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Generative AI and society – Ethics and societal impact of emerging AI trends

Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), and data science have become some of the most significant topics of discussion in today’s technological era.

In one of the speakers’ sessions on the ‘Future of Data and AI’, several experts in these fields came together to discuss the latest advancements, how they are using them in their everyday work, and the connection of AI and society.

Introduction of panelists 

The session starts with Hamza, a research science manager at Google, introducing himself and explaining how he runs a few ML models and helps build models that can predict user abuse. Hamza works in the trust and safety group within search, where they prioritize the protection of users. 

Generative AI: Trends, Ethics and Societal Impact – Watch the complete session  

The other experts introduce themselves as well. Batool, who has experience working as an AI scientist at Amazon, focused on dialogue machines and natural language understanding.

Meanwhile, Francesca, a Principal Data Scientist manager at Microsoft, leads teams of data scientists and ML scientists, working on internal problems at Microsoft. Raja, the Founder, and Chief Data Scientist at Data Science Dojo has been working in data science before it was even called data science. 

Use of Generative AI 

The conversation then shifts to the use of generative AI, which has been used in the field of data science and ML for a while. Francesca explains that there are three main categories where generative AI is used every day in her work.  

The first is generating natural language, which includes summarization, translation, and question-answering systems. The second is an image and video generation, which has applications in industries like gaming and advertising. The third is generating music, which can be used for composing, arranging, and creating personalized music. 

A deeper understanding of the current state of the field 

The experts then discuss the latest advancements in these fields. Raja emphasizes the importance of the latest advancements in deep learning, specifically transformers, in NLP tasks. He also mentions the development of large-scale language models like GPT-3, which can perform tasks like translation, summarization, and question-answering. 

Matul discusses how chatbots have evolved from rule-based systems to data-driven systems, where they can use data to train and improve their performance. This includes using natural language processing to understand and respond to user queries more effectively. 

Francesca highlights the importance of democratizing AI and making it accessible to all people, regardless of their technical background. This involves developing user-friendly tools that can be used by people without technical expertise, which can be used to address common business problems. 

Generative AI – The impact of ground-breaking generative AI technologies 

Open AI has brought about a major transformation in the field of artificial intelligence (AI), data science, and machine learning. One of the most significant contributions of open AI is its generative AI capabilities that help in generating code, images, and troubleshooting bugs. These capabilities are particularly useful for data scientists who need to deploy and operationalize their machine-learning applications. 

Ground-breaking Generative AI
Ground-breaking Generative AI

Generating code from one programming language to another is one of the three main categories where generative AI applications have been seeing a lot of demand. Another popular application of generative AI is in generating images, especially for use cases such as generating images from text descriptions. 

For data scientists like the speaker, who work mostly in the AI, data science, and machine learning space, most of their work is done on the cloud. With open AI, data scientists can now access pre-trained generative AI models and customize them with their data. They can also use built-in tools to detect and mitigate any biases or unfair dynamics that may exist in their applications. 

Open AI has made accessing these tools easier through the open AI studio, where one can build AI models and deploy them faster. The speaker has found this to be a privileged situation and has been using generative AI for various communication purposes such as spot-checking, rephrasing, and creating snippets for social media posts. 

Human intelligence in conjunction with AI 

While AI has brought about a significant change in the field of content creation, the speaker warns against relying solely on AI. Human intelligence should be used in conjunction with AI to create the best results. AI is just another tool that should be used with caution, as a few wrong jumps can take you in the wrong direction. 

The other speakers in the panel discussion also shared their experiences with generative AI. One of them is writing a book that covers popular machine learning algorithms using fiction. While, until a few years back, his biggest concern was hiring graphic designers and concept artists, now, with generative AI, he can create his book’s graphics on his own. 

Generative AI’s impact on creative work  

Generative AI is impacting creative work and work in general in many ways. In creative industries, such as marketing, graphic design, animation, and content creation, generative AI is a valuable tool that allows for faster and more efficient production of high-quality content. It can also democratize access to expensive resources like models for photo shoots, making them more accessible to smaller designers. 

In other industries, such as manufacturing, healthcare, and energy, generative AI can also be used to improve efficiency and productivity. For example, it can be used to design new products, optimize manufacturing processes, and analyze medical images. 

Overall, generative AI has the potential to impact work across many different industries, and its adoption is likely to continue to grow as more businesses discover its benefits. While it may not eliminate jobs, it will likely change the nature of work in many industries, requiring workers to learn new skills to work effectively with these tools. 

Read about 12 must-have AI tools to revolutionize your work 

Francesca, emphasizes the importance of considering the ethical implications of working with AI systems, not just generative AI. She has a checklist of principles that she follows, such as fairness, reliability, safety, privacy and security, inclusiveness, accountability, and transparency, which are industry standards developed by tech companies. While principles are essential to keep in mind, Francesco also suggests that tools such as interpretML and fair AI can be leveraged to understand the impact of data on predictions and results better.  

OpenAI and generative AI have many benefits, such as improving content quality, variety, and personalization. However, to ensure these benefits follow ethical principles, the model life cycle, which starts with data collection, pre-processing, model building, and tuning model parameters and ends with prediction and interpretation, must involve humans in all stages.

Generative AI in healthcare and energy

Generative AI in Healthcare
Generative AI in Healthcare

AI in healthcare

There are many exciting ways that generative AI is being used to tackle important problems in the fields of healthcare and energy. One area where generative AI is being used in healthcare is in the creation of medical images such as X-rays and MRIs. With the help of generative AI, researchers can generate high-quality medical images that can help in the diagnosis and treatment of various medical conditions. 

It is also being used to develop new drugs and treatments. With the help of deep learning algorithms, researchers can analyze large amounts of medical data to identify new drug candidates and develop personalized treatment plans for patients. 

In the field of energy, generative AI is being used to optimize energy systems and reduce energy consumption. For example, AI models can be trained to predict energy usage patterns and adjust energy supply, accordingly, reducing waste and increasing efficiency. 

Another area where generative AI is being used is in the creation of virtual environments for training purposes. With the help of generative AI, researchers can create realistic virtual environments that can be used to train individuals in various fields such as medicine, engineering, and military training. This can help to reduce the risk of accidents and injuries during training and improve overall safety. 

Generative AI and government regulations

Overall, the role of the government in regulating the use of generative AI to create content is a highly debated topic. Some believe that the government should intervene to prevent monopolies from happening and to fund open-source projects to democratize data. Others argue that too much regulation could stifle innovation and competition.  

It is essential to strike a balance between promoting innovation and protecting consumers’ interests. Legislation and regulations could be created to define what constitutes fair use and set standards for the ethical use of AI, such as the AI bill of rights. Ultimately, governments will act following the general culture and society’s values in their region, making laws that align with what is considered acceptable. 

Closing of the session – Generative AI and society

In conclusion, AI, ML, and data science have become vital to our daily lives, with advancements in these fields impacting various industries. With the continuous development of new technology, it is essential to keep up to date with the latest trends and advancements to stay competitive in the industry. The experts in the session provided valuable insights into the latest advancements and how they are using them in their everyday work. As these fields continue to evolve, it will be exciting to see what new advancements will come next.

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