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Data Science Dojo Alumni: Designer Reviews

Learn more about Data Science Dojo from our alumni and how our programs helped them take the next step in their career.
Designer at 
After the very extensive, hands-on, and engaging Data Science bootcamp, I now feel confident that I can bring my new skills and experience to my job and have immediate impact. Not only does DSD cover the coding and tools behind Data Science, but they take care to go into specific details on the philosophy and intuition of being a Data Scientist. Very pleased with the class, coursework, instructors, and experience – Andrew G. Herbert attended Data Science and Data Engineering Bootcamp.
Designer at 
I’ve never learned more from an external training, especially in such a short time. The instructors are excellent – clearly experienced and passionate about data and what it can do for attendees. I would highly recommend the experience to anyone who has or is thinking they may have a question about data and what can be done with it – Tony Hepp attended Data Science and Data Engineering Bootcamp.