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Data Science Dojo is offering SnowSQL for FREE on Azure Marketplace packaged with pre-configured CLI for data manipulation at Snowflake warehouse 


What is Snowflake? 

Snowflake is a cloud computing-based data cloud platform. It is a user-friendly data warehousing product that supports both ETL and ELT functionalities. It supports multiple data workloads from data warehouses and data lakes to enable data storage, data engineering, processing, and analytics. Further, using Snowflake can help you with better data warehouse jobs in the near future.

It is relatively new, flexible, easier and provides a pure cloud SQL based warehouse. It is not created upon any database tech and has a high affordability rate. 

Challenges for developers 

Execution issues while attempting to load and query information, shortcomings in dealing with a variety of data, absence of central source causing conflicting corrupt data, and unfortunate data sharing were a few big obstacles encountered by data engineers and developers to look forward to. 

Therefore, a data cloud warehouse capable of storing variable-length records at vast scale maybe having some fault tolerance or availability or fast processing can reduce the task overhead by a big margin. Not to forget, the data able to be transformed using any standard open-source language would suffice. 

Snowflake: SnowSQL 

Using data engineers’ one of the favorite languages, SQL, developers can now load, transform and unload data at their Snowflake cloud. SnowSQL is an interactive command line scripting-cum-query tool that allows users to perform DML and DDL operations at the CLI level. It is produced with increased protection standards and has strong integration with Snowflake core architecture.

With this tool, you can connect to your Snowflake account and configure your databases, schemas, and warehouses using simple SQL. Users can import existing databases of the data cloud into local machines and then perform various transform operations. It also allows you to unload or dump your transformed data back into the database containers. 

Snowflake architecture - SnowSQL
Snowflake architecture – Data Science Dojo

What we provide 

Snowflake: SnowSQL packaged by Data Science Dojo serves as a pre-installed CLI environment for the Snowflake data cloud so it provides an ease to the developers to perform SQL operations on the data from the warehouse without the burden of installation. Offer listed by Data Science Dojo, provides the following elements: 

  • A Command Line Interface (CLI) installed with SnowSQL which can be connected to your Snowflake account 
  • Support for standard SQL 
  • Robust integrations 
  • Ability load and unload data having CSV, XML, JSON, Avro etc formats 
  • Includes syntax highlighting and auto-complete 

Significant characteristics of SnowSQL 

  • Centralization and Democratization: Snowflake combines warehouses and data lakes into a focal data storage and democratizes it to enable clients for better processing and analytics 
  • Smart Data Handling: Snowflake is able to manage exponential volumes, variety, and velocity of data. Using SnowSQL we can perform ETL and ELT operations using ANSI SQL 
  • Secure and Fault Tolerant: SnowSQL secures connections to Snowflake using TLS with OCSP checks. Your data is available even if one or more nodes go down as source is fault-tolerant 
  • Recovery and Time Travel: The undrop table command is unique as it restores the table back again. The time travel feature allows the recovery of the original version of an object to reverse the updates 
  • High Elastic Performance: With SnowSQL you create multiple virtual warehouses of variable sizes which ensures your ETL process go smoothly 


SnowSQL leverages the power of Azure services and Snowflake Cloud to load and process large volumes of data with continuous availability, high scalability, and data distribution from the comfort of CLI. In this way, Azure increases the fault tolerance of Snowflake clusters.

The power of Azure ensures maximum performance and high throughput for Snowflake nodes by providing a low latency network. Since SnowSQL mirrors Snowflake which stores and computes data, the elastic nature of the cloud will allow it to load data faster or run a high volume of queries. 

Recovery of data has never been this easy. It also provides optimized query parsing and strong integration. Install the SnowSQL offer now from the Azure Marketplace by Data Science Dojo, your ideal companion in your journey to learn data science! 

Click on the button below to head over to the Azure Marketplace and deploy SnowSQL for FREE by clicking on “Get it now”. 


SnowSQL Package

Note: You’ll have to sign up to Azure, for free, if you do not have an existing account. 



October 7, 2022

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