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Data Science Dojo Alumni in Courier & Transportation

Learn more about Data Science Dojo from our alumni and how our programs helped them take the next step in their career.
Trinity Industries, Inc
Data Scientist at 
Great course structure and tutors. The bootcamp covers all the technical and business aspects of data science. I feel very confident that I would be able to apply new skills to my organization – Vatsal Ajmera attended Data Science and Data Engineering Bootcamp.
Analyst at 
The instruction of the bootcamp was really top notch — both Phuc and Dave were great. This bootcamp serves as a really solid and surprisingly thorough introduction to data science. The take-home course materials seem to be a really valuable reference. Specifically, I found the random forest, bagging, boosting, and cross-validation sections to be very useful – Christian Halley attended Data Science and Data Engineering Bootcamp.
Analyst at 
The topics covered were good. It had a logical flow. The pre-bootcamp topics were very helpful in getting started early – Sunil Yadav attended Data Science and Data Engineering Bootcamp.
Deutsche Post und DHL
Data Scientist at 
The bootcamp was extremely interesting, hands on and absolutely relevant for my daily work. I am sure I will be able to apply many of the techniques learned during the bootcamp in and outside my job. In that sense having done the bootcamp was extremely worthwhile both professionally and personally! – Jörg Eitner attended Data Science and Data Engineering Bootcamp.
Manager at 
As someone with mathematics background doing management consulting, Data Science Dojo is exactly the training needed to bridge those two specialty: how to apply my mathematical knowledge in a real business setting – Mercia Wijaya attended Data Science and Data Engineering Bootcamp.