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AGI (Artificial General Intelligence) refers to a higher level of AI that exhibits intelligence and capabilities on par with or surpassing human intelligence.

AGI systems can perform a wide range of tasks across different domains, including reasoning, planning, learning from experience, and understanding natural language. Unlike narrow AI systems that are designed for specific tasks, AGI systems possess general intelligence and can adapt to new and unfamiliar situations. Read more

While there have been no definitive examples of artificial general intelligence (AGI) to date, a recent paper by Microsoft Research suggests that we may be closer than we think. The new multimodal model released by OpenAI seems to have what they call, ‘sparks of AGI’.


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This means that we cannot completely classify it as AGI. However, it has a lot of capabilities an AGI would have.

Are you confused? Let’s break down things for you. Here are the questions we’ll be answering:

  • What qualities of AGI does GPT-4 possess?
  • Why does GPT-4 exhibit higher general intelligence than previous AI models?

 Let’s answer these questions step-by-step. Buckle up!

What qualities of artificial general intelligence (AGI) does GPT-4 possess?


Here’s a sneak peek into how GPT-4 is different from GPT-3.5


GPT-4 is considered an early spark of AGI due to several important reasons:

1. Performance on novel tasks

GPT-4 can solve novel and challenging tasks that span various domains, often achieving performance at or beyond the human level. Its ability to tackle unfamiliar tasks without specialized training or prompting is an important characteristic of AGI.

Here’s an example of GPT-4 solving a novel task:


GPT-4 solving a novel task
GPT-4 solving a novel task – Source: arXiv


The solution seems to be accurate and solves the problem it was provided.

2. General Intelligence

GPT-4 exhibits more general intelligence than previous AI models. It can solve tasks in various domains without needing special prompting. Its performance is close to a human level and often surpasses prior models. This ability to perform well across a wide range of tasks demonstrates a significant step towards AGI.

Broad capabilities

GPT-4 demonstrates remarkable capabilities in diverse domains, including mathematics, coding, vision, medicine, law, psychology, and more. It showcases a breadth and depth of abilities that are characteristic of advanced intelligence.

Here are some examples of GPT-4 being capable of performing diverse tasks:

  • Data Visualization: In this example, GPT-4 was asked to extract data from the LATEX code and produce a plot in Python based on a conversation with the user. The model extracted the data correctly and responded appropriately to all user requests, manipulating the data into the right format and adapting the visualization.


Data visualization with GPT-4
Data visualization with GPT-4 – Source: arXiv


  • Game development: Given a high-level description of a 3D game, GPT-4 successfully creates a functional game in HTML and JavaScript without any prior training or exposure to similar tasks


Game development with GPT-4
Game development with GPT-4 – Source: arXiv


3. Language mastery

GPT-4’s mastery of language is a distinguishing feature. It can understand and generate human-like text, showcasing fluency, coherence, and creativity. Its language capabilities extend beyond next-word prediction, setting it apart as a more advanced language model.


Language mastery of GPT-4
Language mastery of GPT-4 – Source: arXiv


4. Cognitive traits

GPT-4 exhibits traits associated with intelligence, such as abstraction, comprehension, and understanding of human motives and emotions. It can reason, plan, and learn from experience. These cognitive abilities align with the goals of AGI, highlighting GPT-4’s progress towards this goal.


How generative AI and LLMs work


Here’s an example of GPT-4 trying to solve a realistic scenario of marital struggle, requiring a lot of nuance to navigate.


An example of GPT-4 exhibiting congnitive traits
An example of GPT-4 exhibiting cognitive traits – Source: arXiv


Why does GPT-4 exhibit higher general intelligence than previous AI models?

Some of the features of GPT-4 that contribute to its more general intelligence and task-solving capabilities include:


Reasons for the higher intelligence of GPT-4
Reasons for the higher intelligence of GPT-4


Multimodal information

GPT-4 can manipulate and understand multi-modal information. This is achieved through techniques such as leveraging vector graphics, 3D scenes, and music data in conjunction with natural language prompts. GPT-4 can generate code that compiles into detailed and identifiable images, demonstrating its understanding of visual concepts.

Interdisciplinary composition

The interdisciplinary aspect of GPT-4’s composition refers to its ability to integrate knowledge and insights from different domains. GPT-4 can connect and leverage information from various fields such as mathematics, coding, vision, medicine, law, psychology, and more. This interdisciplinary integration enhances GPT-4’s general intelligence and widens its range of applications.

Extensive training

GPT-4 has been trained on a large corpus of web-text data, allowing it to learn a wide range of knowledge from diverse domains. This extensive training enables GPT-4 to exhibit general intelligence and solve tasks in various domains. Read more


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Contextual understanding

GPT-4 can understand the context of a given input, allowing it to generate more coherent and contextually relevant responses. This contextual understanding enhances its performance in solving tasks across different domains.

Transfer learning

GPT-4 leverages transfer learning, where it applies knowledge learned from one task to another. This enables GPT-4 to adapt its knowledge and skills to different domains and solve tasks without the need for special prompting or explicit instructions.


Read more about the GPT-4 Vision’s use cases


Language processing capabilities

GPT-4’s advanced language processing capabilities contribute to its general intelligence. It can comprehend and generate human-like natural language, allowing for more sophisticated communication and problem-solving.

Reasoning and inference

GPT-4 demonstrates the ability to reason and make inferences based on the information provided. This reasoning ability enables GPT-4 to solve complex problems and tasks that require logical thinking and deduction.

Learning from experience

GPT-4 can learn from experience and refine its performance over time. This learning capability allows GPT-4 to continuously improve its task-solving abilities and adapt to new challenges.

These features collectively contribute to GPT-4’s more general intelligence and its ability to solve tasks in various domains without the need for specialized prompting.



Wrapping it up

It is crucial to understand and explore GPT-4’s limitations, as well as the challenges ahead in advancing towards more comprehensive versions of AGI. Nonetheless, GPT-4’s development holds significant implications for the future of AI research and the societal impact of AGI.

April 5, 2024

In the ever-evolving landscape of AI, a mysterious breakthrough known as Q* has surfaced, capturing the imagination of researchers and enthusiasts alike.  

This enigmatic creation by OpenAI is believed to represent a significant stride towards achieving Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), promising advancements that could reshape the capabilities of AI models.  

OpenAI has not yet revealed this technology officially, but substantial hype has built around the reports provided by Reuters and The Information. According to these reports, Q* might be one of the early advances to achieve artificial general intelligence. Let us explore how big of a deal Q* is. 

In this blog, we delve into the intricacies of Q*, exploring its speculated features, implications for artificial general intelligence, and its role in the removal of OpenAI CEO Sam Altman.


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What is Q* and what makes it so special? 

Q*, addressed as an advanced iteration of Q-learning, an algorithm rooted in reinforcement learning, is believed to surpass the boundaries of its predecessors.

What makes it special is its ability to solve not only traditional reinforcement learning problems, which was the case until now, but also grade-school-level math problems, highlighting heightened algorithmic problem-solving capabilities. 

This is huge because the ability of a model to solve mathematical problems depends on its ability to reason critically. Henceforth, a machine that can reason about mathematics could, in theory, be able to learn other tasks as well.


Read more about: Are large language models are zero shot reasoners or not?


These include tasks like writing computer code or making inferences or predictions from a newspaper. It has what is fundamentally required: the capacity to reason and fully understand a given set of information.  

The potential impact of Q* on generative AI models, such as ChatGPT and GPT-4, is particularly exciting. The belief is that Q* could elevate the fluency and reasoning abilities of these models, making them more versatile and valuable across various applications. 

However, despite the anticipation surrounding Q*, challenges related to generalization, out-of-distribution data, and the mysterious nomenclature continue to fuel speculation. As the veil surrounding Q* slowly lifts, researchers and enthusiasts eagerly await further clues and information that could unravel its true nature. 



How Q* differ from traditional Q-learning algorithms

AGI - Artificial general intelligence

There are several reasons why Q* is a breakthrough technology. It exceeds traditional Q-learning algorithms in several ways, including:


Problem-solving capabilities

Q* diverges from traditional Q-learning algorithms by showcasing an expanded set of problem-solving capabilities. While its predecessors focused on reinforcement learning tasks, Q* is rumored to transcend these limitations and solve grade-school-level math problems.


Test-time adaptations 

One standout feature of Q* is its test-time adaptations, which enable the model to dynamically improve its performance during testing. This adaptability, a substantial advancement over traditional Q-learning, enhances the model’s problem-solving abilities in novel scenarios. 


Generalization and out-of-distribution data 

Addressing the perennial challenge of generalization, Q* is speculated to possess improved capabilities. It can reportedly navigate through unfamiliar contexts or scenarios, a feat often elusive for traditional Q-learning algorithms. 


Implications for generative AI 

Q* holds the promise of transforming generative AI models. By integrating an advanced version of Q-learning, models like ChatGPT and GPT-4 could potentially exhibit more human-like reasoning in their responses, revolutionizing their capabilities.



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Implications of Q* for generative AI and Math problem-solving 

We could guess what you’re thinking. What are the implications for this technology going to be if they are integrated with generative AI? Well, here’s the deal:


Significance of Q* for generative AI 

Q* is poised to significantly enhance the fluency, reasoning, and problem-solving abilities of generative AI models. This breakthrough could pave the way for AI-powered educational tools, tutoring systems, and personalized learning experiences. 

Q*’s potential lies in its ability to generalize and adapt to recent problems, even those it hasn’t encountered during training. This adaptability positions it as a powerful tool for handling a broad spectrum of reasoning-oriented tasks. 


Read more about -> OpenAI’s grade version of ChatGPT


Beyond math problem-solving 

The implications of Q* extend beyond math problem-solving. If generalized sufficiently, it could tackle a diverse array of reasoning-oriented challenges, including puzzles, decision-making scenarios, and complex real-world problems. 

Now that we’ve dived into the power of this important discovery, let’s get to the final and most-waited question. Was this breakthrough technology the reason why Sam Altman, CEO of OpenAI, was fired? 


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The role of the Q* discovery in Sam Altman’s removal 

A significant development in the Q* saga involves OpenAI researchers writing a letter to the board about the powerful AI discovery. The letter’s content remains undisclosed, but it adds an intriguing layer to the narrative. 

Sam Altman, instrumental in the success of ChatGPT and securing investment from Microsoft, faced removal as CEO. While the specific reasons for his firing remain unknown, the developments related to Q* and concerns raised in the letter may have played a role. 

Speculation surrounds the potential connection between Q* and

. The letter, combined with the advancements in AI, raises questions about whether concerns related to Q* contributed to the decision to remove Altman from his position. 

The era of Artificial general intelligence

In conclusion, the emergence of Q* stands as a testament to the relentless pursuit of artificial intelligence’s frontiers. Its potential to usher in a new era of generative AI, coupled with its speculated role in the dynamics of OpenAI, creates a narrative that captivates the imagination of AI enthusiasts worldwide.

As the story of Q* unfolds, the future of AI seems poised for remarkable advancements and challenges yet to be unraveled.

November 29, 2023

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