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open-source large language models

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has emerged as a hot topic, captivating millions of people worldwide, in 2024. Its remarkable language capabilities, driven by advancements in Natural Language Processing (NLP) and the best Large Language Models (LLMs) like ChatGPT from OpenAI, have contributed to its popularity.

LLM, like ChatGPT, LaMDA, PaLM, etc., are advanced computer programs trained on vast textual data. They excel in tasks like text generation, speech-to-text, and sentiment analysis, making them valuable tools in NLP. The parameters enhance their ability to predict word sequences, improving accuracy and handling complex relationships.


7 Best Large Language Models (LLMs) You Must Know About in 2024 | Data Science Dojo


In this blog, we will explore the 7 best LLMs in 2024 that have revamped the digital landscape for modern-day businesses.

Introducing Large Language Models (LLMs) in NLP

Natural Language Processing (NLP) has seen a surge in popularity due to computers’ capacity to handle vast amounts of natural text data. NLP has been applied in technologies like speech recognition and chatbots. Combining NLP with advanced Machine Learning techniques led to the emergence of powerful Large Language Models (LLMs).

Trained on massive datasets of text, reaching millions or billions of data points, these models demand significant computing power. To put it simply, if regular language models are like gardens, Large Language Models are like dense forests.


Here’s your one-stop guide to LLMs and their applications


How do LLMs Work?

LLMs, powered by the transformative architecture of Transformers, work wonders with textual data. These Neural Networks are adept at tasks like language translation, text generation, and answering questions. Transformers can efficiently scale and handle vast text corpora, even in the billions or trillions.

Unlike sequential RNNs, they can be trained in parallel, utilizing multiple resources simultaneously for faster learning. A standout feature of Transformers is their self-attention mechanism, enabling them to understand language meaningfully, grasping grammar, semantics, and context from extensive text data.

The invention of Transformers revolutionized AI and NLP, leading to the creation of numerous LLMs utilized in various applications like chat support, voice assistants, chatbots, and more.


Explore the 6 different transformer models and their uses


Now, that we have explored the basics of LLMs, let’s look into the list of 10 best large language models to explore and use in 2024.

1. GPT-4

GPT-4 is the latest and most advanced LLM from OpenAI. With over a 170 trillion parameter count, it is one of the largest language models in the GPT series. It can tackle a wide range of tasks, including text generation, translation, summarization, and question-answering.


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A visual comparison of the size of GPT-3 and GPT-4 – Source: Medium


The GPT-4 LLM represents a significant advancement in the field of AI and NLP. Let’s look at some of its key features and applications.

Key Features

What sets GPT-4 apart is its human-level performance on a wide array of tasks, making it a game-changer for businesses seeking automation solutions. With its unique multimodal capabilities, GPT-4 can process both text and images, making it perfect for tasks like image captioning and visual question answering.

Boasting over 170 trillion parameters, GPT-4 possesses an unparalleled learning capacity, surpassing all other language models. Moreover, it addresses the accuracy challenge by being trained on a massive dataset of text and code, reducing inaccuracies and providing more factual information.

GPT-4’s impressive fluency and creativity in generating text make it a versatile tool for tasks ranging from writing news articles and generating marketing copy to crafting captivating poems and stories.

Moreover, it is integrated into Microsoft Bing’s AI chatbot and is available in ChatGPT Plus. It is also expected to be incorporated into Microsoft Office products, enhancing their functionalities with AI-driven features.


  1. Content Creation:
    • GPT-4 excels in generating high-quality content, including blog posts, articles, and creative writing. Its ability to generate language and images makes it particularly useful for multimedia content creation.
  2. Customer Support:
    • Businesses use GPT-4 for customer support through chatbots that provide accurate and contextually relevant responses. This reduces wait times and improves the overall customer service experience.
  3. Translation and Multilingual Support:
    • GPT-4’s proficiency in multiple languages allows for accurate and contextually appropriate translations, making it a valuable tool for global communication.
  4. Coding and Debugging:
    • Developers utilize GPT-4 for coding assistance, including generating code snippets, debugging, and providing step-by-step guidance on complex programming tasks.
  5. Data Analysis and Visualization:
    • With the ability to analyze data and produce graphs and charts, GPT-4 supports data-driven decision-making processes in various industries.
  6. Personalized User Experience:
    • Its vast training data and advanced understanding enable GPT-4 to offer personalized user experiences, adjusting content based on individual preferences and behaviors.
  7. Education and Training:
    • GPT-4 can be used in educational settings to provide explanations of complex concepts in simple terms, generate educational content, and even simulate interactive learning experiences.

Thus, GPT-4 stands out as a powerful tool in the realm of AI, capable of transforming how businesses operate and interact with their customers. Its versatility and advanced capabilities make it a valuable asset across multiple domains.



2. PaLM 2

PaLM 2 (Bison-001) is a large language model from Google AI. It is focused on commonsense reasoning and advanced coding. PaLM 2 has also been shown to outperform GPT-4 in reasoning evaluations, and it can also generate code in multiple languages.


PaLM 2 - best large language models
An example of question-answering with PaLM 2 – Source: Google Cloud


Key Features

PaLM 2 is an exceptional language model equipped with commonsense reasoning capabilities, enabling it to draw inferences from extensive data and conduct valuable research in AI, NLP, and machine learning.

It boasts an impressive 540 billion parameters, making it one of the largest and most powerful language models available today. Moreover, with advanced coding skills, it can proficiently generate code in various programming languages like Python, Java, and C++, making it an invaluable asset for developers.

Its transformer architecture can process vast amounts of textual data, enabling it to generate responses with high accuracy. The model was trained on specialized TPU 4 Pods, which are custom hardware designed by Google specifically for machine learning tasks, enhancing the model’s training efficiency and performance.


Read an in-depth comparison between PaLM 2 and LLaMA 2


Another notable feature of PaLM 2 is its multilingual competence, as it can comprehend and generate text in more than 20 languages. Moreover, it excels in reasoning and comprehending complex topics across various domains, including formal logic, mathematics, and coding. This makes it versatile in handling a wide range of tasks.

Unlike some other models, PaLM 2 is a closed-source model, meaning that its code is not publicly accessible. However, it is integrated into various Google products, such as the AI chatbot Bard. Nevertheless, PaLM 2’s combined attributes make it a powerful and versatile tool with a multitude of applications across various domains.


  1. AI Chatbots:
    • PaLM 2 powers Google’s AI chatbot Bard, providing quick, accurate, and engaging conversational responses. This application showcases its ability to handle large-scale interactive dialogues effectively.
  2. Content Generation:
    • The model’s advanced language generation capabilities make it suitable for creating high-quality content, from articles and blog posts to marketing copy and creative writing.
  3. Machine Translation:
    • PaLM 2’s proficiency in multiple languages allows it to perform accurate and contextually appropriate translations, facilitating better global communication.
  4. Coding Assistance:
    • With its understanding of coding languages and formal logic, PaLM 2 can assist in code generation, debugging, and providing solutions to complex programming problems.
  5. Mathematics and Formal Logic:
    • The model’s ability to comprehend and reason through complex mathematical and logical problems makes it a valuable tool for educational purposes, research, and technical problem-solving.
  6. Data Analysis and Visualization:
    • PaLM 2 can analyze data and generate visual representations such as graphs and charts, aiding in data-driven decision-making processes.

Thus, PaLM 2 stands out due to its massive scale and advanced architecture, enabling it to handle a diverse array of tasks with high accuracy and sophistication. Its integration into products like Google’s AI chatbot Bard highlights its practical applications in real-world scenarios, making it a powerful tool in various domains.

3. Claude 3.5

Claude 3.5 is a large language model developed by Anthropic, representing a significant advancement in AI capabilities.

Here are the main key features and applications of Claude 3.5.

Key Features

Claude 3.5 Sonnet sets a new standard for LLMs by outperforming the previously best GPT-4o by a wide margin on nearly every benchmark. It excels in tasks that demand deep reasoning, extensive knowledge, and precise coding skills.

The model not only delivers faster performance but is also more cost-effective compared to its predecessors, making it a practical choice for various applications. It exhibits superior performance in graduate-level reasoning, coding, multilingual math, and text reasoning.

Claude 3.5 also excels at vision tasks which adds to its versatility in handling diverse types of data inputs. Anthropic ensures the broad availability of Claude 3.5, making it easily integrable through APIs, contrasting with OpenAI’s exclusive availability on Azure.


claude 3.5 - best large language models
Position of Claude 3.5 in the Anthropic’s LLM family – Source: Anthropic



  1. Website Creation and Management:
    • Claude 3.5 simplifies website management by automating tedious tasks, allowing site owners to focus on higher-level strategies and marketing content creation. It can autonomously respond to customer inquiries, and provide real-time analytics without manually sifting through dashboards.
  2. SEO Optimization:
    • The model handles technical optimization to deliver SEO improvements and site speed enhancements in the background. It recommends and implements changes to boost site performance.
  3. Customer Engagement:
    • Claude 3.5 transforms site monetization by maximizing customer engagement. By analyzing visitor behaviors, the AI model can deliver personalized content, optimize product suggestions for eCommerce platforms, and curate articles that resonate with each visitor.
  4. Ad Customization:
    • The model curates ads tailored to visitor demographics and behaviors to optimize ad revenue. Its customization capabilities can help improve customer retention, amplifying revenue from sales, memberships, and advertising.
  5. Campaign Optimization:
    • Claude 3.5 can identify ideal audience segments and auto-optimize campaigns for peak performance. For SEO, it crafts content aligned to prime search terms.
  6. Email Marketing:
    • Businesses can automate email marketing campaigns using Claude’s ability to auto-segment contacts and deploy behavior-triggered email messages, enhancing user engagement.
  7. Content Creation:
    • The model can autonomously craft and refine landing pages by employing A/B testing for better conversions, ensuring the content is both effective and engaging.

Claude 3.5 Sonnet is a versatile AI assistant designed to simplify website creation, management, and optimization. With its advanced natural language capabilities and improved performance metrics, it stands out as a powerful tool for enhancing business operations and customer engagement.


Read more about Claude 2 dominating conversational AI


4. Cohere

Cohere is an advanced large language model developed by a Canadian startup of the same name. It is known for its versatile capabilities and customizable features, which make it suitable for various applications. Its Cohere Command model stands out for accuracy, making it a great option for businesses.


Cohere - best large language models
An example of Cohere being used as a conversational agent – Source: Cohere Documentation


Below are some key features and applications of the LLM.

Key Features

Moreover, Cohere offers accurate and robust models, trained on extensive text and code datasets. The Cohere Command model, tailored for enterprise generative AI, is accurate, robust, and user-friendly.

For businesses seeking reliable generative AI models, Cohere proves to be an excellent choice. Being open-source and cloud-based, Cohere ensures easy integration and wide accessibility for all teams. This feature supports real-time collaboration, version control, and project communication.

Cohere’s models can be trained and tailored to suit a wide range of applications, from blogging and content writing to more complex tasks requiring deep contextual understanding. The company offers a range of models, including Cohere Generate, Embed, and Rerank, each designed for different aspects of language processing.

Cohere stands out for its adaptability and ease of integration into various business processes, offering solutions that solve real-world problems with advanced AI capabilities.


  1. Website Creation:
    • Effective Team Collaboration: Cohere streamlines web development processes by providing tools for real-time coordination, version control, and project communication.
    • Content Creation: The model can produce text, translate languages, and write various kinds of creative content, saving web development teams significant time and effort.
  2. Monetization:
    • Paid Website Access: Cohere’s payment processing tool can be used to offer different levels of access to visitors, such as a basic plan for free and a premium plan for a monthly fee.
    • Subscription Services: Businesses can monetize additional services or features for an added charge, such as advanced collaboration tools or more storage space.
  3. Marketing:
    • Creating Creative Content: Marketing teams can craft creative content for ad copies, social media posts, and email campaigns, enhancing the impact of their promotional strategies.
    • Personalizing Content: Content can be tailored to distinct audiences using Cohere’s multilingual, multi-accent, and sentiment analysis capabilities, making marketing initiatives more relevant and effective.
    • Tracking Campaign Effectiveness: The Cohere API can integrate with other AI marketing tools to track the effectiveness of marketing campaigns, processing the campaign data to deliver actionable insights.
  4. Enterprise Applications:
    • Semantic Analysis and Contextual Search: Cohere’s advanced semantic analysis allows companies to securely feed their company information and find answers to specific queries, streamlining intelligence gathering and data analysis activities.
    • Content Generation, Summarization, and Classification: It supports the generation, summarization, and classification of content across over 100 languages, making it a robust tool for global enterprises.
    • Advanced Data Retrieval: The model includes features for advanced data retrieval and re-ranking, enhancing the accuracy and relevance of search results within enterprise applications.


Learn more about enhancing business intelligence dashboards with LLMs


Cohere is a powerful and flexible LLM, particularly suited for enterprises that require robust AI solutions for content creation, marketing, and data analysis.

5. Falcon-40 B

Falcon-40B is an advanced large language model developed by the Technology Innovation Institute (TII), UAE. It is recognized for its robust capabilities in natural language processing and generation. It is the first open-source large language model on this list, and it has outranked all the open-source models released so far, including LLaMA, StableLM, MPT, and more.

Some of its key features and applications include:

Key Features

Falcon has been open-sourced with an Apache 2.0 license, making it accessible for both commercial and research use. It has a transformer-based, causal decoder-only architecture similar to GPT-3, which enables it to generate contextually accurate content and handle natural language tasks effectively.

The Falcon-40B-Instruct model is fine-tuned for most use cases, including chat. The model uses a custom pipeline to curate and process data from diverse online sources, ensuring access to a broad range of relevant data.

The model has been primarily trained in English, German, Spanish, and French, but it can also work in Italian, Portuguese, Polish, Dutch, Romanian, Czech, and Swedish languages.


Explore the features and details of Falcon 180B



  1. Medical Literature Analysis:
    • Falcon-40B can be used to analyze medical literature, aiding researchers and healthcare professionals in extracting valuable insights from vast amounts of medical texts.
  2. Patient Records Analysis:
    • The model is capable of analyzing patient records, which can help in identifying patterns and making informed medical decisions.
  3. Sentiment Analysis:
    • Businesses use Falcon-40B for sentiment analysis in marketing, allowing them to better understand customer feelings and opinions about their products or services.
  4. Translation:
    • Falcon-40B’s multilingual capabilities make it suitable for translation tasks, facilitating communication across different languages.
  5. Chatbots:
    • The model is used to develop advanced chatbots that can engage in more natural and interactive conversations with users.
  6. Game Development and Creative Writing:
    • Falcon-40B is utilized in game development for generating dialogue and narratives, as well as in creative writing to assist authors in crafting stories.
  7. Content Generation:
    • It is used for generating high-quality natural language outputs for various applications, including content creation for blogs, articles, and social media posts.
  8. Interactive Applications:
    • Falcon-40B’s conversational nature makes it ideal for interactive applications, enhancing user experience through more engaging interactions.

Falcon-40B stands out due to its open-source nature, high-quality data processing, and advanced architecture, making it a versatile tool for a wide range of applications in natural language understanding and generation.

6. Gemini

Gemini, a model developed by Google, is notable for its multimodal capabilities. It is a versatile and powerful AI model designed to handle various tasks, including text generation, translation, and image processing.

The architecture and training strategies of Gemini emphasize extensive contextual understanding, a feature that sets it apart from many other models. These capabilities make Gemini suitable for applications requiring a nuanced understanding of different data formats.


Read more about Gemini and how it is different from GPT-4


Key Features

The LLM is integrated into many Google applications and products, such as Google Docs, Sheets, Gmail, and Slides. This integration allows users to leverage its capabilities directly within these tools, enhancing productivity and functionality.

Gemini can generate high-quality graphics relevant to the website’s content. These graphics can be used to create eye-catching headers, CTA buttons, and other elements that make a website more visually appealing.

It can also produce AI-powered ad copy and promotional materials tailored to the website’s content and target audience. This helps increase brand awareness, drive traffic, and generate leads. Moreover, Gemini’s proficiency in multilingual translation allows for effortless catering to a global audience through localized content.


Gemini - best large language models
An example of function calling with Gemini – Source: Medium



  1. Website Creation:
    • Generating High-Quality Graphics: Gemini can create relevant and visually appealing graphics for websites, enhancing their aesthetic appeal and user engagement.
    • Effective Layouts: By analyzing content and traffic patterns, Gemini can design effective and user-friendly website layouts.
  2. Monetization:
    • Improving Appearances: Gemini can suggest design changes tailored to the website’s target audience, making it more likely for visitors to take action while browsing the site.
    • Creating AI-Powered Ad Copy: The model can generate ad copy and promotional materials that are tailored to the website’s content and target audience, driving traffic and generating leads.
  3. Marketing:
    • AI-Powered Ad Copy Production: Gemini can produce promotional content tailored to the target audience, which helps increase brand awareness and lead generation.
    • Effective Layouts for Ads: The model can create layouts for ads and promotional materials that are easy to read and understand, ensuring that the message of the ad is clear and concise.
  4. Google Workspace AI Assistant:
    • Gemini serves as an AI assistant within Google Workspace, helping users find and draft documents, analyze spreadsheet data, write personalized emails, build presentations, and more.
  5. Dynamic and Interactive Content Creation:
    • Gemini can produce high-quality, contextually relevant content from articles to blog posts based on user prompts and its training data. The model can power interactive Q&A sections, dynamic FAQ sections, and AI chatbots on websites to engage visitors and provide real-time answers.

Gemini’s integration with Google’s ecosystem and its multimodal capabilities make it a powerful tool for website creation, marketing, and improving user experiences across various platforms.



7. LLaMA 2

LLaMA is a series of the best LLMs developed by Meta. The models are trained on a massive dataset of text and code, and they can perform a variety of tasks, including text generation, translation, summarization, and question-answering.

LLaMA 2 is the latest LLM in the series that is designed to assist with various business tasks, from generating content to training AI chatbots.


Here are 6 access methods for Llama 2 you must learn


Below are some of the key features and applications of LLaMA 2.

Key Features

LLaMA 2 is an open-source model, available for free for both research and commercial use. Users can download it to their desktop and customize it according to their needs. The model is trained on a relatively small number of parameters, making it fast in terms of prompt processing and response time, making it a great option for smaller businesses that want an adaptable and efficient LLM.

The LLM is designed to be fine-tuned using company and industry-specific data. It can be customized to meet the specific needs of users without requiring extensive computational resources. Moreover, it excels in reading comprehension, making it effective for tasks that require understanding and processing large amounts of text.

The model performs well in reasoning and coding tests, indicating its capability to handle complex tasks and provide accurate outputs.


  1. Content Generation:
    • LLaMA 2 can generate high-quality content, making it useful for creating articles, blog posts, social media content, and other forms of digital content.
  2. Training AI Chatbots:
    • The model can be used to train AI chatbots, enabling businesses to provide automated customer support and interact with users more effectively.
  3. Company-Wide Search Engines:
    • It can be integrated to enhance company-wide search engines, allowing for more efficient retrieval of information across an organization.
  4. Text Auto-Completion:
    • LLaMA 2 can assist in auto-completing text, which is useful for drafting emails, documents, and other written communications.
  5. Data Analysis:
    • The model can be leveraged for data analysis tasks, helping businesses to interpret and make sense of their data more efficiently.
  6. Translation:
    • LLaMA 2 supports text translation, making it a valuable tool for businesses operating in multiple languages and needing to communicate across linguistic barriers.

Overall, LLaMA 2 stands out due to its open-source nature, efficiency, and adaptability, making it a suitable choice for various business applications, particularly for smaller enterprises looking for a cost-effective and customizable LLM solution.

This concludes our list of 7 best large language models that you can explore in 2024 for an advanced user experience and business management.



Wrapping Up

In conclusion, Large Language Models (LLMs) are transforming the landscape of natural language processing, redefining human-machine interactions. Advanced models like GPT-3, GPT-4, Gopher, PALM, LAMDA, and others hold great promise for the future of NLP.

Their continuous advancement will enhance machine understanding of human language, leading to significant impacts across various industries and research domains.


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7 Best Large Language Models (LLMs) You Must Know About in 2024 | Data Science Dojo

July 26, 2023

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