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data science fellowship

Data Science Dojo’s non-profit data science fellowship program selected fellows to use data science for social good in their respective careers.

Redmond startup enables non-profit data science training

Redmond, Washington – March 7, 2016 – Data Science Dojo, an educational start-up, has selected its first non-profit data science fellowship applicant to receive tuition-free training in data science and data engineering.

The fellow can use this non-profit data fellowship for work involving data science for social good. Michael Dandrea from the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB), a 501c(3) non-profit, will attend the company’s 5-day Seattle Bootcamp, scheduled for March 28 – April 1, 2016.

As a Data Science Dojo Fellow, he receives 50 hours of tuition-free training, books and materials, and some travel expenses.

Why does Michael want to attend a Seattle Bootcamp on data science?

“(SASB’s) mission is dependent on researching large amounts of structured and unstructured sustainability data for trends that support the greater disclosure of sustainability information to the public.

However, as a 35-person organization without significant technology resources and awareness, it is challenging for us to explore possible means to scale our research efforts with the subject.”

data science dojo training

As this domain has become increasingly central to research and fundraising efforts, non-profits want to take advantage of these new tools. These new tools can help with the end goal of the industry for social good.

However, maintaining an in-house data science team is expensive.

This non-profit data science fellowship program offers non-profits the opportunity to train one of their employees in data science and engineering.

By the end of the class, Michael may not be a data scientist, but he will be able to help SASB perform research more efficiently, saving time and money.

About the Data Science Dojo non-profit data science fellowship program:

The Non-Profit Data Science Fellowship program is open to students and non-profit employees. Four fellows are selected for each calendar year. To date, Data Science Dojo has selected six student fellows and one non-profit employee.

Interested students and non-profit employees can submit their applications at

About Data Science Dojo:

Data Science Dojo is an education startup dedicated to enabling professionals to extract actionable insights from data. Our 5-day, intensive boot camps, and corporate training consist of hands-on labs, critical thinking sessions, and a Kaggle competition.

Graduates deploy predictive models and evaluate the effectiveness of different machine learning algorithms. Through these data science boot camps, we are building a community of mentors, students, and professionals committed to unleashing the potential of the industry.

Contributor: Michael DAndrea

June 15, 2022

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