For a hands-on learning experience to develop LLM applications, join our LLM Bootcamp today.
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Ethical Dimensions of Data Science


Data Science is a field not free of ethical concerns and some pressing issues. From distorting experiments with a systemic bias to imposing human ethics on machine learning models, data scientists have far more to worry about than the raw numbers in their spreadsheet.
The human side of these ethical concerns in data science, from economic and social aspects to individual factors such as privacy and security, are all of prime importance in data science. In any model or experiment, these factors cannot, and should not, be ignored.

What you’ll learn

  • Some controversies and ethical concerns in data science
  • Major ethical dilemmas
  • Best practices for data scientists
Instructor Raja Iqbal from Data Science Dojo, guiding participants through the LLM Bootcamp.
Raja Iqbal

CEO and Chief Data Scientist at Data Science Dojo

Raja Iqbal is a data scientist, a passionate educator, and an internationally recognized speaker on all things data science. He is the Founder and Chief Data Scientist at Data Science Dojo. Prior to Data Science Dojo, Raja worked at Microsoft in a variety of research and development roles involving machine learning and data mining at very large scale. Raja has a Ph.D in Computer Science from Tulane University with a focus on machine learning and data mining.