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RStudio: Unleash the potential of R for data science

October 21, 2022

Data Science Dojo is offering RStudio for FREE on Azure Marketplace packaged with a pre-installed running version of R alongside other language backends to simplify Data Science. 


What is data science? 


Data Science is one of the quickest-growing areas of work in the industry. According to Harvard Business Review, it’s regarded as the “sexiest job of the 21st century”. 

Data science joins math and measurements, programming, refined analyses, machine learning and AI to reveal significant knowledge concealed in an association’s dataset. These understandings can be utilized to direct businesses in planning and decision making. The lifecycle of Data Science involves data collection (ingestion), data pre-processing and wrangling, predictive data analysis via machine learning and finally communication of outcomes for future strategies. 


Pro Tip: Join our 6-months instructor-led Data Science Bootcamp to master data science. 


Challenges faced by developers 


Individuals who were learning or pursuing Data Science and Machine Learning through R found it difficult to code and develop models using only a terminal or command line interface. Developers who wanted to perform extensive high powered ML operations but didn’t have enough computation power to do it locally was also another challenge.  

In these circumstances an interactive environment configured with R can help the users in gaining hands-on experience with machine learning, data analysis and other statistical operations. 

Working with RStudio 


RStudio is an open-source tool that gives you an effortless coding IDE in the cloud with a pre-installed R programming language to start your data mining and analytics work. It is integrated with a set of modules that make code development, scientific computing, and graphical jobs to be more productive and easier. This tool allows developers to perform a variety of technical tasks such as predictive modeling, clustering, multivariate querying, stock market rate, spam filtering, recommendation systems, malware, and anomaly detection, image recognition, and medical diagnosis. 


Rstudio -potential for data science
Web interface of RStudio Server executing a demo R function


Key attributes 


  • Provides an in-browser coding environment with syntax suggestions, autocomplete code feature and smart indentation 
  • Provides the user with an easy-to-use free coding platform accessible at the local web server, powered by Azure machines 
  • Apart from the primary built of R, RStudio has support for other famous interpreters as well such as Python, SQL, HTML, CSS, JS, C, Quarto and a few others 
  • In-built debugging functionality by toggling breakpoints to detect and eradicate the issues or fix them quickly 
  • As the computations are carried on Microsoft’s cloud servers, there is no memory or performance pressure on the company’s storage devices 
  • In order to optimize the workload, the RAM and compute power can be scaled accordingly, thanks to Azure services 


What Data Science Dojo has for you 


The RStudio instance packaged by Data Science Dojo provides an in-browser coding environment with a running version of R pre-deployed in it, reducing the burden of installation. With an interactive user-friendly GUI-based application, developers can perform Machine Learning tasks with comfort and flexibility.  

  • A browser based RStudio environment up and running with R pre-deployed 
  • Convenient accessibility and navigation 
  • Ability to work with different language scripts simultaneously 
  • Rich graphics and interactive environment 
  • Support for git and version control 
  • Code consoles to run code interactively, with full support for rich output 
  • Integrated R documentation and user help 
  • Readily available cheat sheets to get started 

Our instance supports the following backends: 

  • R 
  • Python 
  • HTML 
  • CSS 
  • JavaScript 
  • Quarto 
  • C 
  • SQL 
  • Shell 
  • Markdown and Header files 




RStudio provides customers with an easy-to-use environment to gain hands-on experience with Machine Learning and Data Science. The responsiveness and processing speed are much better than the traditional desktop environment as it uses Microsoft cloud services. It comes with built-in support for git and version control.

Several variants of the R script can be executed in RStudio. It allows users to work on a variety of language backends at the same time with smart observability of variables and values side by side. The documentation and user support are incorporated into the tool to make it easy for developers to code. 

At Data Science Dojo, we deliver data science education, consulting, and technical services to increase the power of data. We are therefore adding a free RStudio instance dedicated specifically to Machine Learning and Data Science on Azure Marketplace. Now hurry up and avail this offer by Data Science Dojo, your ideal companion in your journey to learn data science! 


Click on the button below to head over to the Azure Marketplace and deploy Rstudio for FREE by clicking on “Get it now”.  

CTA - Try now

Note: You’ll have to sign up to Azure, for free, if you do not have an existing account.

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