For a hands-on learning experience to develop LLM applications, join our LLM Bootcamp today.
First 3 seats get a discount of 20%! So hurry up!

Data Science Dojo Alumni at Allstate Iinsurance

Learn more about Data Science Dojo from our alumni and how our programs helped them take the next step in their career.
Architect at 
As a soIutions architect, in the past, the systems I’ve designed worried about the data as it related to the application(s), there was less thought on collection of meta data and other data attributes that could be leveraged for predictive analytics. I took this course to get a better appreciation for how to rethink of the data applications collect/use from an analytic standpoint. This course provided a great overview of current data science and machine learning techniques. I plan to leverage these insights into how I think about system design in the future – Steven Genc attended Data Science and Data Engineering Bootcamp.
Manager at 
As expected the bootcamp was very aggressive since we are trying to cover a lot in 5 days. the instructors are very knowledgeable in the subject area – Mohanraj Ranganathan attended Data Science and Data Engineering Bootcamp.