Interested in a hands-on learning experience for developing LLM applications?
Join our LLM Bootcamp today and Get 25% Off for a Limited Time!

Large Language Models Bootcamp



Comprehensive, hands-on curriculum to give you a headstart in building Large Language Model Applications.
LLM Bootcamp | Data Science Dojo

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  • Software subscriptions and cloud services credit up to USD $500.
  • Breakfast, lunch and beverages daily.
  • Course material and access to coding labs, Jupyter notebooks, and hundreds of learning resources for 1 year.


Learn From Industry Leaders


Learn to Build and Deploy Custom LLM Applications

Pre-trained Large Language Models like ChatGPT offer impressive capabilities but they cannot be used in scenarios where the underlying data is proprietary and requires industry-specific knowledge. Businesses are rushing to build custom LLM applications that offer enhanced performance, control, customization and most importantly, competitive advantage. This bootcamp offers a comprehensive introduction to get started with building a ChatGPT on your own data. By the end of the bootcamp, you will be capable of building LLM-powered applications on any dataset of your choice.

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Who Is This Course For


Anyone interested in getting a headstart by getting a hands-on experience with building LLM applications.

Data professionals

Data professionals who want to supercharge their data skills using cutting-edge generative AI tools and techniques.

Product leaders

Product leaders at enterprises or startups seeking to leverage LLMs to enhance their products, processes and services.

Curriculum Highlights

Generative AI and LLM Fundamentals

A comprehensive introduction to the fundamentals of generative AI, foundation models and Large language models

Canonical Architectures of LLM Applications

An in-depth understanding of various LLM-powered application architectures and their relative tradeoffs

Embeddings and Vector Databases

Hands-on experience with vector databases and vector embeddings

Prompt Engineering

Practical experience with writing effective prompts for your LLM applications

Orchestration Frameworks: LangChain and Llama Index

Practical experience with orchestration frameworks like LangChain and Llama Index

Deployment of LLM Applications

Learn how to deploy your LLM applications using Azure and Hugging Face cloud

Customizing Large Language Models

Practical experience with fine-tuning, parameter efficient tuning and retrieval parameter-efficient + retrieval-augmented approaches

Building An End-to-End Custom LLM Application

A custom LLM application created on selected datasets


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Ratings | LMM Bootcamp | Data Science Dojo 4.95 · 640+ reviews



  • Software subscriptions and cloud services credit up to USD $500.
  • Breakfast, lunch and beverages daily.
  • Course material and access to coding labs, Jupyter notebooks, and hundreds of learning resources for 1 year.

Technologies and Tools


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Amity Fox | Large Language Models Bootcamp | Data Science Dojo
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Earn a Verified Certificate of Completion

In association with
UNM's continuing education | Data Science Dojo

Earn a Large Language Models certificate in association with the University of New Mexico Continuing Education, verifying your skills. Step into the market with a proven and trusted skillset.

Course Syllabus

Understanding the LLM Ecosystem

In this module we will understand the common use cases of large language models and fundamental building blocks of such applications. Learners will be introduced to the following topics at a very high level without going into the technical details:

  • Large language models and foundation models
  • Prompts and prompt engineering
  • Context window and token limits
  • Embeddings and vector databases
  • Build custom LLM applications by:
    • Training a new model from scratch
    • Fine-tuning foundation LLMs
    • In-context learning
  • Canonical architecture for an end-to-end LLM application

Adoption Challenges and Risks

In this module, we will explore the primary challenges and risks associated with adopting generative AI technologies. Learners will be introduced to the following topics at a very high level without going into the technical details:

  • Misaligned behavior of AI systems 
  • Handling complex datasets 
  • Limitations due to context length 
  • Managing cost and latency 
  • Addressing prompt brittleness 
  • Ensuring security in AI applications 
  • Achieving reproducibility
  • Evaluating AI performance and outcomes

Evolution of Embedding

In this module, we will be reviewing how embeddings have evolved from the simplest one-hot encoding approach to more recent semantic embeddings approaches. The module will go over the following topics:

  • Review of classical techniques
    • Review of binary/one-hot, bag-of-words (BoW) and TF-IDF techniques for vectorization
    • Capturing local context with n-grams and challenges
    • Semantic Encoding Techniques
      • Overview of Word2Vec and dense word embeddings
      • Application of Word2Vec in text analytics and NLP tasks
    • Text Embeddings
      • Word and sentence embeddings
    • Text similarity measures
      • Dot product, Cosine similarity, Inner product
  • Hands-on Exercise
    • Creating TF-IDF embeddings on a document corpus
    • Calculating similarity between sentences using cosine similarity and dot product

Attention Mechanism and Transformers

Dive into the world of large language models, discovering the potent mix of text embeddings, attention mechanisms, and the game-changing transformer model architecture.

  • Attention mechanism and transformer models
    • Encoder decoder
    • Transformer networks: tokenization, embedding, positional encoding and transformers block
    • Attention mechanism
    • Self-Attention
    • Multi-head Attention
    • Transformer models
  • Hands-on Exercise
    • Understanding attention mechanisms: Self-attention for contextual word analysis

Vector Databases

Learn about efficient vector storage and retrieval with vector database, indexing techniques, retrieval methods, and hands-on exercises.

  • Overview
    • Rationale for vector databases
    • Importance of vector databases in LLMs
    • Popular vector databases
  • Different types of search
    • Vector search, text search, hybrid search
  • Indexing techniques
    • Product Quantization (PQ), Locality Sensitive Hashing (LSH) and Hierarchical Navigable Small World (HNSW)
  • Retrieval techniques
    • Cosine Similarity, Nearest Neighbor Search
  • Advanced Retrieval Augmented Generation techniques
    • Limitations of embeddings and similarity in semantic search
    • Query transformation for better retrieval
    • Relevance scoring in hybrid search using Reciprocal Rank Fusion (RRF)
    • Using auto-cut feature to remove irrelevant results dynamically
    • Improving search relevance by using language understanding to re-rank search results
  • Challenges using vector databases in production
    • Scaling optimization
    • Reliability optimization
    • Cost optimization
  • Hands-on Exercise
    • Learn how to perform similarity searches with vectors as input.
    • Learn how to perform queries using vector similarity searches with embedding models and vectors.
    • Learn how to combine the results of a vector search and a keyword (BM25F) search using hybrid search approach.
    • Learn how to use multi-tenancy features for the efficient and secure management of data across multiple users or tenants.
    • Learn how to compress vectors using product quantization to reduce memory footprint.

Semantic Search

Understand how semantic search overcomes the fundamental limitation in lexical search i.e. lack of semantics . Learn how to use embeddings and similarity in order to build a semantic search model.

  • Understanding and Implementing Semantic Search
    • Introduction and importance of semantic search
    • Distinguishing semantic search from lexical search
    • Semantic search using text embeddings
  • Exploring Advanced Concepts and Techniques in Semantic Search
    • Multilingual search
    • Limitations of embeddings and similarity in semantic search
    • Improving semantic search beyond embeddings and similarity
  • Hands-on Exercise:
    • Building a simple semantic search engine with multilingual capability

Prompt Engineering

Unleash your creativity and efficiency with prompt engineering. Seamlessly prompt models, control outputs, and generate captivating content across various domains and tasks.

  • Prompt Design and Engineering
    • Crafting Instructions for Effective Prompting
    • Utilizing Examples to Guide Model Behavior
  • Managing Model Outputs
    • Determining Optimal Stopping Points
    • Balancing Creativity and Predictability
    • Strategies for Saving and Sharing Prompts
  • Innovative Use Case Development
    • Tailoring Prompts to Goals, Tasks, and Domains
    • Practical Examples:
      • Summarizing Complex Reports
      • Extracting Sentiment and Key Topics from Texts
  • Understanding and Mitigating Prompt Engineering Risks
    • Identifying Common Risks: Prompt Injection, Prompt Leaking, Jailbreaking
    • Best Practices for Secure Prompt Engineering
  • Advanced Prompting Techniques
    • Enhancing Performance with Few-Shot and Chain-of-Thought (CoT) Prompting
    • Exploring Program-aided Language Models (PAL) and ReAct Methods

LLM Fine Tuning

In-depth discussion on fine-tuning of large language models through theoretical discussions, exploring rationale, limitations, and Parameter Efficient Fine Tuning.

  • Fine Tuning Foundation LLMs
    • Transfer learning and Fine-tuning
    • Different fine-tuning techniques
    • Limitations for fine-tuning
    • Parameter-efficient fine-tuning in depth.
      * Quantization of LLMs
      * Low-Rank Adaptation (LoRA) and QLoRA
    • Fine-tuning vs. RAG: When to use one or the other. Risks and limitations.
  • Hands-on Exercise:
    • In-Class: Instruction fine-tuning, deploying, and evaluating a LLaMA2-7B 4-bit quantized model
    • Homework: Fine-tuning and deploying OpenAI and Llama models on Azure AI studio.


Build LLM Apps using LangChain. Learn about LangChain's key components such as models, prompts, parsers, memory, chains, and Question-Answering.

  • Introduction to LangChain:
    • Why do we need an orchestration tool for LLM application development?
    • What is LangChain?
    • Different components of LangChain
  • Why are Orchestration Frameworks Needed?
    • Eliminate the need for foundation model retraining
    • Overcoming token limits
    • Connecters for data sources.
  • Interface with any LLM using Model I/O
    • Model I/O overview
    • Components of Model I/O: prompts, language models, and output parsers.
    • Overview of prompts, prompt templates, and example selectors.
    • Different types of models: language, chat, and embedding models
    • Structuring language model responses using various types of output parsers
  • Connecting external data with LLM application with retrieval
    • Retrieval overview
    • The rationale for the requirement of retrieval and how does it work with LangChain
    • Components of retrieval: document loaders, transformer, embedding, vector store and retrieval
    • Loading public, private, structured, and unstructured data with document loaders
    • Transforming documents to fewer chunks and extracting metadata using document transformers
    • Embedding and vector stores for converting documents into vectors and for efficient storage and retrieval.
    • Optimizing retrieval using different retrieval techniques available in LangChain
  • Creating complex LLM workflows with Chains
    • Chains overview
    • Various foundational chain types: LLM, Router, Sequential, and Transformation
    • Summarizing large documents using different document chains like stuff, refine, map reduce.
  • Retain Context and Refer to Past Interactions with the memory component
    • How memory can empower AI applications
    • Different types of memories: buffer, buffer window, token buffer memory, entity memory, knowledge graph, summary, vector store
    • Overcoming token limit by using memory based on summarization of past conversations
    • Knowledge graph-based memory
    • Vector backed memory
  • Dynamic Decision-Making with LLMs Using Agents
    • Agents overview
    • Components of agents: Agent, tools, toolkits, prompt, and memory
    • Different types of agents: Self Ask With Search, ReAct, JSON chat, structured chat
  • Monitoring and logging using callbacks
    • Monitoring LLM application using callbacks
    • Understanding how callbacks work with different events
  • Hands-on Exercise:
    • Interface with any LLM using Model I/O
    • Building RAG application with Retrieval
    • Creating complex LLM workflows with Chains
    • Adding Memory to LLM-based application
    • Harnessing dynamic decision-making using Agents
    • Supplementary Exercises; Many coding exercises on LangChain Model I/O, Memory, Chains, Memory, and Agents

Multi-Agent Applications

Use LLMs to make decisions about what to do next. Enable these decisions with tools. In this module, we’ll talk about agents. We’ll learn what they are, how they work, and how to use them within the LangChain library to superpower our LLMs.

  • Agents and Tools
  • Agent Types
    • Conversational agents
    • OpenAI functions agents
    • ReAct agents
    • Plan and execute agents
  • Hands-on Exercise: Create and execute some of the following agents
    • Excel agent
    • JSON agent
    • Python Pandas agent
    • Document comparison agent
    • Power BI agent

Monitoring and Guardrails

LLMOps encompasses the practices, techniques and tools used for the operational management of large language models in production environments. LLMs offer tremendous business value, humans are involved in all stages of the lifecycle of an LLM from acquisition of data to interpretation of insights. In this module we will learn about the following:

  • Principles of Responsible AI
    • Fairness and Eliminating Bias
    • Reliability and Safety
    • Privacy and Data Protection
  • Review techniques for assessing llm applications, including:
    • Model fine-tuning
    • Model inference and serving
    • Model monitoring with human feedback
  • Data-centric LLM Ops
    • Guardrails: Define rules to govern prompts and responses for LLM applications.
    • Evaluation: Assess LLM performance using known prompts to identify issues.
    • Observability: Collect telemetry data about the LLM's internal state for monitoring and issue detection.
    • Hands-on Exercise: Using Langkit Evaluate LLM performance on specific prompts

Advanced RAG

In this module, we'll explore the challenges in developing RAG-based enterprise-level Large Language Model (LLM) applications. We will discuss the following:

  • Basic RAG pipeline. Limitations of naïve approach
  • Indexing
    • Chunking size optimization
    • Embedding Models
  • Querying - Challenges
    • Large Document Slices
    • Query Ambiguity
  • Query - Optimizations
    • Multi-Query Retrieval
    • Multi-Step Retrieval
    • Step-Back Prompting
    • Query Transformations
  • Retrieval - Challenges
    • Inefficient Retrieval of Large Documents
    • Lack of Conversation Context
    • Complex Retrieval from Multiple Sources
  • Retrieval - Optimizations
    • Hybrid Search and Meta-data integration
    • Sentence window retrieval
    • Parent-child chunk retrieval
    • Hierarchical Index Retrieval
    • Hypothetical Document embeddings (HyDE)
  • Generation - Challenges
    • Information Overload
    • Insufficient Context Window
    • Chaotic Contexts
    • Hallucination
    • Inaccurate Responses
  • Generation - Optimizations
    • Information Compression
    • Thread of Thought (ThoT)
    • Generator Fine-tuning
    • Adapter methods
    • Chain of Note (CoN)
    • Expert Prompting
  • Access control and governance

LLM Evaluation

Dive into Large Language Model (LLM) evaluation, examining its importance, common issues, and key metrics such as BLEU and ROUGE, and apply these insights through a hands-on summarization exercise.

  • Introduction to LLM Evaluation
    • What is evaluation and why is it important for LLMs?
    • Overview of common mistakes made by LLMs
    • Brief introduction to benchmark datasets and metrics
  • Evaluation Metrics
    • Explain commonly used automatic metrics (BLEU, ROUGE, BERTScore)
    • Compare strengths and weaknesses of different metrics
    • Discuss role of human evaluation and techniques (Likert scale)
    • Introduction and basic workflow
    • Evaluation metrics
      • Faithfulness
      • Context precision
      • Answer relevancy
      • Context recall
    • Detailed Workflow Stages
    • Practical Applications
      • Summarization
      • Open-domain QA
      • Fact-checking
  • Hands-on Exercise
    • Evaluating LLMs summarization using metrics like Rouge and Bertscore
    • Evaluation GPTEval
    • Evaluation of end-to-end RAG pipeline with RAGAS

LLM Bootcamp Project: Build A Multi-Agent LLM Application

On the last day of the LLM bootcamp, the learners will apply the concepts and techniques learned during the bootcamp to build an LLM application. Learners will choose to implement one of the following:

  • Basic Chatbot: A simple chatbot designed to answer general queries.
  • Chatbot Agent: An advanced agent that integrates with your data to provide more tailored responses.
  • Chat with Your Data: Allows users to upload documents (e.g., PDFs) and interact with the content through queries.
  • YouTube Chatbot: Facilitates interaction by providing responses and insights related to YouTube videos.

Attendees will receive the following:

  • Comprehensive Datasets: Access a vast collection of documents from a variety of industries to support your project's data needs and ensure robust functionality.
  • Step-by-Step Implementation Guides: Detailed instructions that guide you through each phase of your project, from initial setup to final deployment.
  • Ready-to-Use Code Templates: Utilize code templates available in Data Science Dojo's sandbox environments to streamline the development process and get your application up and running quickly.
  • Cloud-Based Resources: Gain exclusive access to powerful cloud resources, including your own OpenAI key, facilitating the hassle-free deployment of your application on platforms like Streamlit.

At the culmination of the bootcamp, you will have a fully operational LLM application deployed on a public cloud platform, such as Streamlit. This deployment process includes setting up a continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipeline to ensure that your application can be updated and maintained effortlessly. By the end of the bootcamp, you'll be equipped not only with a finished project but also with the knowledge and skills to deploy and scale applications in real-world scenarios.

Course Schedule

Daily schedule: 9 am - 5 pm PT | Breakfast, lunch and beverages | Breakout sessions and in-class activities

Seattle / Instructor-Led Online October 21 - 25, 2024
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Frequently Asked Questions

Are there any prerequisites?

Yes, a very basic level of python programming language.

What is included in the software subscriptions and cloud services credit up to USD $500?

The credit covers expenses related to OpenAI keys, GPU cloud usage, and VMs allocated for your project. While there is no limit on individual credits, the total cumulative usage should not exceed USD $500. For example, if your OpenAI usage approaches this limit, measures will be taken to prevent exceeding the $500 threshold.

Will I be able to build my own ChatGPT-like application after I finish the bootcamp?

Yes. You will leave the bootcamp with your own fully functional LLM application.

Are there any financing options available?

Yes. You can find out more about our financing plans.

What software and subscriptions are included in the registration fee?

1. An assortment of software subscriptions worth $500, enhancing the value of the program.
2. A 12-month unlimited access to all learning resources, allowing for continuous learning and review.
3. A repository of practice materials.

Will there be future bootcamps in other locations or online?

Data Science Dojo has conducted bootcamps in various cities in the past and plans to continue expanding to other locations. They are also exploring options for online bootcamps.

What is the transfer policy?

Transfers are allowed once with no penalty. Transfers requested more than once will incur a $200 processing fee.

Do I need to bring my own laptop? Can we be provided with a device/platform where we can do the assignments?

Yes, you will need to bring your laptop. As for software installation, we use browser-based coding labs. You will not need to install any software on your laptop.

Can I fine-tune the LLM model on my own custom data?

Yes, you can fine-tune the LLM model on your own custom data sources. The bootcamp will provide guidance on how to add custom data sources and fine-tune the model to answer specific questions related to those sources. However, please make sure to get the dataset reviewed before the bootcamp starts to avoid any last-minute inconveniences.

Can I get a certificate of completion after the bootcamp?

Yes, participants who successfully complete the bootcamp will receive a certificate of completion. This certificate can be a valuable addition to your professional portfolio and demonstrate your expertise in building large language model applications.

Will I have access to the learning platform after the program ends?

Yes, the participants will have access to the learning platform for 12 months after the bootcamp ends.

Can I get support and guidance after the bootcamp?

Yes, Data Science Dojo provides ongoing support and guidance to bootcamp participants even after the program ends. This includes access to a community of fellow participants and instructors who can help answer questions and provide further assistance.

If I have questions during the live instructor-led sessions or while working on homework?

Yes, our live instructor-led sessions are interactive. During these sessions, students are encouraged to ask questions, and our instructors respond without rushing. Additionally, discussions within the scope of the topic being taught are actively encouraged. We understand that questions may arise during homework, and to assist with that, we offer office hours to help unblock students between sessions. Rest assured, you won’t have to figure everything out by yourself – we are committed to providing the support you need for a successful learning experience.

What is the refund policy?

If for any reason, you decide to cancel, we will gladly refund your registration fee in full if notified the Monday prior to the start of the training. We would also be happy to transfer your registration to another bootcamp or workshop. Refunds cannot be processed if you have transferred to a different bootcamp after registration.

Join an upcoming cohort

Large Language Models Bootcamp Seattle




Seattle / Online


December 02 - 06, 2024


December 01, 2024