific query. The LLM becomes a resourceful tool, providing contextually relevant responses. Hence, dynamic few-shot prompting enhances an LLM’s performance, creating more captivating digital content.


How generative AI and LLMs work


Selective Prediction

It allows LLMs to generate selective outputs based on their certainty about the answer’s accuracy. It enables the applications to avoid results that are misleading or contain incorrect information. Hence, by focusing on high-confidence outputs, selective prediction enhances the reliability of LLMs and fosters trust in their capabilities.

Predictive Analytics

In the AI-powered technological world of today, predictive analytics have become a powerful tool for high-performing applications. The same holds for its role and support in large language models. The analytics can identify patterns and relationships that can be incorporated into improved fine-tuning of LLMs, generating more relevant outputs.

Here’s a crash course to deepen your understanding of predictive analytics!



Chain-Of-Thought Prompting

It refers to a specific type of few-shot prompting that breaks down a problem into sequential steps for the model to follow. It enables LLMs to handle increasingly complex tasks with improved accuracy. Thus, chain-of-thought prompting improves the quality of responses and provides a better understanding of how the model arrived at a particular answer.


Read more about the role of chain-of-thought and zero-shot prompting in LLMs here


Zero-Shot Prompting

Zero-shot prompting unlocks new skills for LLMs without extensive training. By providing clear instructions through prompts, even complex tasks become achievable, boosting LLM versatility and efficiency. This approach not only reduces training costs but also pushes the boundaries of LLM capabilities, allowing us to explore their potential for new applications.

While these terms pop up when we talk about optimizing LLM performance, let’s dig deeper into the process and talk about some key concepts and practices that support enhanced LLM results.

Fine-Tuning LLMs

It is a powerful technique that improves LLM performance on specific tasks. It involves training a pre-trained LLM using a focused dataset for a relevant task, providing the application with domain-specific knowledge. It ensures that the model output is refined for that particular context, making your LLM application an expert in that area.

Here is a detailed guide that explores the role, methods, and impact of fine-tuning LLMs. While this provides insights into ways of fine-tuning an LLM application, another approach includes tuning specific LLM parameters. It is a more targeted approach, including various parameters like the model size, temperature, context window, and much more.

Moreover, among the many techniques of fine-tuning, Direct Preference Optimization (DPO) and Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF) are popular methods of performance enhancement. Here’s a quick glance at comparing the two ways for you to explore.


RLHF v DPO - optimizing large language models
A comparative analysis of RLHF and DPO – Read more and in detail here


Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG)

RAG or retrieval augmented generation is a LLM optimization technique that particularly addresses the issue of hallucinations in LLMs. An LLM application can generate hallucinated responses when prompted with information not present in their training set, despite being trained on extensive data.


The solution with RAG creates a bridge over this information gap, offering a more flexible approach to adapting to evolving information. Here’s a guide to assist you in implementing RAG to elevate your LLM experience.


Advanced RAG to elevate large language models
A glance into the advanced RAG to elevate your LLM experience


Hence, with these two crucial approaches to enhance LLM performance, the question comes down to selecting the most appropriate one.

RAG and Fine-Tuning

Let me share two valuable resources that can help you answer the dilemma of choosing the right technique for LLM performance optimization.

RAG and Fine-Tuning

The blog provides a detailed and in-depth exploration of the two techniques, explaining the workings of a RAG pipeline and the fine-tuning process. It also focuses on explaining the role of these two methods in advancing the capabilities of LLMs.

RAG vs Fine-Tuning

Once you are hooked by the importance and impact of both methods, delve into the findings of this article that navigates through the RAG vs fine-tuning dilemma. With a detailed comparison of the techniques, the blog takes it a step ahead and presents a hybrid approach for your consideration as well.


Explore a hands-on curriculum that helps you build custom LLM applications!


While building and optimizing are crucial steps in the journey of developing LLM applications, evaluating large language models is an equally important aspect.

Evaluating LLMs


large language models - Enhance LLM performance
Evaluation process to enhance LLM performance


It is the systematic process of assessing an LLM’s performance, reliability, and effectiveness across various tasks. Usually, through a series of tests to gauge its strengths, weaknesses, and suitability for different applications, we can evaluate LLM performance.

It ensures that a large language model application shows the desired functionality while highlighting its areas of strengths and weaknesses. It is an effective way to determine which LLMs are best suited for specific tasks.

Learn more about the simple and easy techniques for evaluating LLMs.



Among the transforming trends of evaluating LLMs, some common aspects to consider during the evaluation process include:

  • Performance Metrics – It includes accuracy, fluency, and coherence to assess the quality of the LLM’s outputs
  • Generalization – It explores how well the LLM performs on unseen data, not just the data it was trained on
  • Robustness – It involves testing the LLM’s resilience against adversarial attacks or output manipulation
  • Ethical Considerations – It considers potential biases or fairness issues within the LLM’s outputs

Explore the top LLM evaluation methods you can use when testing your LLM applications. A key part of the process also involves understanding the challenges and risks associated with large language models.

Challenges and Risks of Large Language Models

Like any other technological tool or development, LLMs also carry certain challenges and risks in their design and implementation. Some common issues associated with LLMs include hallucinations in responses, high toxic probabilities, bias and fairness, data security threats, and lack of accountability.

However, the problems associated with LLMs do not go unaddressed. The answer lies in the best practices you can take on when dealing with LLMs to mitigate the risks, and also in implementing the large language model operations (also known as LLMOps) process that puts special focus on addressing the associated challenges.

Hence, it is safe to say that as you start your LLM journey, you must navigate through various aspects and stages of development and operation to get a customized and efficient LLM application. The key to it all is to take the first step towards your goal – the rest falls into place gradually.

Some Resources to Explore

To sum it up – here’s a list of some useful resources to help you kickstart your LLM journey!

  • A list of best large language models in 2024
  • An overview of the 20 key technical terms to make you well-versed in the LLM jargon
  • A blog introducing you to the top 9 YouTube channels to learn about LLMs
  • A list of the top 10 YouTube videos to help you kickstart your exploration of LLMs
  • An article exploring the top 5 generative AI and LLM bootcamps

Bonus Addition!

If you are unsure about bootcamps – here are some insights into their importance. The hands-on approach and real-time learning might be just the push you need to take your LLM journey to the next level! And it’s not too time-consuming, you’d know the most about LLMs in as much as 40 hours!


As we conclude our LLM exploration journey, take the next step and learn to build customized LLM applications with fellow enthusiasts in the field. Check out our in-person large language models BootCamp and explore the pathway to deepen your understanding of LLMs!
April 18, 2024

In the not-so-distant future, generative AI is poised to become as essential as the internet itself. This groundbreaking technology vows to transform our society by automating complex tasks within seconds. It also raises the need for you to master prompt engineering. Let’s explore how.

Harnessing generative AI’s potential requires mastering the art of communication with it. Imagine it as a brilliant but clueless individual, waiting for your guidance to deliver astonishing results. This is where prompt engineering steps in as the need of the hour.


Large language model bootcamp


Excited to explore some must-know prompting techniques and master prompt engineering? let’s dig in!


Pro-tip: If you want to pursue a career in prompt engineering, follow this comprehensive roadmap.

What makes prompt engineering critical?

First things first, what makes prompt engineering so important? What difference is it going to make?

The answer awaits:


Importance of prompt engineering
Importance of prompt engineering


How does prompt engineering work?

At the heart of AI’s prowess lies prompt engineering – the compass that steers models towards user-specific excellence. Without it, AI output remains a murky landscape.

There are different types of prompting techniques you can use:


7 types of techniques to master prompt engineering
7 types of prompting techniques to use


Let’s put your knowledge to test before we understand some principles for prompt engineering. Here’s a quick quiz for you to measure your understanding!


Let’s get a deeper outlook on different principles governing prompt engineering:


How generative AI and LLMs work


1. Be clear and specific

The clearer your prompts, the better the model’s results. Here’s how to achieve it.

  • Use delimiters: Delimiters, like square brackets […], angle brackets <…>, triple quotes “””, triple dashes —, and triple backticks “`, help define the structure and context of the desired output.
  • Separate text from the prompt: Clear separation between text and prompt enhances model comprehension. Here’s an example:


master prompt engineering


  • Ask for a structured output: Request answers in formats such as JSON, HTML, XML, etc.


master prompt engineering


2. Give the LLM time to think:

When facing a complex task, models often rush to conclusions. Here’s a better approach:

  • Specify the steps required to complete the task: Provide clear steps


master prompt engineering


  • Instruct the model to seek its own solution before reaching a conclusion: Sometimes, when you ask an LLM to verify if your solution is right or wrong, it simply presents a verdict that is not necessarily correct. To overcome this challenge, you can instruct the model to work out its own solution first.

3. Know the limitations of the model

While LLMs continue to improve, they have limitations. Exercise caution, especially with hypothetical scenarios. When you ask different generative AI models to provide information on hypothetical products or tools, they tend to do so as if they exist.

To illustrate this point, we asked Bard to provide information about a hypothetical toothpaste:


master prompt engineering



Read along to explore the two approaches used for prompting


4. Iterate, Iterate, Iterate

Rarely does a single prompt yield the desired results. Success lies in iterative refinement.

For step-by-step prompting techniques, watch this video tutorial.



The goal: To master prompt engineering


Explore a hands-on curriculum that helps you build custom LLM applications!


All in all, prompt engineering is the key to unlocking the full potential of generative AI. With the right guidance and techniques, you can harness this powerful technology to achieve remarkable results and shape the future of human-machine interaction.

April 15, 2024

While language models in generative AI focus on textual data, vision language models (VLMs) bridge the gap between textual and visual data. Before we explore Moondream 2, let’s understand VLMs better.

Understanding vision language models

VLMs combine computer vision (CV) and natural language processing (NLP), enabling them to understand and connect visual information with textual data.

Some key capabilities of VLMs include image captioning, visual question answering, and image retrieval. It learns these tasks by training on datasets that pair images with their corresponding textual description. There are several large vision language models available in the market including GPT-4v, LLaVA, and BLIP-2.


Large language model bootcamp


However, these are large vision models requiring heavy computational resources to produce effective results, and that too at slow inference speeds. The solution has been presented in the form of small VLMs that provide a balance between efficiency and performance.

In this blog, we will look deeper into Moondream 2, a small vision language model.

What is Moondream 2?

Moondream 2 is an open-source vision language model. With only 1.86 billion parameters, it is a tiny VLM with weights from SigLIP and Phi-1.5. It is designed to operate seamlessly on devices with limited computational resources.


Weights for Moondream 2
Weights for Moondream 2


Let’s take a closer look at the defined weights for Moondream2.

SigLIP (Sigmoid Loss for Language Image Pre-Training)

It is a newer and simpler method that helps the computer learn just by looking at pictures and their captions, one at a time, making it faster and more effective, especially when training with lots of data. It is similar to a CLIP (Contrastive Language–Image Pre-training) model.

However, Moondream 2 has replaced softmax loss in CLIP with a simple pairwise sigmoid loss. The change ensures better performance because sigmoid loss only focuses on image-text pairs. Without the need for a global view of all pairwise data within a batch, the process becomes faster and more efficient.


Learn computer vision using Python



It is a small language model with 1.3 billion parameters and transformer-based architecture. Developed by Microsoft, the model was trained on 30 billion words, including information from its predecessor, Phi-1 and 20 billion words artificially created by another AI model, GPT-3.5.

With its unique training method, Phi-1.5 has mastered different skills required of a language model, like understanding common sense, following complex instructions, comprehending language, and retaining information. Moreover, it even outperforms its larger counterparts.

A closer look into Moondream 2

It is the latest and updated version of the model previously known as Moondream 1. Below is a quick comparison of the two models, highlighting the basic parameters of improvement.


Comparing Moondream 1 and 2
Comparing Moondream 1 and 2


Like typical vision language models, Moondream 2 interprets the visual data to provide textual responses based on the information. Some demos included in its repository highlight its capabilities. Let’s look at these demos below:

Demo 1

Moondream 2 was provided with the following image:


Moondream demo 1


Based on this image, the VLM was asked some relevant questions.

Question: What is the girl doing?

Answer: The girl is sitting at a table and eating a large hamburger.

Question: What color is the girl’s hair?

Answer: The girl’s hair is white.

The interaction with Moondream 2 highlights that the VLM is capable of understanding the basic image properties like the girl’s hair color. Moreover, it can also interpret the actions of the actors in an image from their position in a specific instance.

Demo 2

The VLM was provided with another image.


Moondream demo 2


The demo focused on asking the following:

Question: What is this?

Answer: The image features a computer server rack, which is a large metal structure designed to hold and organize multiple computer components, such as motherboards, cooling systems, and other peripherals. The rack is filled with various computer parts, including multiple computer chips, wires, and other electronic components. The rack is placed on a carpeted floor, and there is a couch in the background, suggesting that the setup is likely in a living or working space.

Question: What is behind the stand?

Answer: There is a brick wall behind the stand.

The above demo highlights the ability of Moondream 2 to explore and interpret complex visual outputs in great detail. The VLM provides in-depth textual information from the visual data. It also presents spacial understanding of the image components.

Hence, Moondream 2 is a promising addition to the world of vision language models with its refined capabilities to interpret visual data and provide in-depth textual output. Since we understand the strengths of the VLM, it is time to explore its drawbacks or weaknesses.


Here’s a list of  7 books you must explore when learning about computer vision


Limitations of Moondream 2

Before you explore the world of Moondream 2, you must understand its limitations when dealing with visual and textual data.

Generating inaccurate statements

It is important to understand that Moondream 2 may generate inaccurate statements, especially for complex topics or situations requiring real-world understanding. The model might also struggle to grasp subtle details or hidden meanings within instructions.

Presenting unconscious bias

Like any other VLM, Moondream 2 is also a product of the data is it trained on. Thus, it can reflect the biases of the world, perpetuating stereotypes or discriminatory views.

As a user, it’s crucial to be aware of this potential bias and to approach the model’s outputs with a critical eye. Don’t blindly accept everything it generates; use your own judgment and fact-check when necessary.

Mirroring prompts

VLMs will reflect the prompts provided to them. Hence, if a user prompts the model to generate offensive or inappropriate content, the model may comply. It’s important to be mindful of the prompts and avoid asking the model to create anything harmful or hurtful.


Explore a hands-on curriculum that helps you build custom LLM applications!


In conclusion…

To sum it up, Moondream 2 is a promising step in the development of vision language models. Powered by its key components and compact size, the model is efficient and fast. However, like any language model we use nowadays, Moondream 2 also requires its users to be responsible for ensuring the creation of useful content.

If you are ready to experiment with Moondream 2 now, install the necessary files and start right away! Here’s a look at what the VLM’s user interface looks like.

April 9, 2024

Large Language Models are growing smarter, transforming how we interact with technology. Yet, they stumble over a significant quality i.e. accuracy. Often, they provide unreliable information or guess answers to questions they don’t understand—guesses that can be completely wrong. Read more

This issue is a major concern for enterprises looking to leverage LLMs. How do we tackle this problem? Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) offers a viable solution, enabling LLMs to access up-to-date, relevant information, and significantly improving their responses.

Tune in to our podcast and dive deep into RAG, fine-tuning, LlamaIndex and LangChain in detail!


Understanding Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG)

RAG is a framework that retrieves data from external sources and incorporates it into the LLM’s decision-making process. This allows the model to access real-time information and address knowledge gaps. The retrieved data is synthesized with the LLM’s internal training data to generate a response.

Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) Pipeline

Read more: RAG and finetuning: A comprehensive guide to understanding the two approaches

The challenge of bringing RAG based LLM applications to production

Prototyping a RAG application is easy, but making it performant, robust, and scalable to a large knowledge corpus is hard.

There are three important steps in a RAG framework i.e. Data Ingestion, Retrieval, and Generation. In this blog, we will be dissecting the challenges encountered based on each stage of the RAG  pipeline specifically from the perspective of production, and then propose relevant solutions. Let’s dig in!

Stage 1: Data Ingestion Pipeline

The ingestion stage is a preparation step for building a RAG pipeline, similar to the data cleaning and preprocessing steps in a machine learning pipeline. Usually, the ingestion stage consists of the following steps:

  • Collect data
  • Chunk data
  • Generate vector embeddings of chunks
  • Store vector embeddings and chunks in a vector database

The efficiency and effectiveness of the data ingestion phase significantly influence the overall performance of the system.

Common Pain Points in Data Ingestion Pipeline

12 Challenges in Building Production-Ready RAG based LLM Applications | Data Science Dojo

Challenge 1: Data Extraction:

  • Parsing Complex Data Structures: Extracting data from various types of documents, such as PDFs with embedded tables or images, can be challenging. These complex structures require specialized techniques to extract the relevant information accurately.
  • Handling Unstructured Data: Dealing with unstructured data, such as free-flowing text or natural language, can be difficult.
Proposed solutions
  • Better parsing techniques:Enhancing parsing techniques is key to solving the data extraction challenge in RAG-based LLM applications, enabling more accurate and efficient information extraction from complex data structures like PDFs with embedded tables or images. Llama Parse is a great tool by LlamaIndex that significantly improves data extraction for RAG systems by adeptly parsing complex documents into structured markdown.
  • Chain-of-the-table approach:The chain-of-table approach, as detailed by Wang et al., merges table analysis with step-by-step information extraction strategies. This technique aids in dissecting complex tables to pinpoint and extract specific data segments, enhancing tabular question-answering capabilities in RAG systems.
  • Mix-Self-Consistency:
    Large Language Models (LLMs) can analyze tabular data through two primary methods:

    • Direct prompting for textual reasoning.
    • Program synthesis for symbolic reasoning, utilizing languages like Python or SQL.

    According to the study “Rethinking Tabular Data Understanding with Large Language Models” by Liu and colleagues, LlamaIndex introduced the MixSelfConsistencyQueryEngine. This engine combines outcomes from both textual and symbolic analysis using a self-consistency approach, such as majority voting, to attain state-of-the-art (SoTA) results. Below is an example code snippet. For further information, visit LlamaIndex’s complete notebook.

Large Language Models Bootcamp | LLM

Challenge 2: Picking the Right Chunk Size and Chunking Strategy:

  1. Determining the Right Chunk Size: Finding the optimal chunk size for dividing documents into manageable parts is a challenge. Larger chunks may contain more relevant information but can reduce retrieval efficiency and increase processing time. Finding the optimal balance is crucial.
  2. Defining Chunking Strategy: Deciding how to partition the data into chunks requires careful consideration. Depending on the use case, different strategies may be necessary, such as sentence-based or paragraph-based chunking.
Proposed Solutions:
  • Fine Tuning Embedding Models:

Fine-tuning embedding models plays a pivotal role in solving the chunking challenge in RAG pipelines, enhancing both the quality and relevance of contexts retrieved during ingestion.

By incorporating domain-specific knowledge and training on pertinent data, these models excel in preserving context, ensuring chunks maintain their original meaning.

This fine-tuning process aids in identifying the optimal chunk size, striking a balance between comprehensive context capture and efficiency, thus minimizing noise.

Additionally, it significantly curtails hallucinations—erroneous or irrelevant information generation—by honing the model’s ability to accurately identify and extract relevant chunks.

According to experiments conducted by Llama Index, fine-tuning your embedding model can lead to a 5–10% performance increase in retrieval evaluation metrics.

  • Use Case-Dependent Chunking

Use case-dependent chunking tailors the segmentation process to the specific needs and characteristics of the application. Different use cases may require different granularity in data segmentation:

    • Detailed Analysis: Some applications might benefit from very fine-grained chunks to extract detailed information from the data.
    • Broad Overview: Others might need larger chunks that provide a broader context, important for understanding general themes or summaries.
  • Embedding Model-Dependent Chunking

Embedding model-dependent chunking aligns the segmentation strategy with the characteristics of the underlying embedding model used in the RAG framework. Embedding models convert text into numerical representations, and their capacity to capture semantic information varies:

    • Model Capacity: Some models are better at understanding broader contexts, while others excel at capturing specific details. Chunk sizes can be adjusted to match what the model handles best.
    • Semantic Sensitivity: If the embedding model is highly sensitive to semantic nuances, smaller chunks may be beneficial to capture detailed semantics. Conversely, for models that excel at capturing broader contexts, larger chunks might be more appropriate.

Challenge 3: Creating a Robust and Scalable Pipeline:

One of the critical challenges in implementing RAG is creating a robust and scalable pipeline that can effectively handle a large volume of data and continuously index and store it in a vector database. This challenge is of utmost importance as it directly impacts the system’s ability to accommodate user demands and provide accurate, up-to-date information.

  1. Proposed Solutions
  • Building a modular and distributed system:

To build a scalable pipeline for managing billions of text embeddings, a modular and distributed system is crucial. This system separates the pipeline into scalable units for targeted optimization and employs distributed processing for parallel operation efficiency. Horizontal scaling allows the system to expand with demand, supported by an optimized data ingestion process and a capable vector database for large-scale data storage and indexing.

This approach ensures scalability and technical robustness in handling vast amounts of text embeddings.

Stage 2: Retrieval

Retrieval in RAG involves the process of accessing and extracting information from authoritative external knowledge sources, such as databases, documents, and knowledge graphs. If the information is retrieved correctly in the right format, then the answers generated will be correct as well. However, you know the catch. Effective retrieval is a pain, and you can encounter several issues during this important stage.

RAG Pain Paints and Solutions - Retrieval

Common Pain Points in Data Ingestion Pipeline

Challenge 1: Retrieved Data Not in Context

The RAG system can retrieve data that doesn’t qualify to bring relevant context to generate an accurate response. There can be several reasons for this.

  • Missed Top Rank Documents: The system sometimes doesn’t include essential documents that contain the answer in the top results returned by the system’s retrieval component.
  • Incorrect Specificity: Responses may not provide precise information or adequately address the specific context of the user’s query
  • Losing Relevant Context During Reranking: This occurs when documents containing the answer are retrieved from the database but fail to make it into the context for generating an answer.
Proposed Solutions:
  • Query Augmentation: Query augmentation enables RAG to retrieve information that is in context by enhancing the user queries with additional contextual details or modifying them to maximize relevancy. This involves improving the phrasing, adding company-specific context, and generating sub-questions that help contextualize and generate accurate responses
    • Rephrasing
    • Hypothetical document embeddings
    • Sub-queries
  • Tweak retrieval strategies: Llama Index offers a range of retrieval strategies, from basic to advanced, to ensure accurate retrieval in RAG pipelines. By exploring these strategies, developers can improve the system’s ability to incorporate relevant information into the context for generating accurate responses.
    • Small-to-big sentence window retrieval,
    • recursive retrieval
    • semantic similarity scoring.
  • Hyperparameter tuning for chunk size and similarity_top_k: This solution involves adjusting the parameters of the retrieval process in RAG models. More specifically, we can tune the parameters related to chunk size and similarity_top_k.
    The chunk_size parameter determines the size of the text chunks used for retrieval, while similarity_top_k controls the number of similar chunks retrieved.
    By experimenting with different values for these parameters, developers can find the optimal balance between computational efficiency and the quality of retrieved information.
  • Reranking: Reranking retrieval results before they are sent to the language model has proven to improve RAG systems’ performance significantly.
    By retrieving more documents and using techniques like CohereRerank, which leverages a reranker to improve the ranking order of the retrieved documents, developers can ensure that the most relevant and accurate documents are considered for generating responses. This reranking process can be implemented by incorporating the reranker as a postprocessor in the RAG pipeline.

Challenge 2: Task-Based Retrieval

If you deploy a RAG-based service, you should expect anything from the users and you should not just limit your RAG in production applications to only be highly performant for question-answering tasks.

Users can ask a wide variety of questions. Naive RAG stacks can address queries about specific facts, such as details on a company’s Diversity & Inclusion efforts in 2023 or the narrator’s activities at Google.

However, questions may also seek summaries (“Provide a high-level overview of this document”) or comparisons (“Compare X and Y”).

Different retrieval methods may be necessary for these diverse use cases.

Proposed Solutions
  • Query Routing: This technique involves retaining the initial user query while identifying the appropriate subset of tools or sources that pertain to the query. By routing the query to the suitable options, routing ensures that the retrieval process is fine-tuned to the specific tools or sources that are most likely to yield accurate and relevant information.

Challenge 3: Optimize the Vector DB to look for correct documents

The problem in the retrieval stage of RAG is about ensuring the lookup to a vector database effectively retrieves accurate documents that are relevant to the user’s query.

Hereby, we must address the challenge of semantic matching by seeking documents and information that are not just keyword matches, but also conceptually aligned with the meaning embedded within the user query.

Proposed Solutions:
  • Hybrid Search:

Hybrid search tackles the challenge of optimal document lookup in vector databases. It combines semantic and keyword searches, ensuring retrieval of the most relevant documents.

  • Semantic Search: Goes beyond keywords, considering document meaning and context for accurate results.
  • Keyword Search: Excellent for queries with specific terms like product codes, jargon, or dates.

Hybrid search strikes a balance, offering a comprehensive and optimized retrieval process. Developers can further refine results by adjusting weighting between semantic and keyword search. This empowers vector databases to deliver highly relevant documents, streamlining document lookup.

Challenge 4: Chunking Large Datasets

When we put large amounts of data into a RAG-based product we eventually have to parse and then chunk the data because when we retrieve info – we can’t really retrieve a whole pdf – but different chunks of it.

However, this can present several pain points.

  • Loss of Context: One primary issue is the potential loss of context when breaking down large documents into smaller chunks. When documents are divided into smaller pieces, the nuances and connections between different sections of the document may be lost, leading to incomplete representations of the content.
  • Optimal Chunk Size: Determining the optimal chunk size becomes essential to balance capturing essential information without sacrificing speed. While larger chunks could capture more context, they introduce more noise and require additional processing time and computational costs. On the other hand, smaller chunks have less noise but may not fully capture the necessary context.

Read more: Optimize RAG efficiency with LlamaIndex: The perfect chunk size

Proposed Solutions:
  • Document Hierarchies: This is a pre-processing step where you can organize data in a structured manner to improve information retrieval by locating the most relevant chunks of text.
  • Knowledge Graphs: Representing related data through graphs, enabling easy and quick retrieval of related information and reducing hallucinations in RAG systems.
  • Sub-document Summary: Breaking down documents into smaller chunks and injecting summaries to improve RAG retrieval performance by providing global context awareness.
  • Parent Document Retrieval: Retrieving summaries and parent documents in a recursive manner to improve information retrieval and response generation in RAG systems.
  • RAPTOR: RAPTOR recursively embeds, clusters, and summarizes text chunks to construct a tree structure with varying summarization levels. Read more
  • Recursive Retrieval: Retrieval of summaries and parent documents in multiple iterations to improve performance and provide context-specific information in RAG systems.

Challenge 5: Retrieving Outdated Content from the Database

Imagine a RAG app working perfectly for 100 documents. But what if a document gets updated? The app might still use the old info (stored as an “embedding”) and give you answers based on that, even though it’s wrong.

Proposed Solutions:
  • Meta-Data Filtering: It’s like a label that tells the app if a document is new or changed. This way, the app can always use the latest and greatest information.

Stage 3: Generation

While the quality of the response generated largely depends on how good the retrieval of information was, there still are tons of aspects you must consider. After all, the quality of the response and the time it takes to generate the response directly impacts the satisfaction of your user.

RAG Pain Points - Generation Stage

Challenge 1: Optimized Response Time for User

The prompt response to user queries is vital for maintaining user engagement and satisfaction.

Proposed Solutions:
  1. Semantic Caching: Semantic caching addresses the challenge of optimizing response time by implementing a cache system to store and quickly retrieve pre-processed data and responses. It can be implemented at two key points in an RAG system to enhance speed:
    • Retrieval of Information: The first point where semantic caching can be implemented is in retrieving the information needed to construct the enriched prompt. This involves pre-processing and storing relevant data and knowledge sources that are frequently accessed by the RAG system.
    • Calling the LLM: By implementing a semantic cache system, the pre-processed data and responses from previous interactions can be stored. When similar queries are encountered, the system can quickly access these cached responses, leading to faster response generation.

Challenge 2: Inference Costs

The cost of inference for large language models (LLMs) is a major concern, especially when considering enterprise applications.

Some of the factors that contribute to the inference cost of LLMs include context window size, model size, and training data.

Proposed Solutions:

  1. Minimum viable model for your use case: Not all LLMs are created equal. There are models specifically designed for tasks like question answering, code generation, or text summarization. Choosing an LLM with expertise in your desired area can lead to better results and potentially lower inference costs because the model is already optimized for that type of work.
  2. Conservative Use of LLMs in Pipeline: By strategically deploying LLMs only in critical parts of the pipeline where their advanced capabilities are essential, you can minimize unnecessary computational expenditure. This selective use ensures that LLMs contribute value where they’re most needed, optimizing the balance between performance and cost.

Challenge 3: Data Security

The problem of data security in RAG systems refers to the concerns and challenges associated with ensuring the security and integrity of Language Models LLMs used in RAG applications. As LLMs become more powerful and widely used, there are ethical and privacy considerations that need to be addressed to protect sensitive information and prevent potential abuses.

These include:

    • Prompt injection
    • Sensitive information disclosure
    • Insecure outputs

Proposed Solutions: 

  1. Multi-tenancy: Multi-tenancy is like having separate, secure rooms for each user or group within a large language model system, ensuring that everyone’s data is private and safe.It makes sure that each user’s data is kept apart from others, protecting sensitive information from being seen or accessed by those who shouldn’t.By setting up specific permissions, it controls who can see or use certain data, keeping the wrong hands off of it. This setup not only keeps user information private and safe from misuse but also helps the LLM follow strict rules and guidelines about handling and protecting data.
  1. NeMo Guardrails: NeMo Guardrails is an open-source security toolset designed specifically for language models, including large language models. It offers a wide range of programmable guardrails that can be customized to control and guide LLM inputs and outputs, ensuring secure and responsible usage in RAG systems.

Ensuring the Practical Success of the RAG Framework

This article explored key pain points associated with RAG systems, ranging from missing content and incomplete responses to data ingestion scalability and LLM security. For each pain point, we discussed potential solutions, highlighting various techniques and tools that developers can leverage to optimize RAG system performance and ensure accurate, reliable, and secure responses.

By addressing these challenges, RAG systems can unlock their full potential and become a powerful tool for enhancing the accuracy and effectiveness of LLMs across various applications.

March 29, 2024

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