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Patrick Nicholas Butler Story

Works at 2060 Digital | Attended Chicago – April 2017 Cohort
The roadmap laid by Data Science Dojo has been able to help fuel my growth which in turn fuels the growth of my company


Patrick Butler completed his undergraduate studies with a Bachelor of Arts in Social Psychology with an impressive 3.5 GPA from Indiana University Bloomingdale. He went on to complete his Master’s of Science Analytics from the University of Chicago, where he is currently a Graduate Teaching Assistant. Patrick has a decorated career in analytics working managerial and directorial jobs at prestigious companies.
After searching far and wide for data science courses that would help him get a jump start on his journey of learning how to use data more effectively in his career going forward, and not finding any satisfactory result, Patrick finally came across Data Science Dojo.
After having completed the Bootcamp at Data Science Dojo, Patrick has undertaken many impressive endeavors. A project he is currently working on allows his team to over $100,000/year and cut down on as much as about 50 hours of work per week. Like many of our alumni who have found success working for fortune 500 companies, Patrick too is currently interning in analytics at Nike. In addition to this, he is an advisor for the International Innovation Corps and is a Graduate Teaching Assistant at the University of Chicago. All this has been possible since Patrick gained insightful knowledge and technical experience at Data Science Dojo. He could not recommend it more!