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Real-Time Sentiment Pipeline for Live Tweets


This will be a two-hour advanced talk on how to build a real-time predictive analytics pipeline.

What you’ll learn

  • Setting up an automated text processing pipeline in the cloud using Azure ML and R
  • Setting up an elastic scaling web service endpoint for your predictive model in Azure ML
  • Opening up a live Twitter stream using Python
  • How to ingest the Twitter stream into Azure messaging queues via Python
  • Hooking upstream processors to your queues and referencing your deployed predictive web service
  • Real-time dashboarding with PowerBI and C#
  • Building a sentiment classification model in Azure ML and R from a supervised Twitter dataset
Phuc 2 1
Phuc H Duong
Phuc holds a Bachelors degree in Business with a focus on Information Systems and Accounting from the University of Washington.

We are looking for passionate people willing to cultivate and inspire the next generation of leaders in tech, business, and data science. If you are one of them get in touch with us!


Supplementary Material found here