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data science dojo

Kaggle is a website where people who are interested in data science and machine learning can compete with each other, learn, and share their work. It’s kind of like a big playground for data nerds! Here are some of the main things you can do on Kaggle:


  1. Join competitions: Companies and organizations post challenges on Kaggle, and you can use your data skills to try to solve them. The winners often get prizes or recognition, so it’s a great way to test your skills and see how you stack up against other data scientists.
  2. Learn new skills: Kaggle has a lot of free courses and tutorials that can teach you about data science, machine learning, and other related topics. It’s a great way to learn new things and stay up-to-date on the latest trends.
  3. Find and use datasets: Kaggle has a huge collection of public datasets that you can use for your own projects. This is a great way to get your hands on real-world data and practice your data analysis skills.
  4. Connect with other data scientists: Kaggle has a large community of data scientists from all over the world. You can connect with other members, ask questions, and share your work. This is a great way to learn from others and build your network.


Learn to build LLM applications


Growing community of Kaggle

Kaggle is a platform for data scientists to share their work, compete in challenges, and learn from each other. In recent years, there has been a growing trend of data scientists joining Kaggle. This is due to a number of factors, including the following:


The increasing availability of data

The amount of data available to businesses and individuals is growing exponentially. This data can be used to improve decision-making, develop new products and services, and gain a competitive advantage. Data scientists are needed to help businesses make sense of this data and use it to their advantage. 


Learn more about Kaggle competitions


Growing demand for data-driven solutions

Businesses are increasingly looking for data-driven solutions to their problems. This is because data can provide insights that would otherwise be unavailable. Data scientists are needed to help businesses develop and implement data-driven solutions. 

The growing popularity of Kaggle. Kaggle has become a popular platform for data scientists to share their work, compete in challenges, and learn from each other. This has made Kaggle a valuable resource for data scientists and has helped to attract more data scientists to the platform. 


Benefits of using Kaggle for data scientists

There are a number of benefits to data scientists joining Kaggle. These benefits include the following:   

1. Opportunity to share their work

Kaggle provides a platform for data scientists to share their work with other data scientists and with the wider community. This can help data scientists get feedback on their work, build a reputation, and find new opportunities. 

2. Opportunity to compete in challenges

Kaggle hosts a number of challenges that data scientists can participate in. These challenges can help data scientists improve their skills, learn new techniques, and win prizes. 

3. Opportunity to learn from others

Kaggle is a great place to learn from other data scientists. There are a number of resources available on Kaggle, such as forums, discussions, and blogs. These resources can help data scientists learn new techniques, stay up-to-date on the latest trends, and network with other data scientists. 

If you are a data scientist, I encourage you to join Kaggle. Kaggle is a valuable resource for data scientists, and it can help you improve your skills, to learn new techniques, and build your career. 

Why data scientists must use Kaggle

In addition to the benefits listed above, there are a few other reasons why data scientists might join Kaggle. These reasons include:

1. To gain exposure to new data sets

Kaggle hosts a wide variety of data sets, many of which are not available elsewhere. This can be a great way for data scientists to gain exposure to new data sets and learn new ways of working with data. 

2. To collaborate with other data scientists

Kaggle is a great place to collaborate with other data scientists. This can be a great way to learn from others, to share ideas, and to work on challenging problems. 

3. To stay up-to-date on the latest trends

Kaggle is a great place to stay up-to-date on the latest trends in data science. This can be helpful for data scientists who want to stay ahead of the curve and who want to be able to offer their clients the latest and greatest services. 

If you are a data scientist, I encourage you to consider joining Kaggle. Kaggle is a great place to learn, to collaborate, and to grow your career. 

December 27, 2023

This blog elaborates on a Data Science Dojo vs Thinkful debate when you are looking for an appropriate data science bootcamp.

Choosing to invest in a data science bootcamp can be a daunting task. Whether it’s weighing pros and cons or cross-checking reviews, it can be brain-wracking to make the perfect choice.

To assist you in making a well-informed decision and simplify your research process, we have created this comparison blog of Data Science Dojo vs Thinkful to let their features and statistics speak for themselves.

So, without any delay, let’s delve deeper into the comparison: Data Science Dojo vs Thinkful Bootcamp.

Data Science Dojo vs Thinkful
Data Science Dojo vs Thinkful

Data Science Dojo 

As an ideal choice for beginners with no prerequisites, Data Science Dojo’s Bootcamp is a great choice. It is a 16-week online bootcamp that covers the fundamentals of data science. It adopts a business-first approach in its curriculum, combining theoretical knowledge with practical hands-on projects. With a team of instructors who possess extensive industry experience, students have the opportunity to receive personalized support during dedicated office hours.

The boot camp covers various topics, including data exploration and visualization, decision tree learning, predictive modeling for real-world scenarios, and linear models for regression. Moreover, students can use multiple payment plans and may earn a verified data science certificate from the University of New Mexico.



Thinkful’s data science bootcamp provides the option for part-time enrollment, requiring around six months to finish. Students advance through modules at their own pace, dedicating approximately 15 to 20 hours per week to coursework.

The curriculum features important courses such as analytics and experimentation, as well as a supervised learning experience in machine learning where students construct their initial models. It has a partnership with Southern New Hampshire University (SNHU), allowing graduates to earn credit toward a Bachelor’s or Master of Science degree at SNHU.

Data Science Dojo vs Thinkful features 

Here is a table that compares the features of Data Science Dojo and Thinkful:

Data Science Dojo VS Thinkful
Data Science Dojo VS Thinkful

Which data science bootcamp is best for you?

Embarking on a bootcamp journey is a major step for your career. Before committing to any program, it’s crucial to evaluate your future goals and assess how each prospective bootcamp aligns with them.

To choose the right data science bootcamp, ask yourself a series of important questions. How soon do you want to enter the workforce? What level of earning potential are you aiming for? Which skills are essential for your desired career path?

By answering these questions, you’ll gain valuable clarity during your search and be better equipped to make an informed decision. Ultimately, the best bootcamp for you will depend on your individual needs and goals.


Feeling uncertain about which bootcamp is the perfect fit for you? Talk with an advisor today!

June 30, 2023

“In remote companies, thought leader guest speaker series fuel the collective intelligence, empowering teams to tackle complex challenges with confidence.” 

Picture this: a gathering of brilliant minds, each speaker a luminary in their respective field, stepping onto the virtual stage with a treasure trove of insights into the other. That is the perfect description of the Thought Leaders Unplugged series hosted by Data Science Dojo. 

What is Thought Leaders Unplugged? 

Introduced by our HR (Human Resources) team, our Thought Leaders Unplugged is a series that features exceptional individuals who have achieved remarkable success in their tech careers and lives. This is not your average lecture or mundane online seminar.  

Thought Leaders Unplugged
Thought Leaders Unplugged

Thought Leaders Unplugged is an experience like no other. It is like a high-voltage TED Talk meets a rock concert, where expertise meets excitement, and learning becomes a head-banging, mind-expanding adventure. 

Why do we host Thought Leaders Unplugged?

It all boils down to investing in employee development. The series is an initiative by the Data Science Dojo team which believes in investing in their employees’ personal and professional growth. We recognize that the hard work of our employees is the key to the success of the organization, and they are committed to providing the resources and opportunities necessary for their employees to thrive. 

A bird-eye view of Thought Leaders Unplugged 

Insights from Thought Leaders:  

Through Thought Leaders Unplugged, we invite renowned individuals from technology and data science fields to share their stories, insights, and perspectives with our team. These thought leaders often come from diverse backgrounds and have achieved success in a variety of fields, including business, technology, social entrepreneurship, and the arts. 

Candid Conversations:  

The sessions are usually held in an MS Team meeting, an informal call, allowing for an open and candid conversation between thought leaders and attendees. This informal approach enables our team to ask questions and engage with the speakers in a meaningful way, providing a unique learning experience that cannot be found in a classroom or lecture hall. 

Thought Leaders Unplugged is an example of how Data Science Dojo invests in its employees’ personal and professional development. 

The Speakers:  

The series seeks exceptional people in their circles who have inspired them and are leaders because of what and how they have achieved success. The organizers of Thought Leaders Unplugged are committed to holding one session monthly, featuring exceptional individuals who have achieved immense success in their lives and careers.  

So far, we have had the pleasure of hosting Ayisha Bashir, Principal Group Engineering Manager at Microsoft, and Ali Siddiqui, Chief Strategy Officer, as guest speakers. Both graciously shared their personal stories and valuable insights with the attendees. Most recently, Ahmed Ayub, the co-founder of Airlift, shared his experiences in an upcoming session which was a massive success.

Moreover, the recordings of these sessions are readily available, allowing anyone interested to explore the themes and key takeaways from each inspiring talk. By continuing to host these sessions, we are providing a valuable opportunity for young professionals to learn from successful individuals and be inspired to reach their own goals. 

Enriching Lives Through Learning:  

Furthermore, these sessions are a wonderful way to learn, get inspired, and connect with people who are passionate about what they do. It is always a pleasure to see companies invest in their employees’ personal and professional growth, and DSD’s Thought Leaders Unplugged is a fitting example of that.

Feedback for DSD’s Thought Leaders Unplugged series 

In a nutshell, our guest speakers are inspiring professionals who set a benchmark for Team DSD. It is awe-inspiring to witness individuals who originated from humble beginnings and persevered toward success. Whether it is their relatable life scenarios or their navigational strategies, our team gains a wealth of knowledge from them. 

DSD’s Thought Leaders Unplugged initiative has received positive feedback from our employees. The team genuinely appreciates the speakers, the themes they discuss, and how relatable they are. As young professionals, they find valuable guidance and a clear path to follow. 


In a remote–first company like Data Science Dojo, thought leaders are the catalysts that transform ideas into impactful actions.

DSD’s Thought Leaders Unplugged is an excellent initiative that offers a unique learning experience to our young and experienced professionals. It provides the team a platform to connect, learn, and be inspired by successful thought leaders, empowering them to achieve their own goals and contribute to the success of their organization. 


June 5, 2023

In today’s digital landscape, the ability to leverage data effectively has become a key factor for success in businesses across various industries. As a result, companies are increasingly investing in data science teams to help them extract valuable insights from their data and develop sophisticated analytical models. Empowering data science teams can lead to better-informed decision-making, improved operational efficiencies, and ultimately, a competitive advantage in the marketplace. 

Empowering data science teams for maximum impact 

To upskill teams with data science, businesses need to invest in their training and development. Data science is a complex and multidisciplinary field that requires specialized skills, such as data engineering, machine learning, and statistical analysis. Therefore, businesses must provide their data science teams with access to the latest tools, technologies, and training resources. This will enable them to develop their skills and knowledge, keep up to date with the latest industry trends, and stay at the forefront of data science. 

Empowering data science teams
Empowering data science teams

Another way to empower teams with data science is to give them autonomy and ownership over their work. This involves giving them the freedom to experiment and explore different solutions without undue micromanagement. Data science teams need to have the freedom to make decisions and choose the tools and methodologies that work best for them. This approach can lead to increased innovation, creativity, and productivity, and improved job satisfaction and engagement. 

Why investing in your data science team is critical in today’s data-driven world? 

There is an overload of information on why empowering data science teams is essential. Considering there is a burgeoning amount of webpages information, here is a condensed version of the five major reasons that make-or-break data science teams: 

  1. Improved Decision Making: Data science teams help businesses make more informed and accurate decisions based on data analysis, leading to better outcomes.
  2. Competitive Advantage: Companies that effectively leverage data science have a competitive advantage over those that do not, as they can make more data-driven decisions and respond quickly to changing market conditions. 
  3. Innovation: Data science teams are key drivers of innovation in organizations, as they can help identify new opportunities and develop creative solutions to complex business challenges. 
  4. Cost Savings: Data science teams can help identify areas of inefficiency or waste within an organization, leading to cost savings and increased profitability. 
  5. Talent Attraction and Retention: Empowering teams can also help attract and retain top talent, as data scientists are in high demand and are drawn to companies that prioritize data-driven decision-making. 

Empowering your business with Data Science Dojo

Data Science Dojo is a company that offers data science training and consulting services to businesses. By partnering with Data Science Dojo, businesses can unlock the full potential of their data and empower their data science teams.  

Data Science Dojo provides a range of data science training programs designed to meet businesses’ specific needs, from beginner-level training to advanced machine learning workshops. The training is delivered by experienced data scientists with a wealth of real-world experience in solving complex business problems using data science. 

The benefits of partnering with Data Science Dojo are numerous. By investing in data science training, businesses can unlock the full potential of their data and make more informed decisions. This can lead to increased efficiency, reduced costs, and improved customer satisfaction.  

Data science can also be used to identify new revenue streams and gain a competitive edge in the market. With the help of Data Science Dojo, businesses can build a data-driven culture that empowers their data science teams and drives innovation. 

Transforming data science team: The power of Saturn Cloud 

Empowering data science teams and Saturn Cloud are related because Saturn Cloud is a platform that provides tools and infrastructure to help empower data science teams. Saturn Cloud offers various services that make it easier for data scientists to collaborate, share information, and streamline their workflows. 

What is Saturn Cloud? 

Saturn Cloud is a cloud-based platform that provides data science teams with a flexible and scalable environment to develop, test, and deploy machine learning models. With Saturn Cloud, businesses can easily move them data science teams into the cloud without having to switch tools. The platform provides a suite of services that make it easy for data science teams to work collaboratively and efficiently in a cloud environment. 

Benefits of using Saturn Cloud for data science teams 

1. Harnessing the power of cloud  

Saturn Cloud provides a cost-effective way for businesses to scale their computing resources without having to invest in expensive hardware. This can lead to significant cost savings, while still ensuring that data remains secure and meets regulatory requirements. 

2. Making data science in the cloud easy  

Saturn Cloud offers a range of services, including JupyterLab notebooks and machine learning libraries and frameworks, to make it easy for data science teams to work in the cloud. The platform also allows teams to continue using the tools and libraries they are familiar with, reducing the time and resources required for training and onboarding. 

3. Improving collaboration and productivity  

Saturn Cloud provides a team workspace that allows team members to share resources, collaborate on code, and share insights. The platform also offers version control, which allows teams to track changes to code and data sets and revert to previous versions if necessary. These features can help increase productivity and speed up time-to-market for new products and services. 

In a nutshell 

In conclusion, data science is an increasingly vital field that can give businesses a significant competitive advantage. However, to realize the full potential of data science, organizations must invest in their data science teams. Data Science Dojo empowers data science teams so that businesses can unlock the value of their data and gain valuable insights that drive innovation, improve decision-making, and help them stay ahead of the curve.  

April 25, 2023

Looking for the best tech YouTube channels in 2023? Look no further than this list of top-ranked channels. With millions of viewers and subscribers tuning in daily, these channels offer informative and engaging content on the latest tech trends, innovations in AI, big data challenges, and analytics trends to look out for. These channels cover a range of topics and interests for YouTube viewers across the world. 

Whether you’re looking for your daily tech fix or researching your next tech purchase, these channels have got you covered. So why wait? Let’s explore the best tech YouTube channels of 2023 in this blog!  

Top tech Youtube channels
Top tech Youtube channels – Data Science Dojo

Check out these 8 must-subscribe tech YouTube channels

In this blog post, we’ve compiled a list of eight must-subscribe tech YouTube channels to help you stay on top of the game.

1. is an education technology company founded by Andrew Ng, a prominent figure in the world of AI and machine learning. The official Deep Learning AI YouTube channel offers video tutorials from the deep learning specialization on Coursera, covering a wide range of topics in AI and machine learning. 

Visit the channel here: Deeplearning.AI 

2. Daniel Bourke

If you are new to the field of data science, then Daniel Bourke’s channel is a great place to start. He covers topics like artificial intelligence, machine learning, deep learning, and data science in a simple, easy-to-understand manner. 

 Visit the channel here: Daniel Bourke

3. Data Science Dojo – Data Science eLearning Company 

Data Science Dojo is an e-learning company that offers comprehensive training programs in data science, machine learning, and artificial intelligence. The company also has a YouTube channel that provides a wealth of free tutorials, tips, and insights on these topics. The videos on this channel are designed to be engaging and easy to understand, with a focus on simplifying complex concepts so that viewers can grasp them quickly.  

Some of the topics covered in these tutorials include Python Programming, R Programming, time series analysis, text analytics, and web scraping, among others. Overall, the Data Science Dojo YouTube channel is a great resource for anyone looking to learn more about data science, regardless of their level of expertise. 

 Link for the channel – Data Science Dojo 

4. Springboard

Springboard’s YouTube channel publishes interviews with data scientists from top companies such as Google, Uber, Airbnb, etc. From these videos, you can get a glimpse of what it’s like to be a data scientist and acquire invaluable advice to apply in your life. 

Check out the channel here: Springboard YouTube channel

5. Yannic Kilcher

Yannic Kilcher’s channel covers a wide range of topics in AI and machine learning, including deep learning, natural language processing, and computer vision. He also covers the latest research papers in the field, making it an excellent resource for those interested in the latest advancements. 

Link for the channel – Yannic Kilcher 

6. StatQuest with Josh Starmer

StatQuest is a fantastic channel for beginners in the world of machine learning. Josh Starmer explains complex topics with the help of illustrations, making them easy to understand. 

 Link for the channel – Statquest with Josh Starmer

7. Sentdex

Sentdex covers a range of topics from data science and machine learning to finance and trading. The channel is an excellent resource for those interested in data science and its applications in the real world. 

 Visit the channel here – Sentdex

8. Data School

Data School is a YouTube channel run by Kevin Markham, who has over 15 years of experience in the field of data science. He covers a range of topics, including data cleaning, visualization, and machine learning, making it a great resource for beginners and experts alike. 

 Visit the channel here – Data School


In the world of AI, data science, and machine learning, it’s essential to keep up with the latest trends and best practices. Fortunately, there are many excellent YouTube channels out there that can help you do just that.  

Let us know in the comments about your favorite tech YouTube channel that helped you grow as a professional. 

April 11, 2023

This blog aims to introduce you to 5 free courses offered by the Data Science Dojo, that can give your data science career a head start

Do you know what skills it takes to get into top data science companies?  A good start to a data science career requires you to be equipped with the tools and techniques currently being used in the industry. Below I have mentioned 5 free courses that will help to get a jump start on your career in data science. 

free courses by data science dojo
Top 5 free courses of data science

A journey from data to diamonds - Data Mining Fundamentals 

Living in a world where everyone is in a rat race for data collection, one should be aware of the fact that just having data is not enough. Your data is probably garbage for your machine learning algorithm. However, a data scientist gives meaning to that data. If you are willing to pursue a data science career path, 70% of your job might just be cleaning and understanding data and making sense of it. This is also called data mining.  

Learn more about Data Mining in this video:

Data Mining Fundamentals” gives you a nice starting point in your job. It takes you on a brief journey of looking at different data types and understanding different issues with the data. Later you get a look into feature engineering and pre-processing that helps to extract the most meaningful information out of the data and that is to be used in machine learning models. Then you jump into the evaluation metrics and statistical methods that provide us with an essential toolkit for extracting meaning from your data. Lastly, you will learn about some useful visualizations that you will need to fully understand your data.  

The clouds that rain data - Introduction to Azure Machine Learning  

We live in a world where machine learning is not just about dummy datasets or solving small-scale problems anymore. Industries are working with ever-changing real-time data that has millions and millions of entries. When working with such large data, it is almost impossible to store and work with it locally. This opens the doors to the world of big data. One of the key skills employers look for in a data science candidate is familiarity with big data and cloud computing.  

The course “Introduction to Azure Machine Learning” provides you with a gateway into the world of big data. You will explore end-to-end data science projects, cover summary statistics and data transformation, and build a machine learning model in Azure ML.  

Data scientists are the new fortune teller - Time Series Analysis and Forecasting  

Have you ever searched the internet for weather predictions for the current week? It is very accurate these days, but it wasn’t always the same case. Data science has given the field of forecasting an immense opportunity to grow. All data consultancies work on the principles of forecasting and future prediction. If you want to pursue a career as a consultant, then time series analysis and forecasting are tools that will put a gold star on your resume.  

The course “Time Series Analysis and Forecasting with Python” helps you get your hands dirty with algorithmic implementations for forecasting using Python. It will give you an introduction to the libraries that are commonly used for forecasting and run you through the whole pipeline that is followed in its course.  

Upgrade your Python skills with Introduction to Data Science with Python.  

Getting your hands dirty with R - Beginner R Programming  

When data scientists walk into an interview, they are expected to walk in with a toolkit. A toolkit that would allow them to build their career. One of the most widely used programming languages in the data science industry is R. R provides one of the best environments for statistical computing with a lot of packages making it very easy and convenient to work with data and use algorithms.  

The course “Beginner R Programming” starts with you creating your first program in R. Then it walks you through the variables, objects, control statements, and functions in R covering all the fundamental knowledge of the subject you would need.  

Data science career with NLP - Introduction to Text Analytics with R  

If a company decides to evaluate the reviews about one of its products. The problem is that there are maybe 100k of them. How do you think they will evaluate them? How do you think a data scientist will address this problem? If you decide to choose a data science career path toward natural language processing, analyzing text and converting words to numbers would be one of your major tasks.  

The course “Introduction to Text Analytics with R” familiarizes you with textual data in the context of machine learning. You will explore different ways to process your data and learn different techniques to prepare it to be used in machine learning models.  

Have you taken these free courses yet?

These data science free courses will guide you on the path of being a functional data scientist. However, if you are interested in exploring the entire data science pipeline and getting a hands-on experience with data mining to big data analytics, you must check out the “Data Science Bootcamp” offered by Data Science Dojo. 


August 31, 2022

Data Science Dojo has launched Jupyter Hub offering to the Azure Marketplace with pre-installed data exploration, analysis, and modeling libraries.

Data Science Dojo’s free Jupyter Hub

We are offering on Microsoft’s Azure platform– uses cloud services to provide you with an effortless coding environment. It is your ideal partner if you want to dive into the world of programming. The service has built-in support for multiple programming languages: R, Python, and Bash. These languages are popular in data science, machine learning, and deep learning thus making JupyerHub.

But that is not all!

The offering comes pre-installed with several popular tools for data exploration, analysis, modeling, and development. Listed below are a few examples of the pre-installed libraries:

Python libraries

  • NumPy, SciPy, Matplotlib, pandas, Scikit-learn, Seaborn, Beautifulsoup4, Plotly, OpenCV-python, azure-storage-blob, azure-storage-file, azure-storage-queue, azure-storage-common 

R libraries

  • tm, lsa, stats, miscTools, animation, lattice, rpart, party, randomForest, bst, AUC, pROC, e1071, kLaR, ElemStatLearn, glmnet, Metrics, fpc, ggplot2, caret, GGally,rpart.plot, xgboost, quanteda, plyr,dplyr, stringr, irlba, doSNOW, Rtsne

With our free offer, you can analyze and visualize data, as well as construct machine learning models in Python and R. You can also personalize your experience using the notebook interface. Everything from the theme to the behavior of individual cells and widgets may be changed as per your requirements

When working in the Jupyter instance, your programming code, along with your outputs, narrations, and multimedia, can all be combined into one single document. It also comes with a unique tool, nbcovert, that lets you turn your notebooks into HTML and PDF. You can work with Microsoft cloud services without having to worry about installation or maintenance. Furthermore, because the computations are not conducted locally on your PC, but rather in the cloud, the responsiveness and processing speed are enhanced to the max!

We here at Data Science Dojo deliver data science education, consulting, and technical services to increase the power of data. We are therefore adding a free Jupyter Notebook Environment dedicated specifically for Data Scientists Using Python and R. The offering leverages the power of Microsoft Azure services to run effortlessly with outstanding responsiveness. Install the Jupyter Hub offers now in the Azure marketplace, your ideal companion in your data science journey!

Jupyter hub initiating coding in the cloud | Data Science Dojo

June 10, 2022

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