Learn to build large language model applications: vector databases, langchain, fine tuning and prompt engineering. Learn more

7B refers to a specific model size for large language models (LLMs) consisting of seven billion parameters. With the growing importance of LLMs, there are several options in the market. Each option has a particular model size, providing a wide range of choices to users.

However, in this blog we will explore two LLMs of 7B – Mistral 7B and Llama-2 7B, navigating the differences and similarities between the two options. Before we dig deeper into the showdown of the two 7B LLMs, let’s do a quick recap of the language models.


Large language model bootcamp


Understanding Mistral 7B and Llama-2 7B

Mistral 7B is an LLM powerhouse created by Mistral AI. The model focuses on providing enhanced performance and increased efficiency with reduced computing resource utilization. Thus, it is a useful option for conditions where computational power is limited.

Moreover, the Mistral LLM is a versatile language model, excelling at tasks like reasoning, comprehension, tackling STEM problems, and even coding.


Read more and gain deeper insight into Mistral 7B


On the other hand, Llama-2 7B is produced by Meta AI to specifically target the art of conversation. The researchers have fine-tuned the model, making it a master of dialog applications, and empowering it to generate interactive responses while understanding the basics of human language.

The Llama model is available on platforms like Hugging Face, allowing you to experiment with it as you navigate the conversational abilities of the LLM. Hence, these are the two LLMs with the same model size that we can now compare across multiple aspects.

Battle of the 7Bs: Mistral vs Llama

Now, we can take a closer look at comparing the two language models to understand the aspects of their differences.


When it comes to performance, Mistral AI’s model excels in its ability to handle different tasks. It has successfully reached the benchmark scores with every standardized test for various challenges in reasoning, comprehension, problem-solving, and much more.

On the contrary, Meta AI’s production takes on a specialized approach. In this case, the art of conversation. While it will not score outstanding results and produce benchmark scores for a variety of tasks, its strength lies in its ability to understand and respond fluently within a dialogue.


Mistral 7B operates with remarkable efficiency due to the adoption of a technique called Group-Query Attention (GQA). It allows the language model to group similar queries for faster inference and results.

GQA is the middle ground between the quality of Multi-Head Attention (MHA) and the speed of Multi-Query Attention (MQA) approaches. Hence, allowing the model to strike a balance between performance and efficiency.

However, scarce knowledge of the training data of Llama-2 7B limits the understanding of its efficiency. We can still say that a broader and more diverse dataset can enhance the model’s efficiency in producing more contextually relevant responses.


When it comes to accessibility of the two models, both are open-source resources that are open for use and experimentation. It can be noted though, that the Llama-2 model offers easier access through platforms like Hugging Face.

Meanwhile, the Mistral language model requires some deeper navigation and understanding of the resources provided by Mistral AI. It demands some research, unlike its competitor for information access.

Hence, these are some notable differences between the two language models. While these aspects might determine the usability and access of the models, each one has the potential to contribute to the development of LLM applications significantly.


How generative AI and LLMs work


Choosing the right model

Since we understand the basic differences, the debate comes down to selecting the right model for use. Based on the highlighted factors of comparison here, we can say that Mistral is an appropriate choice for applications that require overall efficiency and high performance in a diverse range of tasks.

Meanwhile, Llama-2 is more suited for applications that are designed to attain conversational prowess and dialog expertise. While this distinction of use makes it easier to pick the right model, some key factors to consider also include:

  • Future Development – Since both models are new, you must stay in touch with their ongoing research and updates. These advancements can bring new information to light, impacting your model selection.
  • Community Support – It is a crucial factor for any open-source tool. Investigate communities for both models to get a better understanding of the models’ power. A more active and thriving community will provide you with valuable insights and assistance, making your choice easier.

Future prospects for the language models

As the digital world continues to evolve, it is accurate to expect the language models to update into more powerful resources in the future. Among some potential routes for Mistral 7B is the improvement of GQA for better efficiency and the ability to run on even less powerful devices.

Moreover, Mistral AI can make the model more readily available by providing access to it through different platforms like Hugging Face. It will also allow a diverse developer community to form around it, opening doors for more experimentation with the model.


Explore a hands-on curriculum that helps you build custom LLM applications!


As for Llama-2 7B, future prospects can include advancements in dialog modeling. Researchers can work to empower the model to understand and process emotions in a conversation. It can also target for multimodal data handling, going beyond textual inputs to handle audio or visual inputs as well.

Thus, we can speculate several trajectories for the development of these two language models. In this discussion, it can be said that no matter in what direction, an advancement of the models is guaranteed in the future. It will continue to open doors for improved research avenues and LLM applications.

April 23, 2024

Large language models (LLMs) are trained on massive textual data to generate creative and contextually relevant content. Since enterprises are utilizing LLMs to handle information effectively, they must understand the structure behind these powerful tools and the challenges associated with them.

One such component worthy of attention is the llm context window. It plays a crucial role in the development and evolution of LLM technology to enhance the way users interact with information.

In this blog, we will navigate the paradox around LLM context windows and explore possible solutions to overcome the challenges associated with large context windows. However, before we dig deeper into the topic, it’s essential to understand what LLM context windows are and their importance in the world of language models.

What are LLM context windows?

An LLM context window acts like a lens providing perspective to a large language model. The window keeps shifting to ensure a constant flow of information for an LLM as it engages with the user’s prompts and inputs. Thus, it becomes a short-term memory for LLMs to access when generating outputs.


Understanding the llm context window
A visual to explain context windows – Source: TechTarget


The functionality of a context window can be summarized through the following three aspects:

  • Focal word – Focuses on a particular word and the surrounding text, usually including a few nearby sentences in the data
  • Contextual information – Interprets the meaning and relationship between words to understand the context and provide relevant output for the users
  • Window size – Determines the amount of data and contextual information that is quickly accessible to the LLM when generating a response

Thus, context windows bae their function on the above aspects to assist LLMs in creating relevant and accurate outputs. These aspects also lay down a basis for the context window paradox that we aim to explore here.


Large language model bootcamp


What is the context window paradox?

It is a dilemma that revolves around the size of context windows. While it is only logical to expect large context windows to be beneficial, there are two sides to this argument.

Curious about the Curse of Dimensionality, Context Window Paradox, Lost in the Middle Problem in LLMs and more? Catch Jerry Liu, Co-founder and CEO of LlamaIndex, simplifying these complex topics for you.

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Side One

It elaborates on the benefits of large context windows. With a wider lens, LLMs get access to more textual data and information. It enables an LLM to study more data, forming better connections between words and generating improved contextual information.

Thus, the LLM generates enhanced outputs with better understanding and a coherent flow of information. It also assists language models to handle complex tasks more efficiently.

Side Two

While larger windows give access to more contextual information, it also increases the amount of data for LLMs to process. It makes it challenging to identify useful knowledge from irrelevant details in large amounts of data, overwhelming LLMs at the cost of degraded performance.

Thus, it makes the size of LLM context windows a paradoxical matter where users have to look for the right trade-off between improved contextual information and the high performance of LLMs. It leads one to decide how much information is a good amount for an efficient LLM.

Before we elaborate further on the paradox, let’s understand the role and importance of context windows in LLMs.

Why do context windows matter in LLMs?

LLM context windows are important in ensuring the efficient working of LLMs. Their multifaceted role is described below.

Understanding language nuances

The focused perspective of context windows provides surrounding information in data, enabling LLMs to better understand the nuances of language. The model becomes trained to grasp the meaning and intent behind words. It empowers an LLM to perform the following tasks:

Machine translation

An LLM uses a context window to identify the nuances of language and contextual information to create the most appropriate translation. It caters to the understanding of context within an entire sentence or paragraph to ensure efficient machine translation.

Question answering

Understanding contextual information is crucial when answering questions. With relevant information on the situation and setting, it is easier to generate an informative answer. Using a context window, LLMs can identify the relevant parts of the conversation and avoid irrelevant tangents.

Coherent text generation

LLMs use context windows to generate text that aligns with the preceding information. By analyzing the context, the model can maintain coherence, tone, and overall theme in its response. This is important for tasks like:


Conversational engagement relies on a high level of coherence. It is particularly used in chatbots where the model remembers past interactions within a conversation. With the use of context windows, a chatbot can create a more natural and engaging conversation.

Here’s a step-by-step guide to building LLM chatbots.



Creative textual responses

LLMs can create creative content like poems, essays, and other texts. A context window allows an LLM to understand the desired style and theme from the given dataset to create creative responses that are more relevant and accurate.

Contextual learning

Context is a crucial element for LLMs which becomes more accessible with context windows. Analyzing the relevant data with a focus on words and text of interest allows an LLM to learn and adapt their responses. It becomes useful for uses like:

Virtual assistants

Virtual assistants are designed to help users in real-time. Context window enables the assistant to remember past requests and preferences to provide more personalized and helpful service.

Open-ended dialogues

In ongoing conversations, the context window allows the LLM to track the flow of the dialogue and tailor its responses accordingly.

Hence, context windows act as a lens through which LLMs view and interpret information. The size and effectiveness of this perspective significantly impact the LLM’s ability to understand and respond to language in a meaningful way. This brings us back to the size of a context window and the associated paradox.

The context window paradox: Is bigger, not better?

While a bigger context window ensures LLM’s access to more information and better details for contextual relevance, it comes at a cost. Let’s take a look at some of the drawbacks for LLMs that come with increasing the context window size.

Information overload

Too much information can overwhelm a language model just like humans. Too much text leads to an information overload that includes irrelevant information that can become a distraction for an LLM.

It makes it difficult for LLMs to focus on key knowledge aspects within the context, making it difficult to generate effective responses to queries. Moreover, a large textual dataset also requires more computational resources, resulting in more expense and slower LLM performance.

Getting lost in data

Even with a larger window for data access, an LLM can process limited information effectively. In a wider span of data, an LLM can focus on the edges. It results in LLMs prioritizing the data at the start and end of a window, missing out on important information in the middle.

Moreover, mismanaged truncation to fit a large window size can result in the loss of essential information. As a result, it can compromise the quality of the results produced by the LLM.

Poor information management

A wider LLM context window means a larger context that can lead to poor handling and management of information or data. With too much noise in the data, it becomes difficult for an LLM to differentiate between important and unimportant information.

It can create redundancy or contradictions in produced results, harming the credibility and efficiency of a large language model. Moreover, it creates a possibility for bias amplification, leading to misleading outputs.

Long-range dependencies

With a focus on concepts spread far apart in large context windows, it can become challenging for an LLM to understand relationships between words and concepts. It limits the LLM’s ability for tasks requiring historical analysis or cause-and-effect relationships.

Thus, large context windows offer advantages but with some limitations. The best approach is to find the right balance between context size, efficiency, and the specific task at hand is crucial for optimal LLM performance.


How generative AI and LLMs work


Techniques to address context window paradox

Let’s look at some techniques that can assist you in optimizing the use of large context windows. Each one explores ways to find the optimal balance between context size and LLM performance.

Prioritization and attention mechanisms

Attention mechanism techniques can be used to focus on crucial and most relevant information within a context window. Hence, an LLM does not have to deal with the entire flow of information and can only focus on the highlighted parts within the window, enhancing its overall performance.

Strategic truncation

Since all the information within a context window is not important or equally relevant, truncation can be used to strategically remove unrelated details. The core elements of the text needed for the task are preserved while the unnecessary information is removed, avoiding information overload on the LLM.



Retrieval augmented generation (RAG)

This technique integrates an LLM with a retrieval system containing a vast external knowledge base to find information specifically relevant to the current prompt and context window. This allows the LLM to access a wider range of information without being overwhelmed by a massive internal window.

Prompt engineering

It focuses on crafting clear instructions for the LLM to efficiently utilize the context window. Clear and focused prompts can guide the LLM toward relevant information within the context, enhancing the LLM’s efficiency in utilizing context windows.


Here’s a 10-step guide to becoming a prompt engineer


Optimizing training data

It is a useful practice to organize training data, creating well-defined sections, summaries, and clear topic shifts, helping the LLM learn to navigate larger contexts more effectively. The structured information makes it easier for an LLM to process data within the context window.

These techniques can help us address the context window paradox and leverage the benefits of larger context windows while mitigating their drawbacks.

The Future of Context Windows in LLMs

We have looked at the varying aspects of LLM context windows and the paradox involving their size. With the right approach, technique, and balance, it is possible to choose the optimal context window size for an LLM. Moreover, it also highlights the need to focus on the potential of context windows beyond the paradox around their size.

The future is expected to transition from cramming more information into a context window to ward smarter context utilization. Moreover, advancements in attention mechanisms and integration with external knowledge bases will also play a role, allowing LLMs to pinpoint truly relevant information regardless of window size.


Explore a hands-on curriculum that helps you build custom LLM applications!


Ultimately, the goal is for LLMs to become context masters, understanding not just the “what” but also the “why” within the information they process. This will pave the way for LLMs to tackle even more intricate tasks and generate responses that are both informative and human-like.

April 22, 2024

AI in E-commerce helps businesses understand consumer preferences and profiles to tailor their offerings and marketing strategies effectively, thereby enhancing the shopping experience and increasing customer satisfaction and loyalty.

By analyzing consumer behavior, preferences, and profiles, businesses can personalize their products and services, optimize their marketing campaigns, and improve overall operations, leading to increased sales and a competitive advantage.

This understanding allows companies to not only meet but also anticipate customer needs, thereby fostering a stronger customer-brand relationship and ensuring efficient use of marketing budgets, which is crucial in a competitive online marketplace


AI in e-commerce

AI impact on personalized shopping experience

The impact of AI on personalized shopping experiences in the e-commerce industry is significant and multifaceted:

1. Enhanced Personalization: AI analyzes customer data, such as purchase history and browsing behaviors, to tailor the shopping experience. This enables e-commerce platforms to offer personalized product recommendations and promotions that align closely with individual preferences, thus enhancing user engagement and satisfaction.

2. Improved Customer Experience: By enabling features such as virtual try-ons, personalized fit recommendations, and smart search capabilities, AI makes shopping more convenient, engaging, and user-friendly. This not only improves the customer experience but also drives loyalty and repeat business.

3. Increased Sales and Conversion Rates: Personalized AI-driven suggestions ensure that customers are more likely to find products that interest them, which increases the likelihood of purchases. This leads to higher sales and improved conversion rates, as demonstrated by AI personalization strategies in e-commerce growth.


Learn more about how AI is helping content creators to improve their skills


4. Efficiency in Operations: AI helps e-commerce businesses streamline operations by automating customer support with chatbots and optimizing inventory management through predictive analytics. This not only saves costs but also ensures better resource allocation.

5. Broad Market Reach: AI’s ability to quickly analyze and act on large datasets allows businesses to understand and cater to diverse customer needs across different regions and demographics, expanding their market reach.

6. Future Opportunities: The ongoing development of AI technologies is expected to continue revolutionizing e-commerce personalization, offering even more innovative ways to enhance the shopping experience as technology evolves

7. AI in Ecommerce Market Size: The global market size for artificial intelligence in ecommerce is expected to reach $14.07 billion by 2028, showcasing a robust growth rate of 14.9%. This indicates the escalating integration of AI technologies in e-commerce operations.

Use cases of AI in the e-commerce industry

Artificial Intelligence (AI) plays a transformative role in e-commerce through various applications that enhance both the customer experience and operational efficiency. Here are some prominent use cases of AI in e-commerce:

  1. Personalized Product Recommendations: AI analyzes customer data to provide personalized product suggestions tailored to individual preferences and past buying behavior.
  2. Chatbots and Virtual Assistants: These AI tools offer 24/7 customer service, assisting with inquiries, providing support, and even in navigating e-commerce platforms.
  3. Dynamic Pricing: AI adjusts product pricing in real-time based on factors like demand, inventory levels, and competitor pricing, ensuring competitive and profitable pricing strategies.


How generative AI and LLMs work


4. Fraud Detection: AI helps to detect and prevent fraudulent transactions by analyzing patterns that indicate fraudulent activities.

5. Inventory Management: AI optimizes inventory by predicting trends, forecasting demand, and aiding in restocking decisions.

6. Customer Behavior Analysis: AI tools analyze customer behavior to extract insights that drive more targeted marketing strategies and product development.

7. Visual Search: AI enables visual search capabilities, allowing customers to search for products using images instead of text, which enhances the shopping experience.

8. Enhancing Sales Processes: AI applications streamline and optimize e-commerce sales processes, improving efficiency and reducing operational costs.

These applications demonstrate how AI technology is not just augmenting but fundamentally transforming e-commerce operations and customer interactions.


Learn about data science applications in the ecommerce industry 


How AI in e-Commerce works

AI-driven personalization in e-commerce typically involves the following steps:

1. Data Collection: AI systems gather vast amounts of data from various sources, such as browsing history, purchase history, and customer interactions. This data serves as the foundation for understanding customer preferences and behavior.

E-commerce platforms like Amazon collect data from various sources, including browsing history, what customers purchase, and how they interact with the site. This extensive data collection helps Amazon understand what products to recommend and how to personalize the homepage for each user.


2. Data Analysis: Machine learning algorithms analyze this collected data to identify patterns and trends. This analysis helps predict customer preferences and potential future purchases.


Using machine learning, Netflix analyzes viewing habits to predict what movies or shows users might enjoy next. This analysis identifies patterns in what content is watched and rated highly, allowing Netflix to tailor its suggestions to each user’s preferences


3. Real-Time Adjustments: AI adapts to real-time customer interactions on the website. It adjusts the shopping experience by recommending products or services based on immediate browsing habits and actions.


Online retailers like ASOS use AI to adjust shopping experiences in real-time. If a customer starts searching for vegan leather jackets, ASOS will start highlighting more eco-friendly fashion options across their site during that session.


4. Personalized Recommendations: Using predictive analytics, AI personalizes the shopping experience by suggesting relevant products. This not only includes products that a customer is likely to buy but also complementary products they might not have considered.


Spotify uses predictive analytics to create personalized playlists such as “Discover Weekly,” which include songs and artists a user hasn’t listened to yet but might like based on their listening history.


5. Customer Journey Personalization: AI maps out a tailor-fit customer journey, which enhances brand relevance and engagement by ensuring every interaction is personalized and relevant to the individual’s tastes and preferences.


Sephora’s mobile app uses AI to allow users to try on different makeup products virtually, tailoring the shopping journey to each user’s unique facial features and color preferences, enhancing engagement and brand loyalty.


6. Enhancing Conversion Rates: Personalization algorithms influence purchasing decisions by guiding users toward products they are more likely to buy, which improves conversion rates and customer satisfaction.


Zara uses AI to suggest items in online stores based on what the customer has looked at but not purchased, what they have purchased in the past, and what is popular in their region. This targeted approach helps improve the likelihood of purchases.


7. Continuous Learning: AI systems continuously learn from new data and interactions, which allows them to improve their personalization accuracy over time, adapting to changes in consumer behavior and market trends.


Google Ads uses AI to continuously learn from how different ad campaigns perform. This ongoing data analysis helps in optimizing future ads to be more effective, adapting to changes in user behavior and market trends.

Growth of AI in e-commerce

AI Spending in Ecommerce: Global spending on AI in ecommerce is anticipated to surpass $8 billion by 2024, which reflects significant investment in AI technologies to enhance customer experiences and operational efficiencies.



April 18, 2024

Language is the basis for human interaction and communication. Speaking and listening are the direct by-products of human reliance on language. While humans can use language to understand each other, in today’s digital world, they must also interact with machines.

The answer lies in large language models (LLMs) – machine-learning models that empower machines to learn, understand, and interact using human language. Hence, they open a gateway to enhanced and high-quality human-computer interaction.

Let’s understand large language models further.

What are large language models?

Imagine a computer program that’s a whiz with words, capable of understanding and using language in fascinating ways. That’s essentially what an LLM is! Large language models are powerful AI-powered language tools trained on massive amounts of text data, like books, articles, and even code.

By analyzing this data, LLMs become experts at recognizing patterns and relationships between words. This allows them to perform a variety of impressive tasks, like:

Creative text generation

LLMs can generate different creative text formats, crafting poems, scripts, musical pieces, emails, and even letters in various styles. From a catchy social media post to a unique story idea, these language models can pull you out of any writer’s block. Some LLMs, like LaMDA by Google AI, can help you brainstorm ideas and even write different creative text formats based on your initial input.

Speak many languages

Since language is the area of expertise for LLMs, the models are trained to work with multiple languages. It enables them to understand and translate languages with impressive accuracy. For instance, Microsoft’s Translator powered by LLMs can help you communicate and access information from all corners of the globe.


Large language model bootcamp


Information powerhouse

With extensive training dataset and diversity of information, LLMs become information powerhouses with quick answers to all your queries. They are highly advanced search engines that can provide accurate and contextually relevant information to your prompts.

Like Megatron-Turing NLG from NVIDIA can analyze vast amounts of information and summarize it in a clear and concise manner. This can help you gain insights and complete tasks more efficiently.

As you kickstart your journey of understanding LLMs, don’t forget to tune in to our Future of Data and AI podcast!

LLMs are constantly evolving, with researchers developing new techniques to unlock their full potential. These powerful language tools hold immense promise for various applications, from revolutionizing communication and content creation to transforming the way we access and understand information.

As LLMs continue to learn and grow, they’re poised to be a game-changer in the world of language and artificial intelligence.

While this is a basic concept of LLMs, they are a very vast concept in the world of generative AI and beyond. This blog aims to provide in-depth guidance in your journey to understand large language models. Let’s take a look at all you need to know about LLMs.

A roadmap to building LLM applications

Before we dig deeper into the structural basis and architecture of large language models, let’s look at their practical applications and understand the basic roadmap to building them.


Explore the outline of a roadmap that will guide you in learning about building and deploying LLMs. Read more about it here.


LLM applications are important for every enterprise that aims to thrive in today’s digital world. From reshaping software development to transforming the finance industry, large language models have redefined human-computer interaction in all industrial fields.

However, the application of LLM is not just limited to technical and financial aspects of business. The assistance of large language models has upscaled the legal career of lawyers with ease of documentation and contract management.


Here’s your guide to creating personalized Q&A chatbots


While the industrial impact of LLMs is paramount, the most prominent impact of large language models across all fields has been through chatbots. Every profession and business has reaped the benefits of enhanced customer engagement, operational efficiency, and much more through LLM chatbots.

Here’s a guide to the building techniques and real-life applications of chatbots using large language models: Guide to LLM chatbots

LLMs have improved the traditional chatbot design, offering enhanced conversational ability and better personalization. With the advent of OpenAI’s GPT-4, Google AI’s Gemini, and Meta AI’s LLaMA, LLMs have transformed chatbots to become smarter and a more useful tool for modern-day businesses.

Hence, LLMs have emerged as a useful tool for enterprises, offering advanced data processing and communication for businesses with their machine-learning models. If you are looking for a suitable large language model for your organization, the first step is to explore the available options in the market.

Navigating through large language models in the market

The modern market is swamped with different LLMs for you to choose from. With continuous advancements and model updates, the landscape is constantly evolving to introduce improved choices for businesses. Hence, you must carefully explore the different LLMs in the market before deploying an application for your business.


Learn to build and deploy custom LLM applications for your business


Below is a list of LLMs you can find in the market today.


The list must start with the very famous ChatGPT. Developed by OpenAI, it is a general-purpose LLM that is trained on a large dataset, consisting of text and code. Its instant popularity sparked a widespread interest in LLMs and their potential applications.

While people explored cheat sheets to master ChatGPT usage, it also initiated a debate on the ethical impacts of such a tool in different fields, particularly education. However, despite the concerns, ChatGPT set new records by reaching 100 million monthly active users in just two months.

This tool also offers plugins as supplementary features that enhance the functionality of ChatGPT. We have created a list of the best ChatGPT plugins that are well-suited for data scientists. Explore these to get an idea of the computational capabilities that ChatGPT can offer.

Here’s a guide to the best practices you can follow when using ChatGPT.



Mistral 7b

It is a 7.3 billion parameter model developed by Mistral AI. It incorporates a hybrid approach of transformers and recurrent neural networks (RNNs), offering long-term memory and context awareness for tasks. Mistral 7b is a testament to the power of innovation in the LLM domain.

Here’s an article that explains the architecture and performance of Mistral 7b in detail. You can explore its practical applications to get a better understanding of this large language model.


Designed by Microsoft, Phi-2 has a transformer-based architecture that is trained on 1.4 trillion tokens. It excels in language understanding and reasoning, making it suitable for research and development. With only 2.7 billion parameters, it is a relatively smaller LLM, making it useful for research and development.

You can read more about the different aspects of Phi-2 here.

Llama 2

It is an open-source large language model that varies in scale, ranging from 7 billion to a staggering 70 billion parameters. Meta developed this LLM by training it on a vast dataset, making it suitable for developers, researchers, and anyone interested in their potential.

Llama 2 is adaptable for tasks like question answering, text summarization, machine translation, and code generation. Its capabilities and various model sizes open up potential for diverse applications, focusing on efficient content generation and automating tasks.


Read about the 6 different methods to access Llama 2


Now that you have an understanding of the different LLM applications and their power in the field of content generation and human-computer communication, let’s explore the architectural basis of LLMs.

Emerging frameworks for large language model applications

LLMs have revolutionized the world of natural language processing (NLP), empowering the ability of machines to understand and generate human-quality text. The wide range of applications of these large language models are made accessible through different user-friendly frameworks.


orchestration framework for large language models
An outlook of the LLM orchestration framework


Let’s look at some prominent frameworks for LLM applications.

LangChain for LLM application development

LangChain is a useful framework that simplifies the LLM application development process. It offers pre-built components and a user-friendly interface, enabling developers to focus on the core functionalities of their applications.

LangChain breaks down LLM interactions into manageable building blocks called components and chains. Thus, allowing you to create applications without needing to be an LLM expert. Its major benefits include a simplified development process, flexibility in data integration, and the ability to combine different components for a powerful LLM.

With features like chains, libraries, and templates, the development of large language models is accelerated and code maintainability is promoted. Thus, making it a valuable tool to build innovative LLM applications. Here’s a comprehensive guide exploring the power of LangChain.

You can also explore the dynamics of the working of agents in LangChain.

LlamaIndex for LLM application development

It is a special framework designed to build knowledge-aware LLM applications. It emphasizes on integrating user-provided data with LLMs, leveraging specific knowledge bases to generate more informed responses. Thus, LlamaIndex produces results that are more informed and tailored to a particular domain or task.

With its focus on data indexing, it enhances the LLM’s ability to search and retrieve information from large datasets. With its security and caching features, LlamaIndex is designed to uncover deeper insights in text exploration. It also focuses on ensuring efficiency and data protection for developers working with large language models.


Tune-in to this podcast featuring LlamaIndex’s Co-founder and CEO Jerry Liu, and learn all about LLMs, RAG, LlamaIndex and more!



Moreover, its advanced query interfaces make it a unique orchestration framework for LLM application development. Hence, it is a valuable tool for researchers, data analysts, and anyone who wants to unlock the knowledge hidden within vast amounts of textual data using LLMs.

Hence, LangChain and LlamaIndex are two useful orchestration frameworks to assist you in the LLM application development process. Here’s a guide explaining the role of these frameworks in simplifying the LLM apps.

Here’s a webinar introducing you to the architectures for LLM applications, including LangChain and LlamaIndex:



Understand the key differences between LangChain and LlamaIndex


The architecture of large language model applications

While we have explored the realm of LLM applications and frameworks that support their development, it’s time to take our understanding of large language models a step ahead.


architecture for large language models
An outlook of the LLM architecture


Let’s dig deeper into the key aspects and concepts that contribute to the development of an effective LLM application.

Transformers and attention mechanisms

The concept of transformers in neural networks has roots stretching back to the early 1990s with Jürgen Schmidhuber’s “fast weight controller” model. However, researchers have constantly worked towards the advancement of the concept, leading to the rise of transformers as the dominant force in natural language processing

It has paved the way for their continued development and remarkable impact on the field. Transformer models have revolutionized NLP with their ability to grasp long-range connections between words because understanding the relationship between words across the entire sentence is crucial in such applications.


Read along to understand different transformer architectures and their uses


While you understand the role of transformer models in the development of NLP applications, here’s a guide to decoding the transformers further by exploring their underlying functionality using an attention mechanism. It empowers models to produce faster and more efficient results for their users.




While transformer models form the powerful machine architecture to process language, they cannot directly work with words. Transformers rely on embeddings to create a bridge between human language and its numerical representation for the machine model.

Hence, embeddings take on the role of a translator, making words comprehendible for ML models. It empowers machines to handle large amounts of textual data while capturing the semantic relationships in them and understanding their underlying meaning.

Thus, these embeddings lead to the building of databases that transformers use to generate useful outputs in NLP applications. Today, embeddings have also developed to present new ways of data representation with vector embeddings, leading organizations to choose between traditional and vector databases.

While here’s an article that delves deep into the comparison of traditional and vector databases, let’s also explore the concept of vector embeddings.

A glimpse into the realm of vector embeddings

These are a unique type of embedding used in natural language processing which converts words into a series of vectors. It enables words with similar meanings to have similar vector representations, producing a three-dimensional map of data points in the vector space.


Explore the role of vector embeddings in generative AI


Machines traditionally struggle with language because they understand numbers, not words. Vector embeddings bridge this gap by converting words into a numerical format that machines can process. More importantly, the captured relationships between words allow machines to perform NLP tasks like translation and sentiment analysis more effectively.

Here’s a video series providing a comprehensive exploration of embeddings and vector databases.

Vector embeddings are like a secret language for machines, enabling them to grasp the nuances of human language. However, when organizations are building their databases, they must carefully consider different factors to choose the right vector embedding model for their data.

However, database characteristics are not the only aspect to consider. Enterprises must also explore the different types of vector databases and their features. It is also a useful tactic to navigate through the top vector databases in the market.

Thus, embeddings and databases work hand-in-hand in enabling transformers to understand and process human language. These developments within the world of LLMs have also given rise to the idea of prompt engineering. Let’s understand this concept and its many facets.

Prompt engineering

It refers to the art of crafting clear and informative prompts when one interacts with large language models. Well-defined instructions have the power to unlock an LLM’s complete potential, empowering it to generate effective and desired outputs.

Effective prompt engineering is crucial because LLMs, while powerful, can be like complex machines with numerous functionalities. Clear prompts bridge the gap between the user and the LLM. Specifying the task, including relevant context, and structuring the prompt effectively can significantly improve the quality of the LLM’s output.

With the growing dominance of LLMs in today’s digital world, prompt engineering has become a useful skill to hone for individuals. It has led to increased demand for skilled, prompt engineers in the job market, making it a promising career choice for people. While it’s a skill to learn through experimentation, here is a 10-step roadmap to kickstart the journey.

prompt engineering architecture
Explaining the workflow for prompt engineering

Now that we have explored the different aspects contributing to the functionality of large language models, it’s time we navigate the processes for optimizing LLM performance.

Optimizing LLM performance

As businesses work with the design and use of different LLM applications, it is crucial to ensure the use of their full potential. It requires them to optimize LLM performance, creating enhanced accuracy, efficiency, and relevance of LLM results. Some common terms associated with the idea of optimizing LLMs are listed below:

Dynamic few-shot prompting

Beyond the standard few-shot approach, it is an upgrade that selects the most relevant examples based on the user’s specific query. The LLM becomes a resourceful tool, providing contextually relevant responses. Hence, dynamic few-shot prompting enhances an LLM’s performance, creating more captivating digital content.


How generative AI and LLMs work


Selective prediction

It allows LLMs to generate selective outputs based on their certainty about the answer’s accuracy. It enables the applications to avoid results that are misleading or contain incorrect information. Hence, by focusing on high-confidence outputs, selective prediction enhances the reliability of LLMs and fosters trust in their capabilities.

Predictive analytics

In the AI-powered technological world of today, predictive analytics have become a powerful tool for high-performing applications. The same holds for its role and support in large language models. The analytics can identify patterns and relationships that can be incorporated into improved fine-tuning of LLMs, generating more relevant outputs.

Here’s a crash course to deepen your understanding of predictive analytics!



Chain-of-thought prompting

It refers to a specific type of few-shot prompting that breaks down a problem into sequential steps for the model to follow. It enables LLMs to handle increasingly complex tasks with improved accuracy. Thus, chain-of-thought prompting improves the quality of responses and provides a better understanding of how the model arrived at a particular answer.


Read more about the role of chain-of-thought and zero-shot prompting in LLMs here


Zero-shot prompting

Zero-shot prompting unlocks new skills for LLMs without extensive training. By providing clear instructions through prompts, even complex tasks become achievable, boosting LLM versatility and efficiency. This approach not only reduces training costs but also pushes the boundaries of LLM capabilities, allowing us to explore their potential for new applications.

While these terms pop up when we talk about optimizing LLM performance, let’s dig deeper into the process and talk about some key concepts and practices that support enhanced LLM results.

Fine-tuning LLMs

It is a powerful technique that improves LLM performance on specific tasks. It involves training a pre-trained LLM using a focused dataset for a relevant task, providing the application with domain-specific knowledge. It ensures that the model output is refined for that particular context, making your LLM application an expert in that area.

Here is a detailed guide that explores the role, methods, and impact of fine-tuning LLMs. While this provides insights into ways of fine-tuning an LLM application, another approach includes tuning specific LLM parameters. It is a more targeted approach, including various parameters like the model size, temperature, context window, and much more.

Moreover, among the many techniques of fine-tuning, Direct Preference Optimization (DPO) and Reinforcement Learning from Human Feedback (RLHF) are popular methods of performance enhancement. Here’s a quick glance at comparing the two ways for you to explore.


RLHF v DPO - optimizing large language models
A comparative analysis of RLHF and DPO – Read more and in detail here


Retrieval augmented generation (RAG)

RAG or retrieval augmented generation is a LLM optimization technique that particularly addresses the issue of hallucinations in LLMs. An LLM application can generate hallucinated responses when prompted with information not present in their training set, despite being trained on extensive data.


Master your knowledge of retrieval augmented generation


The solution with RAG creates a bridge over this information gap, offering a more flexible approach to adapting to evolving information. Here’s a guide to assist you in implementing RAG to elevate your LLM experience.


Advanced RAG to elevate large language models
A glance into the advanced RAG to elevate your LLM experience


Hence, with these two crucial approaches to enhance LLM performance, the question comes down to selecting the most appropriate one.

RAG and fine-tuning

Let me share two valuable resources that can help you answer the dilemma of choosing the right technique for LLM performance optimization.

RAG and fine-tuning

The blog provides a detailed and in-depth exploration of the two techniques, explaining the workings of a RAG pipeline and the fine-tuning process. It also focuses on explaining the role of these two methods in advancing the capabilities of LLMs.

RAG vs fine-tuning

Once you are hooked by the importance and impact of both methods, delve into the findings of this article that navigates through the RAG vs fine-tuning dilemma. With a detailed comparison of the techniques, the blog takes it a step ahead and presents a hybrid approach for your consideration as well.


Explore a hands-on curriculum that helps you build custom LLM applications!


While building and optimizing are crucial steps in the journey of developing LLM applications, evaluating large language models is an equally important aspect.

Evaluating LLMs


large language models - Evaluation process to enhance LLM performance
Evaluation process to enhance LLM performance


It is the systematic process of assessing an LLM’s performance, reliability, and effectiveness across various tasks. Usually through a series of tests to gauge its strengths, weaknesses, and suitability for different applications, we can evaluate LLM performance.

It ensures that an LLM application shows the desired functionality while highlighting its areas of strengths and weaknesses. It is an effective way to determine which LLMs are best suited for specific tasks.

Learn more about the simple and easy techniques for evaluating LLMs.



Among the transforming trends of evaluating LLMs, some common aspects to consider during the evaluation process include:

  • Performance Metrics – It includes accuracy, fluency, and coherence to assess the quality of the LLM’s outputs
  • Generalization – It explores how well the LLM performs on unseen data, not just the data it was trained on
  • Robustness – It involves testing the LLM’s resilience against adversarial attacks or output manipulation
  • Ethical Considerations – It considers potential biases or fairness issues within the LLM’s outputs

Explore the top LLM evaluation methods you can use when testing your LLM applications. A key part of the process also involves understanding the challenges and risks associated with large language models.

Challenges and risks of LLMs

Like any other technological tool or development, LLMs also carry certain challenges and risks in their design and implementation. Some common issues associated with LLMs include hallucinations in responses, high toxic probabilities, bias and fairness, data security threats, and lack of accountability.

However, the problems associated with LLMs do not go unaddressed. The answer lies in the best practices you can take on when dealing with LLMs to mitigate the risks, and also in implementing the large language model operations (also known as LLMOps) process that puts special focus on addressing the associated challenges.

Hence, it is safe to say that as you start your LLM journey, you must navigate through various aspects and stages of development and operation to get a customized and efficient LLM application. The key to it all is to take the first step towards your goal – the rest falls into place gradually.

Some resources to explore

To sum it up – here’s a list of some useful resources to help you kickstart your LLM journey!

  • A list of best large language models in 2024
  • An overview of the 20 key technical terms to make you well-versed in the LLM jargon
  • A blog introducing you to the top 9 YouTube channels to learn about LLMs
  • A list of the top 10 YouTube videos to help you kickstart your exploration of LLMs
  • An article exploring the top 5 generative AI and LLM bootcamps

Bonus addition!

If you are unsure about bootcamps – here are some insights into their importance. The hands-on approach and real-time learning might be just the push you need to take your LLM journey to the next level! And it’s not too time-consuming, you’d know the most about LLMs in as much as 40 hours!


As we conclude our LLM exploration journey, take the next step and learn to build customized LLM applications with fellow enthusiasts in the field. Check out our in-person large language models BootCamp and explore the pathway to deepen your understanding of LLMs!
April 18, 2024

The field of artificial intelligence is booming with constant breakthroughs leading to ever-more sophisticated applications. This rapid growth translates directly to job creation. Thus, AI jobs are a promising career choice in today’s world.

As AI integrates into everything from healthcare to finance, new professions are emerging, demanding specialists to develop, manage, and maintain these intelligent systems. The future of AI is bright, and brimming with exciting job opportunities for those ready to embrace this transformative technology.

In this blog, we will explore the top 10 AI jobs and careers that are also the highest-paying opportunities for individuals in 2024.

Top 10 highest-paying AI jobs in 2024

Our list will serve as your one-stop guide to the 10 best AI jobs you can seek in 2024.


10 Highest-Paying AI Jobs in 2024
10 Highest-Paying AI Jobs in 2024


Let’s explore the leading roles with hefty paychecks within the exciting world of AI.

Machine learning (ML) engineer

Potential pay range – US$82,000 to 160,000/yr

Machine learning engineers are the bridge between data science and engineering. They are responsible for building intelligent machines that transform our world. Integrating the knowledge of data science with engineering skills, they can design, build, and deploy machine learning (ML) models.

Hence, their skillset is crucial to transform raw into algorithms that can make predictions, recognize patterns, and automate complex tasks. With growing reliance on AI-powered solutions and digital transformation with generative AI, it is a highly valued skill with its demand only expected to grow. They consistently rank among the highest-paid AI professionals.

AI product manager

Potential pay range – US$125,000 to 181,000/yr

They are the channel of communication between technical personnel and the upfront business stakeholders. They play a critical role in translating cutting-edge AI technology into real-world solutions. Similarly, they also transform a user’s needs into product roadmaps, ensuring AI features are effective, and aligned with the company’s goals.

The versatility of this role demands a background of technical knowledge with a flare for business understanding. The modern-day businesses thriving in the digital world marked by constantly evolving AI technology rely heavily on AI product managers, making it a lucrative role to ensure business growth and success.


Large language model bootcamp


Natural language processing (NLP) engineer

Potential pay range – US$164,000 to 267,000/yr

As the name suggests, these professionals specialize in building systems for processing human language, like large language models (LLMs). With tasks like translation, sentiment analysis, and content generation, NLP engineers enable ML models to understand and process human language.

With the rise of voice-activated technology and the increasing need for natural language interactions, it is a highly sought-after skillset in 2024. Chatbots and virtual assistants are some of the common applications developed by NLP engineers for modern businesses.

Big data engineer

Potential pay range – US$206,000 to 296,000/yr

They operate at the backend to build and maintain complex systems that store and process the vast amounts of data that fuel AI applications. They design and implement data pipelines, ensuring data security and integrity, and developing tools to analyze massive datasets.

This is an important role for rapidly developing AI models as robust big data infrastructures are crucial for their effective learning and functionality. With the growing amount of data for businesses, the demand for big data engineers is only bound to grow in 2024.

Data scientist

Potential pay range – US$118,000 to 206,000/yr

Their primary goal is to draw valuable insights from data. Hence, they collect, clean, and organize data to prepare it for analysis. Then they proceed to apply statistical methods and machine learning algorithms to uncover hidden patterns and trends. The final step is to use these analytic findings to tell a concise story of their findings to the audience.

Hence, the final goal becomes the extraction of meaning from data. Data scientists are the masterminds behind the algorithms that power everything from recommendation engines to fraud detection. They enable businesses to leverage AI to make informed decisions. With the growing AI trend, it is one of the sought-after AI jobs.

Here’s a guide to help you ace your data science interview as you explore this promising career choice in today’s market.


Computer vision engineer

Potential pay range – US$112,000 to 210,000/yr

These engineers specialize in working with and interpreting visual information. They focus on developing algorithms to analyze images and videos, enabling machines to perform tasks like object recognition, facial detection, and scene understanding. Some common applications of it include driving cars, and medical image analysis.

With AI expanding into new horizons and avenues, the role of computer vision engineers is one new position created out of the changing demands of the field. The demand for this role is only expected to grow, especially with the increasing use and engagement of visual data in our lives. Computer vision engineers play a crucial role in interpreting this huge chunk of visual data.

AI research scientist

Potential pay range – US$69,000 to 206,000/yr

The role revolves around developing new algorithms and refining existing ones to make AI systems more efficient, accurate, and capable. It requires both technical expertise and creativity to navigate through areas of machine learning, NLP, and other AI fields.

Since an AI research scientist lays the groundwork for developing next-generation AI applications, the role is not only important for the present times but will remain central to the growth of AI. It’s a challenging yet rewarding career path for those passionate about pushing the frontiers of AI and shaping the future of technology.

Curious about how AI is reshaping the world? Tune in to our Future of Data and AI Podcast now!


Business development manager (BDM)

Potential pay range – US$36,000 to 149,000/yr

They identify and cultivate new business opportunities for AI technologies by understanding the technical capabilities of AI and the specific needs of potential clients across various industries. They act as strategic storytellers who build narratives that showcase how AI can solve real-world problems, ensuring a positive return on investment.

Among the different AI jobs, they play a crucial role in the growth of AI. Their job description is primarily focused on getting businesses to see the potential of AI and invest in its growth, benefiting themselves and society as a whole. Keeping AI growth in view, it is a lucrative career path at the forefront of technological innovation.


How generative AI and LLMs work

Software engineer

Potential pay range – US$66,000 to 168,000/yr

Software engineers have been around the job market for a long time, designing, developing, testing, and maintaining software applications. However, with AI’s growth spurt in modern-day businesses, their role has just gotten more complex and important in the market.

Their ability to bridge the gap between theory and application is crucial for bringing AI products to life. In 2024, this expertise is well-compensated, with software engineers specializing in AI to create systems that are scalable, reliable, and user-friendly. As the demand for AI solutions continues to grow, so too will the need for skilled software engineers to build and maintain them.

Prompt engineer

Potential pay range – US$32,000 to 95,000/yr

They belong under the banner of AI jobs that took shape with the growth and development of AI. Acting as the bridge between humans and large language models (LLMs), prompt engineers bring a unique blend of creativity and technical understanding to create clear instructions for the AI-powered ML models.

As LLMs are becoming more ingrained in various industries, prompt engineering has become a rapidly evolving AI job and its demand is expected to rise significantly in 2024. It’s a fascinating career path at the forefront of human-AI collaboration.



The potential and future of AI jobs

The world of AI is brimming with exciting career opportunities. From the strategic vision of AI product managers to the groundbreaking research of AI scientists, each role plays a vital part in shaping the future of this transformative technology. Some key factors that are expected to mark the future of AI jobs include:

  • a rapid increase in demand
  • growing need for specialization for deeper expertise to tackle new challenges
  • human-AI collaboration to unleash the full potential
  • increasing focus on upskilling and reskilling to stay relevant and competitive


Explore a hands-on curriculum that helps you build custom LLM applications!


If you’re looking for a high-paying and intellectually stimulating career path, the AI field offers a wealth of options. This blog has just scratched the surface – consider this your launchpad for further exploration. With the right skills and dedication, you can be a part of the revolution and help unlock the immense potential of AI.

April 16, 2024

In the not-so-distant future, generative AI is poised to become as essential as the internet itself. This groundbreaking technology vows to transform our society by automating complex tasks within seconds. It also raises the need for you to master prompt engineering. Let’s explore how.

Harnessing generative AI’s potential requires mastering the art of communication with it. Imagine it as a brilliant but clueless individual, waiting for your guidance to deliver astonishing results. This is where prompt engineering steps in as the need of the hour.


Large language model bootcamp


Excited to explore some must-know prompting techniques and master prompt engineering? let’s dig in!


Pro-tip: If you want to pursue a career in prompt engineering, follow this comprehensive roadmap.

What makes prompt engineering critical?

First things first, what makes prompt engineering so important? What difference is it going to make?

The answer awaits:


Importance of prompt engineering
Importance of prompt engineering


How does prompt engineering work?

At the heart of AI’s prowess lies prompt engineering – the compass that steers models towards user-specific excellence. Without it, AI output remains a murky landscape.

There are different types of prompting techniques you can use:


7 types of techniques to master prompt engineering
7 types of prompting techniques to use


Let’s put your knowledge to test before we understand some principles for prompt engineering. Here’s a quick quiz for you to measure your understanding!


Let’s get a deeper outlook on different principles governing prompt engineering:

1. Be clear and specific

The clearer your prompts, the better the model’s results. Here’s how to achieve it.

  • Use delimiters: Delimiters, like square brackets […], angle brackets <…>, triple quotes “””, triple dashes —, and triple backticks “`, help define the structure and context of the desired output.
  • Separate text from the prompt: Clear separation between text and prompt enhances model comprehension. Here’s an example:


master prompt engineering


  • Ask for a structured output: Request answers in formats such as JSON, HTML, XML, etc.


master prompt engineering


2. Give the LLM time to think:

When facing a complex task, models often rush to conclusions. Here’s a better approach:

  • Specify the steps required to complete the task: Provide clear steps


master prompt engineering


  • Instruct the model to seek its own solution before reaching a conclusion: Sometimes, when you ask an LLM to verify if your solution is right or wrong, it simply presents a verdict that is not necessarily correct. To overcome this challenge, you can instruct the model to work out its own solution first.

3. Know the limitations of the model

While LLMs continue to improve, they have limitations. Exercise caution, especially with hypothetical scenarios. When you ask different generative AI models to provide information on hypothetical products or tools, they tend to do so as if they exist.

To illustrate this point, we asked Bard to provide information about a hypothetical toothpaste:


master prompt engineering



Read along to explore the two approaches used for prompting


4. Iterate, Iterate, Iterate

Rarely does a single prompt yield the desired results. Success lies in iterative refinement.

For step-by-step prompting techniques, watch this video tutorial.



The goal: To master prompt engineering


Explore a hands-on curriculum that helps you build custom LLM applications!


All in all, prompt engineering is the key to unlocking the full potential of generative AI. With the right guidance and techniques, you can harness this powerful technology to achieve remarkable results and shape the future of human-machine interaction.

April 15, 2024

While language models in generative AI focus on textual data, vision language models (VLMs) bridge the gap between textual and visual data. Before we explore Moondream 2, let’s understand VLMs better.

Understanding vision language models

VLMs combine computer vision (CV) and natural language processing (NLP), enabling them to understand and connect visual information with textual data.

Some key capabilities of VLMs include image captioning, visual question answering, and image retrieval. It learns these tasks by training on datasets that pair images with their corresponding textual description. There are several large vision language models available in the market including GPT-4v, LLaVA, and BLIP-2.


Large language model bootcamp


However, these are large vision models requiring heavy computational resources to produce effective results, and that too at slow inference speeds. The solution has been presented in the form of small VLMs that provide a balance between efficiency and performance.

In this blog, we will look deeper into Moondream 2, a small vision language model.

What is Moondream 2?

Moondream 2 is an open-source vision language model. With only 1.86 billion parameters, it is a tiny VLM with weights from SigLIP and Phi-1.5. It is designed to operate seamlessly on devices with limited computational resources.


Weights for Moondream 2
Weights for Moondream 2


Let’s take a closer look at the defined weights for Moondream2.

SigLIP (Sigmoid Loss for Language Image Pre-Training)

It is a newer and simpler method that helps the computer learn just by looking at pictures and their captions, one at a time, making it faster and more effective, especially when training with lots of data. It is similar to a CLIP (Contrastive Language–Image Pre-training) model.

However, Moondream 2 has replaced softmax loss in CLIP with a simple pairwise sigmoid loss. The change ensures better performance because sigmoid loss only focuses on image-text pairs. Without the need for a global view of all pairwise data within a batch, the process becomes faster and more efficient.


Learn computer vision using Python



It is a small language model with 1.3 billion parameters and transformer-based architecture. Developed by Microsoft, the model was trained on 30 billion words, including information from its predecessor, Phi-1 and 20 billion words artificially created by another AI model, GPT-3.5.

With its unique training method, Phi-1.5 has mastered different skills required of a language model, like understanding common sense, following complex instructions, comprehending language, and retaining information. Moreover, it even outperforms its larger counterparts.

A closer look into Moondream 2

It is the latest and updated version of the model previously known as Moondream 1. Below is a quick comparison of the two models, highlighting the basic parameters of improvement.


Comparing Moondream 1 and 2
Comparing Moondream 1 and 2


Like typical vision language models, Moondream 2 interprets the visual data to provide textual responses based on the information. Some demos included in its repository highlight its capabilities. Let’s look at these demos below:

Demo 1

Moondream 2 was provided with the following image:


Moondream demo 1


Based on this image, the VLM was asked some relevant questions.

Question: What is the girl doing?

Answer: The girl is sitting at a table and eating a large hamburger.

Question: What color is the girl’s hair?

Answer: The girl’s hair is white.

The interaction with Moondream 2 highlights that the VLM is capable of understanding the basic image properties like the girl’s hair color. Moreover, it can also interpret the actions of the actors in an image from their position in a specific instance.

Demo 2

The VLM was provided with another image.


Moondream demo 2


The demo focused on asking the following:

Question: What is this?

Answer: The image features a computer server rack, which is a large metal structure designed to hold and organize multiple computer components, such as motherboards, cooling systems, and other peripherals. The rack is filled with various computer parts, including multiple computer chips, wires, and other electronic components. The rack is placed on a carpeted floor, and there is a couch in the background, suggesting that the setup is likely in a living or working space.

Question: What is behind the stand?

Answer: There is a brick wall behind the stand.

The above demo highlights the ability of Moondream 2 to explore and interpret complex visual outputs in great detail. The VLM provides in-depth textual information from the visual data. It also presents spacial understanding of the image components.

Hence, Moondream 2 is a promising addition to the world of vision language models with its refined capabilities to interpret visual data and provide in-depth textual output. Since we understand the strengths of the VLM, it is time to explore its drawbacks or weaknesses.


Here’s a list of  7 books you must explore when learning about computer vision


Limitations of Moondream 2

Before you explore the world of Moondream 2, you must understand its limitations when dealing with visual and textual data.

Generating inaccurate statements

It is important to understand that Moondream 2 may generate inaccurate statements, especially for complex topics or situations requiring real-world understanding. The model might also struggle to grasp subtle details or hidden meanings within instructions.

Presenting unconscious bias

Like any other VLM, Moondream 2 is also a product of the data is it trained on. Thus, it can reflect the biases of the world, perpetuating stereotypes or discriminatory views.

As a user, it’s crucial to be aware of this potential bias and to approach the model’s outputs with a critical eye. Don’t blindly accept everything it generates; use your own judgment and fact-check when necessary.

Mirroring prompts

VLMs will reflect the prompts provided to them. Hence, if a user prompts the model to generate offensive or inappropriate content, the model may comply. It’s important to be mindful of the prompts and avoid asking the model to create anything harmful or hurtful.


Explore a hands-on curriculum that helps you build custom LLM applications!


In conclusion…

To sum it up, Moondream 2 is a promising step in the development of vision language models. Powered by its key components and compact size, the model is efficient and fast. However, like any language model we use nowadays, Moondream 2 also requires its users to be responsible for ensuring the creation of useful content.

If you are ready to experiment with Moondream 2 now, install the necessary files and start right away! Here’s a look at what the VLM’s user interface looks like.

April 9, 2024

The modern era of generative AI is now talking about machine unlearning. It is time to understand that unlearning information is as important for machines as for humans to progress in this rapidly advancing world. This blog explores the impact of machine unlearning in improving the results of generative AI.

However, before we dig deeper into the details, let’s understand what is machine unlearning and its benefits.

What is machine unlearning?

As the name indicates, it is the opposite of machine learning. Hence, it refers to the process of getting a trained model to forget information and specific knowledge it has learned during the training phase.

During machine unlearning, an ML model discards previously learned information and or patterns from its knowledge base. The concept is fairly new and still under research in an attempt to improve the overall ML training process.


Large language model bootcamp


A comment on the relevant research

A research paper published by the University of Texas presents machine learning as a paradigm to improve image-to-image generative models. It addresses the gap with a unifying framework focused on implementing machine unlearning to image-specific generative models.

The proposed approach uses encoders in its architecture to enable the model to only unlearn specific information without the need to manipulate the entire model. The research also claims the framework to be generalizable in its application, where the same infrastructure can also be implemented in an encoder-decoder architecture.


A glance at the proposed encoder-only machine unlearning architecture
A glance at the proposed encoder-only machine unlearning architecture – Source: arXiv


The research also highlights that the proposed framework presents negligible performance degradation and produces effective results from their experiments. This highlights the potential of the concept in refining machine-learning processes and generative AI applications.

Benefits of machine unlearning in generative AI

Machine unlearning is a promising aspect for improving generative AI, empowering it to create enhanced results when creating new things like text, images, or music.

Below are some of the key advantages associated with the introduction of the unlearning concept in generative AI.

Ensuring privacy

With a constantly growing digital database, the security and privacy of sensitive information have become a constant point of concern for individuals and organizations. This issue of data privacy also extends to the process of training ML models where the training data might contain some crucial or private data.

In this dilemma, unlearning is a concept that enables an ML model to forget any sensitive information in its database without the need to remove the complete set of knowledge it trained on. Hence, it ensures that the concerns of data privacy are addressed without impacting the integrity of the ML model.


Explore the power of machine learning in your business


Enhanced accuracy

In extension, it also results in updating the training data for machine-learning models to remove any sources of error. It ensures that a more accurate dataset is available for the model, improving the overall accuracy of the results.

For instance, if a generative AI model produced images based on any inaccurate information it had learned during the training phase, unlearning can remove that data from its database. Removing that association will ensure that the model outputs are refined and more accurate.

Keeping up-to-date

Another crucial aspect of modern-day information is that it is constantly evolving. Hence, the knowledge is updated and new information comes to light. While it highlights the constant development of data, it also results in producing outdated information.

However, success is ensured in keeping up-to-date with the latest trends of information available in the market. With the machine unlearning concept, these updates can be incorporated into the training data for applications without rebooting the existing training models.


Benefits of machine unlearning
Benefits of machine unlearning


Improved control

Unlearning also allows better control over the training data. It is particularly useful in artistic applications of generative AI. Artists can use the concept to ensure that the AI application unlearns certain styles or influences.

As a result, it offers greater freedom of exploration of artistic expression to create more personalized outputs, promising increased innovation and creativity in the results of generative AI applications.

Controlling misinformation

Generative AI is a powerful tool to spread misinformation through the creation of realistic deepfakes and synthetic data. Machine unlearning provides a potential countermeasure that can be used to identify and remove data linked to known misinformation tactics from generative AI models.

This would make it significantly harder for them to be used to create deceptive content, providing increased control over spreading misinformation on digital channels. It is particularly useful in mitigating biases and stereotypical information in datasets.

Hence, the concept of unlearning opens new horizons of exploration in generative AI, empowering players in the world of AI and technology to reap its benefits.


Here’s a comprehensive guide to build, deploy, and manage ML models


Who can benefit from machine unlearning?

A broad categorization of entities and individuals who can benefit from machine unlearning include:

Privacy advocates

In today’s digital world, individual concern for privacy concern is constantly on the rise. Hence, people are constantly advocating their right to keep personal or crucial information private. These advocates for privacy and data security can benefit from unlearning as it addresses their concerns about data privacy.

Tech companies

Digital progress and development are marked by several regulations like GDPR and CCPA. These standards are set in place to ensure data security and companies must abide by these laws to avoid legal repercussions. Unlearning assists tech companies in abiding by these laws, enhancing their credibility among users as well.

Financial institutions

Financial enterprises and institutions deal with huge amounts of personal information and sensitive data of their users. Unlearning empowers them to remove specific data points from their database without impacting the accuracy and model performance.

AI researchers

AI researchers are frequently facing the impacts of their applications creating biased or inaccurate results. With unlearning, they can target such sources of data points that introduce bias and misinformation into the model results. Hence, enabling them to create more equitable AI systems.


A significant impact of unlearning can come from the work of policymakers. Since the concept opens up new ways to handle information and training datasets, policymakers can develop new regulations to mitigate bias and address privacy concerns. Hence, leading the way for responsible AI development.

Thus, machine unlearning can produce positive changes in the world of generative AI, aiding different players to ensure the development of more responsible and equitable AI systems.


Explore a hands-on curriculum that helps you build custom LLM applications!


Future of machine unlearning

To sum it up, machine unlearning is a new concept in the world of generative AI with promising potential for advancement. Unlearning is a powerful tool for developing AI applications and systems but lacks finesse. Researchers are developing ways to target specific information for removal.

For instance, it can assist the development of an improved text-to-image generator to forget a biased stereotype, leading to fairer and more accurate results. Improved techniques allow the isolation and removal of unwanted data points, giving finer control over what the AI forgets.



Overall, unlearning holds immense potential for shaping the future of generative AI. With more targeted techniques and a deeper understanding of these models, unlearning can ensure responsible use of generative AI, promote artistic freedom, and safeguard against the misuse of this powerful technology.

April 8, 2024

AGI (Artificial General Intelligence) refers to a higher level of AI that exhibits intelligence and capabilities on par with or surpassing human intelligence.

AGI systems can perform a wide range of tasks across different domains, including reasoning, planning, learning from experience, and understanding natural language. Unlike narrow AI systems that are designed for specific tasks, AGI systems possess general intelligence and can adapt to new and unfamiliar situations. Read more

While there have been no definitive examples of artificial general intelligence (AGI) to date, a recent paper by Microsoft Research suggests that we may be closer than we think. The new multimodal model released by OpenAI seems to have what they call, ‘sparks of AGI’.


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This means that we cannot completely classify it as AGI. However, it has a lot of capabilities an AGI would have.

Are you confused? Let’s break down things for you. Here are the questions we’ll be answering:

  • What qualities of AGI does GPT-4 possess?
  • Why does GPT-4 exhibit higher general intelligence than previous AI models?

 Let’s answer these questions step-by-step. Buckle up!

What qualities of artificial general intelligence (AGI) does GPT-4 possess?


Here’s a sneak peek into how GPT-4 is different from GPT-3.5


GPT-4 is considered an early spark of AGI due to several important reasons:

1. Performance on novel tasks

GPT-4 can solve novel and challenging tasks that span various domains, often achieving performance at or beyond the human level. Its ability to tackle unfamiliar tasks without specialized training or prompting is an important characteristic of AGI.

Here’s an example of GPT-4 solving a novel task:


GPT-4 solving a novel task
GPT-4 solving a novel task – Source: arXiv


The solution seems to be accurate and solves the problem it was provided.

2. General Intelligence

GPT-4 exhibits more general intelligence than previous AI models. It can solve tasks in various domains without needing special prompting. Its performance is close to a human level and often surpasses prior models. This ability to perform well across a wide range of tasks demonstrates a significant step towards AGI.

Broad capabilities

GPT-4 demonstrates remarkable capabilities in diverse domains, including mathematics, coding, vision, medicine, law, psychology, and more. It showcases a breadth and depth of abilities that are characteristic of advanced intelligence.

Here are some examples of GPT-4 being capable of performing diverse tasks:

  • Data Visualization: In this example, GPT-4 was asked to extract data from the LATEX code and produce a plot in Python based on a conversation with the user. The model extracted the data correctly and responded appropriately to all user requests, manipulating the data into the right format and adapting the visualization.


Data visualization with GPT-4
Data visualization with GPT-4 – Source: arXiv


  • Game development: Given a high-level description of a 3D game, GPT-4 successfully creates a functional game in HTML and JavaScript without any prior training or exposure to similar tasks


Game development with GPT-4
Game development with GPT-4 – Source: arXiv


3. Language mastery

GPT-4’s mastery of language is a distinguishing feature. It can understand and generate human-like text, showcasing fluency, coherence, and creativity. Its language capabilities extend beyond next-word prediction, setting it apart as a more advanced language model.


Language mastery of GPT-4
Language mastery of GPT-4 – Source: arXiv


4. Cognitive traits

GPT-4 exhibits traits associated with intelligence, such as abstraction, comprehension, and understanding of human motives and emotions. It can reason, plan, and learn from experience. These cognitive abilities align with the goals of AGI, highlighting GPT-4’s progress towards this goal.

Here’s an example of GPT-4 trying to solve a realistic scenario of marital struggle, requiring a lot of nuance to navigate.


An example of GPT-4 exhibiting congnitive traits
An example of GPT-4 exhibiting cognitive traits – Source: arXiv


Why does GPT-4 exhibit higher general intelligence than previous AI models?

Some of the features of GPT-4 that contribute to its more general intelligence and task-solving capabilities include:


Reasons for the higher intelligence of GPT-4
Reasons for the higher intelligence of GPT-4


Multimodal information

GPT-4 can manipulate and understand multi-modal information. This is achieved through techniques such as leveraging vector graphics, 3D scenes, and music data in conjunction with natural language prompts. GPT-4 can generate code that compiles into detailed and identifiable images, demonstrating its understanding of visual concepts.

Interdisciplinary composition

The interdisciplinary aspect of GPT-4’s composition refers to its ability to integrate knowledge and insights from different domains. GPT-4 can connect and leverage information from various fields such as mathematics, coding, vision, medicine, law, psychology, and more. This interdisciplinary integration enhances GPT-4’s general intelligence and widens its range of applications.

Extensive training

GPT-4 has been trained on a large corpus of web-text data, allowing it to learn a wide range of knowledge from diverse domains. This extensive training enables GPT-4 to exhibit general intelligence and solve tasks in various domains. Read more


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Contextual understanding

GPT-4 can understand the context of a given input, allowing it to generate more coherent and contextually relevant responses. This contextual understanding enhances its performance in solving tasks across different domains.

Transfer learning

GPT-4 leverages transfer learning, where it applies knowledge learned from one task to another. This enables GPT-4 to adapt its knowledge and skills to different domains and solve tasks without the need for special prompting or explicit instructions.


Read more about the GPT-4 Vision’s use cases


Language processing capabilities

GPT-4’s advanced language processing capabilities contribute to its general intelligence. It can comprehend and generate human-like natural language, allowing for more sophisticated communication and problem-solving.

Reasoning and inference

GPT-4 demonstrates the ability to reason and make inferences based on the information provided. This reasoning ability enables GPT-4 to solve complex problems and tasks that require logical thinking and deduction.

Learning from experience

GPT-4 can learn from experience and refine its performance over time. This learning capability allows GPT-4 to continuously improve its task-solving abilities and adapt to new challenges.

These features collectively contribute to GPT-4’s more general intelligence and its ability to solve tasks in various domains without the need for specialized prompting.



Wrapping it up

It is crucial to understand and explore GPT-4’s limitations, as well as the challenges ahead in advancing towards more comprehensive versions of AGI. Nonetheless, GPT-4’s development holds significant implications for the future of AI research and the societal impact of AGI.

April 5, 2024