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Data Science Dojo is offering Memphis broker for FREE on Azure Marketplace preconfigured with Memphis, a platform that provides a P2P architecture, scalability, storage tiering, fault-tolerance, and security to provide real-time processing for modern applications suitable for large volumes of data. 


It is a cumbersome and tiring process to install Docker first and then install Memphis. Then look after the integration and dependency issues. Are you already feeling tired? It is somehow confusing to resolve the installation errors. Not to worry as Data Science Dojo’s Memphis instance fixes all of that. But before we delve further into it, let us get to know some basics.  

What is Memphis? 

Memphis is an open-source modern replacement for traditional messaging systems. It is a cloud-based messaging system with a comprehensive set of tools that makes it easy and affordable to develop queue-based applications. It is reliable, can handle large volumes of data, and supports modern protocols. It requires minimal operational maintenance and allows for rapid development, resulting in significant cost savings and reduced development time for data-focused developers and engineers. 

Challenges for individuals

Traditional messaging brokers, such as Apache Kafka, RabbitMQ, and ActiveMQ, have been widely used to enable communication between applications and services. However, there are several challenges with these traditional messaging brokers: 

  1. Scalability: Traditional messaging brokers often have limitations on their scalability, particularly when it comes to handling large volumes of data. This can lead to performance issues and message loss. 
  2. Complexity: Setting up and managing a traditional messaging broker can be complex, particularly when it comes to configuring and tuning it for optimal performance.
  3. Single Point of Failure: Traditional messaging brokers can become a single point of failure in a distributed system. If the messaging broker fails, it can cause the entire system to go down. 
  4. Cost: Traditional messaging brokers can be expensive to deploy and maintain, particularly for large-scale systems. 
  5. Limited Protocol Support: Traditional messaging brokers often support only a limited set of protocols, which can make it challenging to integrate with other systems and technologies. 
  6. Limited Availability: Traditional messaging brokers can be limited in terms of the platforms and environments they support, which can make it challenging to use them in certain scenarios, such as cloud-based systems.

Overall, these challenges have led to the development of new messaging technologies, such as event streaming platforms, that aim to address these issues and provide a more flexible, scalable, and reliable solution for modern distributed systems.  

Memphis as a solution

Why Memphis? 

“It took me three minutes to build in Memphis what took me a week and a half in Kafka.” Memphis and traditional messaging brokers are both software systems that facilitate communication between different components or systems in a distributed architecture. However, there are some key differences between the two: 

  1. Architecture: It uses a peer-to-peer (P2P) architecture, while traditional messaging brokers use a client-server architecture. In a P2P architecture, each node in the network can act as both a client and a server, while in a client-server architecture, clients send messages to a central server which distributes them to the appropriate recipients. 
  2. Scalability: It is designed to be highly scalable and can handle large volumes of messages without introducing significant latency, while traditional messaging brokers may struggle to scale to handle high loads. This is because Memphis uses a distributed hash table (DHT) to route messages directly to their intended recipients, rather than relying on a centralized message broker. 
  3. Fault tolerance: It is highly fault-tolerant, with messages automatically routed around failed nodes, while traditional messaging brokers may experience downtime if the central broker fails. This is because it uses a distributed consensus algorithm to ensure that all nodes in the network agree on the state of the system, even in the presence of failures. 
  4. Security: Memphis provides end-to-end encryption by default, while traditional messaging brokers may require additional configuration to ensure secure communication between nodes. This is because it is designed to be used in decentralized applications, where trust between parties cannot be assumed. 

Overall, while both Memphis and traditional messaging brokers facilitate communication between different components or systems, they have different strengths and weaknesses and are suited to different use cases. It is ideal for highly scalable and fault-tolerant applications that require end-to-end encryption, while traditional messaging brokers may be more appropriate for simpler applications that do not require the same level of scalability and fault tolerance.

What struggles does Memphis solve? 

Handling too many data sources can become overwhelming, especially with complex schemas. Analyzing and transforming streamed data from each source is difficult, and it requires using multiple applications like Apache Kafka, Flink, and NiFi, which can delay real-time processing.

Additionally, there is a risk of message loss due to crashes, lack of retransmits, and poor monitoring. Debugging and troubleshooting can also be challenging. Deploying, managing, securing, updating, onboarding, and tuning message queue systems like Kafka, RabbitMQ, and NATS is a complicated and time-consuming task. Transforming batch processes into real-time can also pose significant challenges.


Memphis Broker provides several integration options for connecting to diverse types of systems and applications. Here are some of the integrations available in Memphis Broker: 

Memphis - Data Science Dojo
                                                              Memphis – Data Science Dojo
  • JMS (Java Message Service) Integration 
  • .NET Integration 
  • REST API Integration 
  • MQTT Integration 
  • AMQP Integration 
  • Apache Camel, Apache ActiveMQ, and IBM WebSphere MQ. 

Key features: 

  • Fully optimized message broker in under 3 minutes 
  • Easy-to-use UI, CLI, and SDKs 
  • Dead-letter station (DLQ) 
  • Data-level observability 
  • Runs on your Docker or Kubernetes
  • Real-time event tracing 
  • SDKs: Python, Go, Node.js, Typescript, Nest.JS, Kotlin, .NET, Java 
  • Embedded schema management using Protobuf, JSON Schema, GraphQL, Avro 
  • Slack integration

What Data Science Dojo has for you: 

Azure Virtual Machine is preconfigured with plug-and-play functionality, so you do not have to worry about setting up the environment. Features include a zero-setup Memphis platform that offers you to: 

  • Build a dead-letter queue 
  • Create observability 
  • Build a scalable environment 
  • Create client wrappers 
  • Handle back pressure. Client or queue side 
  • Create a retry mechanism 
  • Configure monitoring and real-time alerts 

It stands out from other solutions because it can be set up in just three minutes, while others can take weeks. It’s great for creating modern queue-based apps with large amounts of streamed data and modern protocols, and it reduces costs and dev time for data engineers. Memphis has a simple UI, CLI, and SDKs, and offers features like automatic message retransmitting, storage tiering, and data-level observability.

Moreover, Memphis is a next-generation alternative to traditional message brokers. A simple, robust, and durable cloud-native message broker wrapped with an entire ecosystem that enables cost-effective, fast, and reliable development of modern queue-based use cases.

Wrapping up  

Memphis comes pre-configured with Ubuntu 20.04, so users do not have to set up anything featuring a plug n play environment. It on the cloud guarantees high availability as data can be distributed across multiple data centers and availability zones on the go. In this way, Azure increases the fault tolerance of data pipelines.

The power of Azure ensures maximum performance and high throughput for the server to deliver content at low latency and faster speeds. It is designed to provide a robust messaging system for modern applications, along with high scalability and fault tolerance.

The flexibility, performance, and scalability provided by Azure virtual machine to Memphis make it possible to offer a production-ready message broker in under 3 minutes. They provide durability and stability and efficient performing systems. 

When coupled with Microsoft Azure services and processing speed, it outperforms the traditional counterparts because data-intensive computations are not performed locally, but in the cloud. You can collaborate and share notebooks with various stakeholders within and outside the company while monitoring the status of each  

At Data Science Dojo, we deliver data science education, consulting, and technical services to increase the power of data. We are therefore adding a free Memphis instance dedicated specifically for highly scalable and fault-tolerant applications that require end-to-end encryption on Azure Market Place. Do not wait to install this offer by Data Science Dojo, your ideal companion in your journey to learn data science!

Try now - CTA


Written by Insiyah Talib

March 9, 2023

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