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Microsoft Alumni Reviews

Our Microsoft alumni love how our Data Science Bootcamp gives them the perfect perspective into the inner workings of machine learning.
Check out what else that have to say!

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Testimonials from Microsoft

Software Engineer
DataScience boot camp training helped me understand what Data Science is all about. Gave me good insights into how some data science concepts can be implemented in various fields/areas. I would definitely recommend attending this training to know how important data is and knowing how it helps in solve some complex problems in this Data driven world – Ashwin Athreya Vankayala attended Data Science and Data Engineering Bootcamp.
I liked that the home works were not too hectic and the topics were covered in such a simple language which was very well understandable. I really loved the overall training and the way concepts were covered in such a short time. Akshita Garg attended Data Science and Data Engineering Bootcamp.
Software Engineer
One of the most practical and detailed oriented data science sessions I have ever attended. I have taken a full semester course on data mining but I can say this with confidence that I have learned lot more during these 5 days in this boot camp. Thanks Raja and team for coming up with such a great program – Vaibhav Shrivastava attended Data Science and Data Engineering Bootcamp.
I absolutely loved this bootcamp. It was brutal, intense and rich of content…I think I have never learned so many things so fast. I feel like I’ve learned more in the 5 days of our bootcamp, than in the past couple of years! – Andrea Peggion attended Data Science and Data Engineering Bootcamp.
It was so refreshing to be back in a classroom sort of environment (but its on luxury side). Raja is so passionate about teaching that you feel motivated to learn. its extensive 10 hrs. of boot camp everyday but its worth every second. Best Instructors and Best reading material and best food of course :-) – Jyotsna Panwar attended Data Science and Data Engineering Bootcamp.
Software Engineer
Absolutely amazing bootcamp! Raja really helps you learn and grasp things really quickly no matter how intensive the material is. Data science is truly for everyone – Sharoon Srivastava attended Data Science and Data Engineering Bootcamp.
Director|Program Manager
This was easily one of the best training’s I have attended in my 10 years at Microsoft. A perfect combination of hands on, fundamental theories and adequate attention to detail, backed by an immense knowledge and experience of the trainers – Babith Bhoopalan attended Data Science and Data Engineering Bootcamp.
Seattle Boot camp was awesome and the instructors were extremely knowledgeable and I learned a lot from this boot camp and would like to recommend it to my coworkers and friends – Ravikumar Kona attended Data Science and Data Engineering Bootcamp.
Software Engineer
What I learned from DataScienceDojo’s 5-Day bootcamp is beyond my expectation.  The way they structure some key areas will help us learn, think and apply to real world in the future.  We spend lots of time learning new concept and knowledge and then applying them to the popular tools such as Azure Machine Learning studio and R Studio.  I really find myself a lot more knowledgeable in those new areas and can’t wait to try applying them to the real big-data at work.  Thank you DataScienceDojo! – Chen Ku attended Data Science and Data Engineering Bootcamp.
Program Manager
I can’t believe how quickly I went from knowing next to nothing to actually building a working machine learning model and understood the basic principles of what I built. The class was phenomenal for being able to give me a basic understanding of the principles and also give me hands on experience. I’ve never learned so much packed into so little time – the best technical class in over a decade – Nicole Allen attended Data Science and Data Engineering Bootcamp.
Great bootcamp and amazing learning experience. Thanks for Raja and his passionate teaching for making me a different me. I can think differently at a data science problem and approach them differently now. Very detailed on the concepts, which I haven’t seen with other Data Science Trainings. Very glad to be part of the Bootcamp – Sravya Potluri attended Data Science and Data Engineering Bootcamp.
This is great course. I have got good knowledge and hands on experience for machine learning and Big Data. It gave me many insights on what is machine learning and provided guidance to explore further. Provided good hands on experience to R programming which is very powerful to have in skill set – Obula Basireddy attended Data Science and Data Engineering Bootcamp.
Data Scientist
Great overview of all things: got a good balance of theory and hands on exercises. Doing exercises right after really puts things into context. Hands on training and code samples that I can take away to apply later (or show my mgmt). Kaggle… illustrated the data science challenges and dilemmas very well– the depth of feature engineering, tradeoffs, when to stop etc. Being in person with all my cohorts was great – Miwa Hattori attended Data Science and Data Engineering Bootcamp.
It was intense, good instruction, at the right level for beginners – Yue Tu attended Data Science and Data Engineering Bootcamp.
Software Engineer
Loved the bootcamp! It got me really excited about my new role in Data Sciences – Vishal Dugar attended Data Science and Data Engineering Bootcamp.
Director|Program Manager
Great introduction and overview of DS and ML, combining both theory and practice leaving me confident and excited to explore the subject thoroughly with more confidence in the future – Ali Khaki attended Data Science and Data Engineering Bootcamp.
Program Manager
It was a great 5 day workshop with getting some hands on experience and understanding the roots of data science. It made me work towards how data can be applied to solve real world problems – Lesha Bhansali attended Data Science and Data Engineering Bootcamp.
This training was even better than I expected – I am pleasantly surprised to be leaving with more than just an understanding of the topics, but also the ability to deploy capabilities that will bring immediate business value – Dustin Cox attended Data Science and Data Engineering Bootcamp.
Partner Director of Engineering
Data Science Dojo did a great job building the right curriculum that focuses both on depth and breadth. And it just gives you the right level of information so that you can go back and apply that to your day to day work – Himesh Shah attended Data Science and Data Engineering Bootcamp.
Product Manager
This was an excellent workshop on machine learning. Practical and great to get started with building predictive models. The most important thing that happened was I somewhat overcame my fear of predictive analytics. Now I have the knowledge of what it takes and I believe I will be able to self learn based on my needs.Thanks to the DataScienceDojo team – Manash Majhi attended Data Science and Data Engineering Bootcamp.
It was a great experience for increasing the expertise on data science. The abstract concepts were explained well and always focused on real applications and business cases. The pace was adjusted as needed to let everyone follow the topics. Week was intense as there are many topics to cover but schedule was well managed to optimize people attention. Harris Thamby attended Data Science and Data Engineering Bootcamp.
Data Science Dojo’s balance of theory with practical application is the best I’ve seen. You’ll gain an appreciation for the mathematics, without feeling overwhelmed by it, then be immediately ready to start using the tools and techniques – Michael Todd attended Data Science and Data Engineering Bootcamp.
Program Manager
Raja’s knowledge and experience helped me apply data mining concepts to my job every day. I am not afraid to explore new tools due to the hands on exercises taught in this course. Thank you Raja! – Rehan Hamid attended Data Science and Data Engineering Bootcamp.
Program Manager
It was a great experience for increasing the expertise on data science. The abstract concepts were explained well and always focused on real applications and business cases. The pace was adjusted as needed to let everyone follow the topics. Week was intense as there are many topics to cover but schedule was well managed to optimize people attention – Miguel Uribe attended Data Science and Data Engineering Bootcamp.
Most useful training I attended in years – Roman Golovin attended Data Science and Data Engineering Bootcamp.

More Microsoft Alumni

Gloria Zhang

Gloria Zhang
Marcom Manager, Modeling and Data Analytics at Microsoft – LinkedIn

Prabakaran M.

Prabakaran Manoharan
Principal SWE Manager at Microsoft – LinkedIn

Data Science Dojo

Ryan Salvadalena
Senior Solutions Manager at Microsoft – Linkedin

Vamsheedhar Chidurala - Microsoft

Vamsheedhar Chidurala
Sr. Software Development Engineer at Microsoft (Consultant) – LinkedIn

Sangeetha Ramamurthy - Microsoft

Sangeetha Ramamurthy
Data Engineer at Microsoft – LinkedIn

Kyle Jantzen

Kyle Jantzen
Senior Marketing Manager, Customer Data and Analytics at Microsoft – Linkedin

Dhawal Nagpal - Microsoft

Dhawal Nagpal
Senior Program Manager at Microsoft – LinkedIn

Data Science Dojo

Sonali Yadav
Program Manager at Microsoft – LinkedIn

Yue Tu - Microsoft

Yue Tu
Asia Pacific Sustainable Energy + Cloud at Microsoft – LinkedIn

Data Science Dojo

Carlos Cortes Franco
Data Scientist at Microsoft – LinkedIn

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