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Learn Machine Learning using Python in cloud

August 17, 2022

Data Science Dojo has launched Jupyter Hub for Machine Learning using Python offering to the Azure Marketplace with pre-installed machine learning libraries and pre-cloned GitHub repositories of famous machine learning books which help the learner to take the first steps into the field of machine learning.

What is machine learning?

Machine learning is a sub-field of Artificial Intelligence. It is an innovative technology that allows machines to learn from historical data and provide the best results to predict outcomes.

Machine learning using Python

Machine learning requires exploratory data analysis, data processing, and the training of data to predict outcomes. Python provides a vast number of libraries and frameworks that let the user collect, analyze and transform data by just using built-in functions provided by the library which makes coding easy and also saves a significant amount of time.

machine learning python
Machine learning using Python

 PRO TIP: Join our 5-day instructor-led Python for Data Science training to enhance your machine learning skills.

Challenges for individuals

Individuals who are new to machine learning and want to excel in their path in machine learning usually lack computing as well as learning resources to gain hands-on experience with machine learning. A beginner in machine learning also faces compatibility issues while installing libraries.

What we provide

With just a single click, Jupyter Hub for Machine Learning using Python comes with pre-installed machine learning python libraries, which gives the learner an effortless coding environment in the Azure cloud and reduces the burden of installation. Moreover, this offer provides the learner with repositories of famous books on machine learning which contain chapter-wise notebooks which serve as a learning resource for a user in gaining hands-on experience with machine learning. The heavy computations required for Machine Learning applications are not performed on the user’s local machine. Instead, they are performed in the Azure cloud, which increases responsiveness and processing speed.

Listed below are the pre-installed machine learning python libraries and the sources of repositories of machine learning books provided by this offer:

Python libraries

  • Pandas
  • NumPy
  • scikit-learn
  • mlpack
  • matplotlib
  • SciPy
  • Theano
  • Pycaret
  • Orange3
  • seaborn


  •  Github repository of book ‘Python Machine Learning Book 1st Edition’, by author Sebastian Raschka.
  •  Github repository of book ‘Python Machine Learning Book 2nd Edition’, by author Sebastian Raschka.
  •  Github repository of the book ‘Hands-on Machine Learning with Scikit Learn, Keras, and TensorFlow’, by author Geron-Aurelien.
  •  Github repository of ‘Microsoft Azure Cloud Advocates 12-week Machine Learning curriculum’.


Jupyter Hub for Machine Learning using Python provides an in-browser coding environment with just a single click, hence providing ease of installation. Through this offer, a user can work on a variety of machine learning applications including stock market trading, email spam and malware filtering, product recommendations, online customer support, medical diagnosis, online fraud detection, and image recognition.

Jupyter Hub for Machine Learning using Python offered by Data Science Dojo is ideal to learn more about machine learning without the need to worry about configurations and computing resources. The heavy resource requirement for processing and training large data for these applications is no longer an issue as data-intensive computations are now performed on Microsoft Azure which increases processing speed.

At Data Science Dojo, we deliver data science education, consulting, and technical services to increase the power of data. We are therefore adding a free Jupyter Notebook Environment dedicated specifically for Machine Learning using Python. The offering leverages the power of Microsoft Azure services to run effortlessly with outstanding responsiveness. Install the Jupyter Hub offer now from the Azure Marketplace by Data Science Dojo, your ideal companion in your journey to learn data science!

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